
Seeing the chaos unfold I jumped down from the building I was on and blended in the crowd slowly walking forwards towards the Buddhists

When I was nearing the front I quickly slashed one of their chests and retreated

"One of them has a knife!" The Buddhist with a slashed chest yelled

Then the Buddhists started fighting back

It was a bloodbath as I escaped back to the roof

'They really are not going easy are they' I thought as I watched a Buddhist burn a civilians face off

"Their killing us like livestock!" I yelled on the same altered voice

And the crowd retreated seeing the carnage the *buddhists* caused

They all went back into their houses

Then there was silence

"At least we stopped the riot" the Buddhist said

Then came out hundreds of people all with weapons ready to fight their *oppresors*

"You always taxed us for 'protection money' but you can even protect us? Now you even go as far as killing us?!" A man yelled

I watched as the civilians charged forwards to their inevitable death

'Seems these guys were not liked if thtis is all it takes to start a revolution'


After the fight was over there laid 10 Buddhist sun sect members all impaired by various cooking equipment

And on the other side hundreds of dead civilians

There were a few hundred still standing but they were demoralized by the slaughter

"WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED HERE!" A voice booomed from the gates of the sect

There he stood the sect leader looking ready to pop a gasket

"Sir these civilians started a riot and slashed one of our own with a knife!" One Buddhist sect member said a knife still in his side

"So you retaliate by murdering them?! That will just make them angrier!" He yelled at the foolish Buddhist

"But sir they-" he was cut off as he was now knocked out by the sect leader

"Anyone else want to talk back?!" He yelled in rage"

"First elder send out a squad to find who killed the people in the southern part of the city!" He demanded

"Civilians! Please forgive the foolishness of my disciples" he bowed to them

"Sec leader please don't-" the second elder said

He was cut off though, clearly being whispered to or something

The civilians most traumatized or dead had no choice in accepting the apology or not and I saw a man walk forward

"We accept" he said

'Clearly the leader' I thought making a bit of speaking to him

The two side separated and night fell and all was silent

Then I saw a group of Buddhists leave for the southern part of the city

'Dean men walking' i snickered


Following them I heard their conversation

"How are we supposed to find this guy? Thing? Whatever killed these people" the fat one asked as they stopped running and rested

"They will probably come back here if their a beast cause they will see this place as easy game so we wait her for a bit and watch out" the fittest one said

"Good ideas but what if it's a person" I asked above them

"Well then they will attack another area and we can rush ther-" he then realized the voice was unfamiliar looking up he saw me

"Want to play?" I asked in a creepy childlike tone and laughing for added effect