The Hunger

And that's how I arived where I am

In the middle of a forest with some strangers body and memories. 'I guess it's good to know that I'm not human not that I know what that means.'

I went pack to the pond to look at myself again now that I wasn't in a panic.

"Damn I look completely different my hair is white as snow, body much more muscular."

"This is gonna be hard to get used to" I walked away from the pond

'im going to need food shouldn't be too hard using knowledge I got from videos in my past life'

I found bamboo and used my new fingers to chop it up into pieces and into punji sticks. Then I started digging. And I took me a lot longer then I thought it would and I started to feel a hunger. Different from normal but I paid no mind, as I finished digging I set the punji sticks into place and covered my trap in leaves

I slept the night away in a tree praying that a random animal would get caught


Startled I woke up and checked the trap, a lone hare walked into it 'I got pretty lucky"

Grabbing the hare from the trap I started looking around me for wood to make a fire. But the hunger I felt only increased since last night,before I could do anything my body acted on its own eating the rabbit raw.

When I regained control there was nothing left of the hare

*BLEGHH* I vomited…or at least made the noise you would when doing so cause I couldn't do so

'What the fu@$ is wrong with me'

Taking a second to calm down and think

'I guess this might be normal for someone that's undead?'

But the hunger didn't go away even after eating the whole hare.

'I guess I'll have to hunt something'

And I started searching, and searching, and searching

After a whole day had passed the hunger was unbearable.

While walking clutching my stoumach I smelled something

'smells like steak cooked to perfection'

Sprinting as fast as a could towards the direction I came to a path just outside a village

With a lone women on it, is she what smelled so good. Does she have food on her?

But as i got closer and closer my instincts took over getting closer to the ground I lunged slicing her neck and tacking her into the bushes simultaneously and started eating, my hunger subsided and I regained control

'What did I just do'


I didn't feel hungry anymore but my mind was a bit of a mess

Calming down I realized that to had to eat humans to live, animals didn't calm my hunger but this human did.

'What should I do…' though I thought about it. my heart had already made a choice

To survive

I continued to eat until there were only bones left.

While contemplating on how to get rid of the bones I felt something stirring in my abdomen.