Jeong’s Mission

Jeong had started to report what happened


Jeong arrived at the outside of the Tiger Slayer Sect

"Senior brother, how should we go about this" Cao asked

"First we observe their movements, then once that is memorized we get closer and listen in on their conversations, then after a few days we make a decision on what to do" Jeong said

Cao looked surprised at his senior brothers competence

"I've already invaded a sect to assasinate them one by one, this just has a few more steps" Jeong gave the curious face an answer


They observed the movements and got it down in a day

Then they started listening in on their conversations

"Why do we gotta have our people die for this land? We don't even want it!" A beastly sect artist said

"Cause in the future it can give us more power" another beastly sect member said

"It will give other sects more power but not us! Our students die every day from those orthodox sect bastards!" The original complainer said


Many similar complaints were made by the sect members

Jeong and Cao had agreed it was time to try and convert them to their masters side


Three knocks in quick succession were made on the very rough looking door

Opening the door was a tall brunette man covered with scars

"Where do you come from" The man asked while reaching for his Sabre

"Worry not we're not from the orthodox factions, we're from…a third party so to say" Cao said

Before walking up to the door the two agreed to have Cao do most of the talking

"What third party is this?" He asked

"We don't have a name but we have a proposition for your sect" Cao said

"I'll ask my brother to let you in" The scarred man said

After a few minutes of waiting the man came back

"Come in" he said

Inside the sect was the same as they observed it, some men drinking, others training

They arrived in front of a large tent

"My brother is inside" the scarred man said while walking away

They entered the tent to see a similar looking man however he had a beard and longer hair then the other guy, along with many less scars

"I heard you have a proposition for me, what is it?" He asked

"We want to give you guys a chance to both kill the people who sent you guys here, and kill some bastards in the orthodox alliance" Cao said

"What is this proposition" he asked amused

"First we should explain what we are" Cao said

"You mean who?" The leader asked

"No what we are" Cao grinned as he took off Jeongs cloak so he could see the transformation

"What is this?" He asked confused

"A new species of human" Cao said

"A superior species!" Cao exclaimed clearly proud of his demonic heritage

"Our bodies become steel, our minds unwavering. And for every enemy we kill we gain their qi!" Cao continued to rant

"What's the downside?" The sect leader asked

"You just have to follow our leader, the original" Cao said

"Give me a day to think it over" The sect leader said scratching his beard

"We shall wait" Cao said