Chapter 5 (arrival and aid)

At the same time, at the border of Frozen

Expanse, Drake, already on the ground

pulling himself backward as the three

frost Lions close in, their eyes glinting

with predatory hunger. they launch

themselves towards him with their jaws


A sudden flash of insight strikes Drake,

Lena's words echoing in his mind,

"watch and listen attentively, ' Aqua

shield (first circle)".

with a desperate cry, Drake raises both

hands, eyes closed tight" Aqua shield

(first circle) " he bellows, a large mana

circle appear on both hands, his eyes

flutter open, materializing aqua-blue

barrier around him.

One of the frost Lions lands atop of the

barrier, claws scraping against the

shimmering surface. the barrier Cracks

under the beast's weight, sending a

tremor of fear through Drake. the barrier

explode outwards, flinging the frost Lions

back with a massive force.

The frost Lions struggle to their feet,

shaking their bodies in a futile attempt to

rid themselves of the disorientation. they

charge again, but this time, Drake is


Another image flashes through his mind,

"Aqua dragon roar ( third circle),

Releases a high pressure blast of water

straight at them . Drake unleashes a

torrent of water, roaring of pure power.

one frost Lion is instantly killed, it's body

flung by the force of the blast. the other

two, badly injured, retreat into the

Frozen Expanse, disappearing from


Drake with his leg numb and heavy,

struggling to stand .

"Why do I think of her, whenever I'm in

trouble?" he muttered,his voice shaky.

"maybe it's because..... it my first time

with her." he shakes his head, trying to

clear his thoughts.

"what am I thinking? I need to get out of

here before I get attacked again." He

pushes on, struggling to move with is

stroke leg.

Four days later , Drake, now able to walk

freely, is navigating when he hears a

commotion from his left and decides to

investigate. He move cautiously until he

sees a group of people struggling against

a pack of five frost Lions.

there are three men, in their thirties each

holding a spear, protecting a young

teenage girl. all putting on dark blue


The five frost Lions are closing in, with

their eyes burning with bloodthirsty while

the men are visibly nervous, their voices

shaking. "lady Kald, please run! we can

buy you some time." one of the young

man voice shockingly said. The young

lady ignored his words,

" I can't be a coward and leave you all

behind. What would I say when I get

back? I can't even imagine that kind of

scene ending well in my head."

The frost Lions, unable to contain their,

launch themselves at their prey . Drake

who is watching from the sideline, steps

out of his hiding place to help "Aqua

dragon roar!" he Forms a magic circle

with his right hand, unleashing a

powerful blast of pressurized water. the

blast catches the frost Lions in the mid-

air, flipping them with incredible force.

Two of the Frost Lions, struck directly,

are instantly killed.

The three men swiftly attacked the Frost

Lions before they could regain their

footing, their spears finding their mark on

the beasts' necks. Drake approaches

the group as the young girl stepped

forward, her voice laced with authority.

" my name is Isabella kald, the daughter

of King Axel Kald of the kaldris kingdom.

these three are my guards." she

gestured to the men, as their face

hardened with vigilance. " it may sound

absurd, but I've come here to train.

May I ask your name ,our life Savior?"

Drake with caution, moved a step closer,

" my name is Alexandra Drake." To dispel

any suspicion about his true identity, he

added "I'm just a wanderer, travelling

from Frozen Expanse." he immediately

felt a shift in the atmosphere.

All eyes turned towards him with intense

gaze. Drake felt a shiver run down his


"may I ask why the sudden reaction?"

Isabella cleared her throat, her voice

laced with curiosity.

" Drake, are you. . . from the water

dragon race?" Drake's heart pounded in

his chest, fear twisted in his gut. he knew

he had to tread carefully.

"No, I am not from any dragon race. I am

human just like you." Isabella took a step

closer, her eyes scrutinizing him. " you

are indeed human, but how did you

survive the frigid temperature here? you

speak of the forbidden region, yet you

wear such thin clothing."

Drake realize, he had been focused on

his journey that he hadn't even noticed

the changes in his body. he muttered to


" is this related to her? why do I always

think of her?" he slapped his face twice,

to trying to shake off the unexpected

intrusion of his thought.

"about that," turning back to Isabella, "I

can't really explain. but may i ask why the

Frozen Expanse is called forbidden

region?" Isabella signaled to her guards.

" Why don't we continue our walk as I

explain?" Drake, regaining his compose

and replied,

"no problem, please lead the way." As

they walks, Isabella begin her

explanation. "There are five continent,

each with their own forbidden region. For

Thralia continent forbidden region is the

Frozen Expanse. the place you claim to

have come from."

" Please lady Isabella." Drake Interrupted

her, "may I ask why frozen Expanse is

labeled as forbidden? Is it because of

the dragon race residing there?" Isabella

smiled slightly. " that's only part of it. The

reason is lies in the weather, look at our

coast here; the temperature are so low

that many people try to immigrate to

warmer region. The frozen Expanse as it

name suggests, is a land where anyone

who enters instantly freezes to death. "

Isabella turns to Drake, with doubt


"Drake, are you sure that's where came

from?" To avoid further suspicion, he

decided to play it off as a


" I'm not sure. it seems I must have

mistaken another place for frozen

expanse." Isabella's doubt fade away as

did the suspicion in her guards' eyes.

Drake felt a sense of relief wash over


They continue their journey towards the

kaldris kingdom.