No Interest In His Money

Lyse sat across from Chris, her expression resolute. The post-nuptial agreement lay between them, a stark reminder of the power imbalance. It represented the chains which would bind her to Levi and pretty and studded with diamonds as they might be, but chains were still chains.

"Are there any more things that you would need me to explain for you or are you satisfied and ready to sign?" Chris asked.

Lyse pushed the document across the table to him and shook her head. "I have made a decision." She said and Chris looked expectantly at her. "I have no intention to continue with this contract."

Chris was shocked by her answer. He had expected something else, her demanding for more money, her asking for less time, maybe even a house in some other country. Anything but her refusing to sign and he felt like he might not have heard well.

"I'm sorry, i don't think I understand you." He said, confusion in his eyes.