My Favorite Hole [FIXED!]

Calista was beginning to miss Kyle but who could blame her? She had been without him for an extended period and with the movie wrapping up, she would have more time to herself and she wished to spend it with him. 

No men did it for her, even as eye candy and she blamed Kyle. 

The way he tamed Lucas was what peaked her desire for him, it was an authority she didn't know he held which made it hard to believe that was his sister. 

She was the opposite of him. She reminded her of Kyle when they first met and maybe this was the reason Kyle wanted no contact with her. 

Leeching family members were a pandemic once one of their own became successful. 

Calista made a conscious decision to bring an end to this. 

She was no longer going to entertain this woman but she knew where she lived.

Calista wasn't sure involving the police was the best choice but if it came down to it, she wouldn't hesitate to do so.