Do Something Stupid Like Fall In Love

"Aren't you married already?" James asked, looking extremely confused when Lyse relayed what had happened between her and Levi.

"I thought that we had agree that it was probably not real!" Lyse whispered as she looked at the door as if worried that someone would sneak in like Levi had done and listen to their conversation.

"Why would he want to get married? And to you?" James continued, his confusion deepening.

"Yeah, thanks. Why would he want to marry the mistress's useless daughter." Lyse said sourly.

"Of course not, you know that's not why I mean." James hurried to reassure her, "You are the most amazing girl in the world but this is Levi Van Doren we are talking about, have you seen the women that he dates?"

When Lyse raised an eyebrow at him he sighed.