Chapter 9

Anastasia shut her eyes tightly. Her whole body convulsed when she heard the gunshot. Blood left her.

Jamie's eyes never left her, his gaze burning with intensity. "Well done," he whispered, his voice dripping with approval.

Anastasia's eyes widened in shock, her mind reeling with the consequences of her actions. She felt Jamie's grip on her waist relax, his eyes softening into a gentle caress.

Anastasia stated at the gun. She frowned when she saw Jamie fine and well. She pulled the trigger again, and that was when she realized the sound she heard was from her imagination.

The part of her soul that wanted Jamie dead.

Jamie shut his eyes for a split second. Parting them, he took the gun from her and returned it to its position.

His eyes darkened, and he fought hard to stay sane. Deep down, he wanted to take the gun and teach her a lesson with it.

Since she would be his wife, he might not kill her. Not yet.

"I'm sorry," Anastasia forced the words out.

Jamie turned to her, his eyes saying everything he couldn't. He approached her, his voice low and even, "If you want to shoot properly, take it off protective mode." He glanced at the gun before turning back to her. "But I doubt you dare to do even that."


"Save your words," Jamie cut her off. He left the room immediately and automatically shut the door after him.


Hannah placed pancakes onto Jamie's plate. Jamie drew in a tired sigh and rubbed his hands together.

Parting his lips, Jamie took in a slice of pancakes. Munching slowly, he swallowed and started a conversation with his mother. "She lives with me now. I told her the truth."

Hannah yawned. Dawn hadn't fallen completely when Jamie showed up at her front door. Everyone needed sleep after the wedding since it stretched in for too long.

"She? Who's she?"

Jamie dropped his cutleries and met his mother's eyes. "Anastasia Gray."

Hannah's expression flattened. "Why?" She panicked. "Also, what truth did you tell her?"

"The danger surrounding her is too much. If anything happens to her, I won't be able to forgive myself." Jamie replied calmly. As if the whole issue wasn't a big deal.

Hannah's hand trembled. The crown was too heavy to carry and with his new revelation, the crown was about to tear her head.

Her chest heaved up and down. "You shouldn't have invited her in. It's more dangerous for her now that she's with you than when she was alone." she pressed a hand on her chest to calm down.

Jamie went closer to his mother. He took her hand in his and pressed it warmly. "I'll protect her from myself."

He went on. "Her father had so many enemies until his death. This is the least I can do for him." He took a bite of his pancakes and stared ahead.

Hannah's expression turned sceptical. "You're doing this out of guilt, Jamie. You can't save everyone."

Jamie's grip on her hand tightened. "I'm doing this because it's the right thing to do." his expression hardened. "His enemies are our enemies."

Hannah sighed, her eyes searching her son's face. "You have to be careful. You don't have to involve yourself with this. We don't even have enough evidence."

Jamie nodded, his expression determined. "Exactly why I have to draw her closer." He smiled lightly and shook his head. "Evelyn knows more than we feel she does."

"Evelyn won't bend to us,"

Jamie chuckled. "That's where Anastasia steps in."

As they finished breakfast, Hannah couldn't shake off the feeling of unease. The weight of the situation pressed her.


Meanwhile, Anastasia was still reeling from the events earlier. Since Jamie left, she hasn't risen from the floor or stretched her legs.

She hugged her knees to her chest with fear. She lost a trace of time and almost her state of mind. First, she lost Williams to her sister and now, she almost killed someone out of rage.

She couldn't believe she had pulled the trigger, even if it was just in her imagination. She felt a mix of emotions: guilt, shame, and fear.

As she pondered her situation, she heard the door open. Jamie entered, his eyes fixed on her. "We need to talk," he said, his voice firm but calm.

Anastasia raised her face for the first time since he left. She nodded, her heart racing. She thought about the possible worst things he could say, or do to her.

Jamie approached her, his eyes burning with intensity. With each step he took closer, Anastasia pulled away from him.

We can end the marriage right now if you want," he said, his voice low. "But you must know this. I won't deny or accept your claims. If we stay together, I'll help you."

Anastasia swallowed hard, she let out a crazy laugh. "With your power, I'm sure as hell you'll bury your involvement under the rugs so easily." She judged.

She could no longer hide the hate in her heart. Hate filled her eyes.

"My help is never one-sided," Jamie continued. "If you follow my rules, I'll let you do whatever you have to do to find solid evidence against me, or anyone who killed your father." He promised.

Anastasia's eyes widened in shock. Was he serious?

Jamie nodded. The expression in her eyes was enough to tell him how well his words hit the right spots.

Anastasia felt a glimmer of hope. She held his gaze and asked softly. "What should I do if I find solid evidence against you?"

Jamie's eyes seemed to bore into her soul. "Kill me. I'll teach you how to use a gun, to make it easier," he said, his voice soft.

Anastasia hesitated, then nodded. "Alright." She stretched her legs and looked around the room. "Also, don't lock me in. I have pictures to take."

Jamie's expression softened, and he reached out to brush a strand of hair behind her ear. "Good." He stood straight and stretched out his hand for her to take.

Anastasia took his hand warily.

"Let's get your fingerprints installed."