The Journey ( Part 32 )

"The nightmare, we were both used as scapegoats by Mrs. Sugeng on the pretext that I was made unconscious and so were you, Ras. Saracana managed to make us her demons for her interests"


Increasingly scared and uncomfortable after hearing Hasan's explanation, Laras immediately invited Hasan to run down Saracana.

Hasan ran with a battle of strength with Laras, while still being careful through the bushes and steep rocks.

"It seems like we are always being targeted by them at all times"

With a screaming tone, Laras felt restless with her feelings.

HAHA HAHA (evil laughing voice)

With a bowl made of clay filled with air, 7 types of flowers, Hasan and Laras' hair (which they got during the first failed ritual at the peak), and various special potions of offerings mixed in the bowl.

Saracana with a sitting position crossing her legs, cast a spell on the bowl and connected their movements from inside the bowl of air offerings.