Chapter 3 (the outcast's journey)

Five minutes later, a loud noise could be

heard from afar: "What's the problem?

Why are you doing this? Let me go."

Drake Shouted, struggling as three

guards carried and dragged him into the

ice palace while Anna trailed behind.

He was put down but still in their grasp.

Lena sits on her throne, gently looking at

letdown Drake.

"Hey, this is not what we talk about. You

are finally showing your true self after

achieving what you want." Drake said as

he tried to flung off from the palace

guide's grip.


He was subdued but still within their

grasp. Lena sits on her throne, fixing her

gaze on the subdued Drake.

"This isn't what we discussed," Drake

spat, his voice laced with bitterness.

"You are finally showing your true self

after achieving what you wanted."

He tries to flung off against the palace

guides firm grip, but his efforts were


Lena gestured with a wave of her hand,

signaling for the guards to leave. "You

may all take your leave," she declared.

All three guides except Drake and Anna

bowed their heads in response and

retreated. Lena rose up from her throne,

"The reason why you are dragged here is

to be banished from this land,


She clasped her hands on her back and

descend down the dais. Drake brow

furrowed in confusion. "What are you

taking about? Where am I supposed to

go? You summoned me here. Either you

send me back or take responsibility for

bringing me here."

Lena walks to the right corner of her

palace, where a luxurious box is placed

on a pedestal. She lifts the lid, revealing

a well-decorated bag. "Where you are

going from here is entirely up to you; the

decision is yours." Lena slid the bag

towards him, and Drake, who is standing

nearby, deftly caught it. "All  your need

are in there, some money, a few spare

clothes, a map, and a navigation

compass. This is my way of taking

responsibility." She turned and walked

towards her throne, gracefully setting

herself into it.

Drake boiled over. He grabbed a stool

next to him and hurled it at Lena. Before

they stood to reach her, a voice echoed

into Drake's mind through telepathy,

"Watch and listen attentively." Upon

hearing this voice, Drake froze. He

instantly recognized the voice.

 "But why does she go to such lengths

sending him massages through

telepathy?" Drake ruminate. Lena rose

from her throne, her eyes flashing as she

cast a spell: "Aqua shield (first circle)," a

thin layer of water materialized around

her to solidify into a protective barrier,

deflecting the thrown stool and

immediately raising her hand towards

Drake; "Aqua dragon roar (three circle

spell)," a powerful blast of water shot

towards Drake, but was a calculated feint

attack, just passing beside his head.

"Hey Anna dragged him out of our

kingdom." Lena commanded, returning

to her seat and resting her left elbow on

her throne armchair, her head cradled in

her left palm.

"Yes, your highness," Anna bowed

respectively, then turned towards the

palace exit. "Guards!" she shouted, and

four guards rushed in. "Carry him out of

our territory. "Yes." They all responded

unison, lifting Drake effortlessly.

"Hey, put me down, you bastard; I am

going to make you all pay for this." Drake

struggled against their grip; as they

neared the palace exit, he locked eyes

with Lena, a strange jolt running through

him. This feeling was unique, unfamiliar,

and captivating. He stopped struggling

with the sensation and began to ponder

the strange emotion that sparked within


After grueling days for the journey 

through dragon lair cities, with Drake

providing to be a constant nuisance

throughout the travels, they finally arrive

at the Fort Kingdom Gate. At the fort, late

in the evening, there are several water

dragon knights patrolling the gate. The

knight commander obstructs them,

"Identify yourselves." Moving closer to

them. Anna, who has been standing

behind the palace guards, steps forward

and says, "We are here on the Queen's

command."immediately the knight

commander recognize her, but his tone

remains rigid.

"Even with the queen order, you must

follow the rules. Did you think mentioning

her, would intimidate me? Know your

place, just because you have the

privilege to stand as the Queen's right

hand; those do not change anything."

Folding his arm, respectively. Anna

moved closer to him, drawing out her

sword and placing its point against the

knight commander's throat. The other

knights react instantly, unshattering their

sword, in defense of their knight


"Do you think you can bear the

consequences of something that

happens here?" Anna's voice, laced with

authority. The knight commander raises

his hand in surrender and steps aside,

then gestures for his subordinates to

lower their swords, and the gate is open

for them to pass. "Enough," Anna


"Throw him and his bag out, and let

return." Drake is flung out with immense

force, and his bag follows shortly after.

The knight closes the gate as Anna and

the other three guards return.