Chapter 6

Jamie tossed a document to Anastasia, his eyes gleaming with a calculating intensity. She caught it with a swift motion, her red-rimmed eyes locking onto his as she opened it. A hint of a smirk played on her lips, but it faltered as she read the contents.

"You'll need my signature," she said, her voice laced with a false confidence.

Jamie's response was a chilling two-word retort: "Says who?"

Anastasia's eyes widened, her trembling hands freezing as if caught in a lie. Jamie's gaze lingered on her.

"Your fingerprint was all I needed, Anastasia. You leave your mark without even realizing it." He slid his hand into his pocket, his movements precise and economical. "If you behave, I'll give you my words that I won't mistreat you in any way."

Anastasia's eyes scanned the document, her emotions raw and exposed. Jamie's lean frame seemed to unfold as he lounged against the vanity table, his left leg stretching out with an air of superiority.

"Your mother wanted it this way, Anastasia." Tiny emotions appeared in his eyes. "Don't think I'm a coward," he said.

Anastasia's expression twisted in self-mockery, her eyes flashing with disgust as she saw her mother's signature on the document. She felt betrayed.

"I want to go home." She murmured. "I want to speak to my mother. I'll be back in the morning."

Jamie rubbed his forehead, his expression a mix of frustration and disbelief. He had anticipated a straightforward photo shoot, maybe some small talk, but Anastasia's sudden outburst and physical attack had thrown him off guard. "This isn't what I signed up for," he muttered to himself, his eyes narrowing as he gazed at Anastasia's defiant form.

However, his face held no expression. He walked towards the door, unlocked it and held it open for her.

Anastasia picked up her bag and stood up. Jamie walked away from the door, so she would feel comfortable to walk through.

Holding her gaze, he gently closed the door behind her.


Anastasia went upstairs the moment she got home. She flinged her camera bag on the couch and rushed upstairs, to her parents room.

Her mother departed the wedding when she went back there. Reaching her mother's door, she opened the door without knocking.

Her mother was seated on the bed, holding a cup of coffee and a framed picture in another hand. Without hesitation, Anastasia strood towards her, and gave her a slap on her cheek.

Evelyn, who waited patiently to receive her, froze in shock. She held her cheek with wide eyes, staring at Anastasia like she walked headless.

Anastasia breathing ragged. "What did you do?" She threw the question, without an apology. Her hands were clenched by her side, ready to give out another slap.

Evelyn swallowed. Her eyes softened in realization. "We can_"

"There is no we." Anastasia cut her off. "You lied to me. You betrayed me with your pretense. How dare you say 'we' after selling me out like I'm some cheese to be disposed of when useless?"

"I_" Evelyn searched for her words. The sudden confrontation threw her off guard. "I wanted to tell you about it. We can still talk if you want,"

Anastasia tightened her fist, fighting every urge not to give her mother another slap she deserved.

How much more does this woman wish to ruin her life before she realizes it?

"I wanted to forgive_"

"Have you forgotten how your father died?" Evelyn cut her off. She dreads hearing the remaining part of Anastasia's words.

Anastasia words left her mouth. She was caught off guard by the sudden question.

Evelyn went on. "Have you forgotten you need to avenge him?"

Anastasia blinked. "The police… the police are taking care of it." A sudden head pain hit her.

Memories of her father laying on the floor of his bedroom, lifeless with multiple stap wounds caused her to blink rapidly.

"The police can't do anything to the MacQuoid family," Evelyn said confidently.

Anastasia's mind raced as she pieced together the puzzle. Evelyn's words echoed in her mind: "The police can't do anything to the MacQuoid family." The truth dawned on her, and her heart shattered into a million pieces.

She felt like a pawn in a game she didn't understand. As she fitted the final puzzle piece, a sob escaped her lips.

Anastasia's thoughts swirled in a dark vortex: She felt like she was drowning in a sea of despair.

Evelyn sighed softly. A glint of mischief flashed in her eyes when she saw Anastasia's reaction. However, she was able to switch up again. "My position in the company has not been secured, even after seven years. We need to rely on the influence and financial resources of the MacQuoid family." She said,

"You want to take help from my father's murder?"

"Yes," Evelyn replied without hesitation. "Your marriage is the only way. I rely on you to get evidence from him. If you get closer I'm sure he'll get his hand stained again,"

"He's 30, Mother. I'm only 23." Her expression showed disgust after mentioning their age difference. "You don't have to control me with my father's death."

Evelyn's face contorted in a silent scream. Her skin drained of colour, leaving her pale and ashen.


"I'll do it. If he is involved with my father's death, I'll bring him to justice," Anastasia vowed.

Evelyn took in a visible long breath of relaxation. A smile spread across her lips as she reached for Anastasia's face.

She held both sides of her daughter's face and kissed her forehead. "I've always known you to be smarter than your sister. This marriage would change a lot. We can push the MacQuoid family out of power, but we must do it together."

Anastasia swallowed and took a step back. "I'm not doing this for power."

Evelyn nodded. "I know this…" she took Anastasia's hand and intertwined their fingers together. "I know this, baby girl. Just do what you have to do, while I take care of the rest,"

A lone tear tracing down Anastasia's cheek, Evelyn enveloped her in a gentle embrace, offering comforting pats on her back.

As Anastasia yielded to the warmth, her mind raced with questions. Why had Jamie taken her father's life? The query swirled in her thoughts, but she pushed it aside, focusing on the present. With a soft sigh, she steeled herself, realizing that her priority now was to avenge her father's death and gather evidence to bring Jamie to justice.