"I don't think she will appreciate you being the first face she sees when she wakes up. Remember, she wanted to get away from you,"
"I don't care. She is my mate and I am supposed to be here with her,"
"I could recall you saying that you didn't want a mate so why are you so concerned about her now. Have you suddenly changed your mind about her now that her identity has been revealed?"
"I suggest that you mind your business and know your place, Rita,"
I could hear voices all over the room. I opened my eyes and saw Rita looking at me in worry.
"Thank the goddess you're awake," she said.
Lucas came rushing to my side and immediately withdrew myself to the inner corner of the bed.
"Where am I?" I asked Rita.
"You're in the hospital," Lucas answered quickly.
I looked straight at him wondering if I asked him any questions. He was the last person I wanted to see.
"What happened?" I asked facing Rita.