Chapter 8 (the King's selfish plea)

The next day, Drake wakes up from

sleep, stretching his body, "Ahhh." He

yawned, "I need to empty my bowel." He

comes out, muttering,

"Where is the restroom located?" He

opens one door after another, searching

for the restroom. He mistakenly opens a

door where King Axel and his two

generals are holding a meeting.

"I'm very sorry; don't mind me; you can

carry on." He said, about to close the


But then a familiar voice calls out,

"Drake, come in; your attention is also

needed here." King Axel demanded.

"Okay, but I need to empty my bowel

first," Drake said, holding his abdomen,

shifting his weight from side to side.

"I lost my way; that's how I get here.

"Alright, come in," King Axel said,

pointing to a small door.

"There's a small restroom here for

officials, in case of any discomfort.

Go in and relieve yourself." Drake

doesn't hesitate to enter.


Drake quickly unzips his pants and sits

on the toilet. "Humm, finally, that's the

stuff." A wave of relief and satisfaction

washed over him as he finally emptied

his bowel.

"But why is my attention needed? I hope

it's nothing dangerous,he muttered to


A few seconds later, he cleans up,

zipping his pants properly, and comes

out of the restroom.

"I'm back," he said, turning towards


"Okay, have a seat." King Axel said,

pointing at one of the chairs around the

table. Drake, sit down.

"Okay, let's continue from where we left

off. Ah,ha,huk," King Axel said,


"What we've been discussing so far is

about the war that's approaching us. Ah,

ha, huk." He said, facing Drake.

"But is it proper for a stranger like me to

participate in your meeting?" Drake

eagerly interrupted him.

King Axel smiles "They also said the

same thing before you came out of the

restroom." He folds his arm and steps

closer a bit.

"You know what? You're already

entangled since you entered this

kingdom. Which means your manpower

will be needed."

He justified Drake's presence.

King Axel returns to his seat. "Let me

introduce the two generals." He pointed

at one of the generals with a ladylike

figure and said, "This is general Darius,

31 years of age and a 4 circle aura user.

While the other one."

He points at the second general, who is

more muscular and has a bold face, "is

named Orion, so you can call him

general Orion; he is 35 years old and

also a 4 circle aura user. You can also

introduce yourself." He gestures to


Drake stand on his feet. "My name is

Alexandra Drake, 18 years old; my circle

tier is, embarrassment, unknown."

King Axel interjects, "That's alright. You

can have your seat." He gestures to

Drake again.

"Okay, let's continue from where we

stopped. About our nemesis when they

attack, their current number, and their

plans for us remain unknown. That's why

we need to come up with strategies to

minimize casualties."

He stands from his seat, placing both

hands on his back. "The only information

we have about them is that they wield

some kind of curse mana, enable them

to transform, losing their sanity but gain

immerse strength. You must all prepare

against this. I have also instructed the

guards at the gate to continue monitoring

their movement." King Axel was

explaining when the door to the room

suddenly opened.

A young man in a gatekeeper uniform

enters the room. "Greetings, your

majesty," he prostrated respectfully.

King Axel, already anxious,Go straight

to the point. Why are you acting

sensitive? he asked.

The guard raises his head, "The main

gate has been breached and nearby

villages are under attack." Upon hearing

this, everyone's eyes widen.

General Orion stands up, snarking at the

table, "What did you just say?" King Axel

raises his hand at him, "You need to

calm down."

Turning back to the guard, "Can you give

us a more precise estimate of the

enemy's combat power?" They all turn to

hear him out,

"Based on our observation, it can't be

more than 50 combatants, but the real

problem is that they are not humans."

They are more like humans without

sanity." combatants, but the real problem

is that they are not human. They are

more like humans without sanity."


He suddenly raises his voice,Pass my

massage to your captain.

Ah,ha huk. Tell her to safely move all the

civilians away from the attacking zone."

He instructed the guards.

"Yes, your majesty." The guard takes his

leave. General Orion and General Darius

stand up.

"We need to leave to prepare for the

war." King Axel nods his head. "Okay,

you may both take your leave." The two

generals leave for the war.

Drake turns to King Axel, "It seems you

haven't tell me the real reason why you

made me attend this meeting." King Axel

looks at him with a grimaced expression.

" Drake, ah, ha, huk." He said, cleaning

blood from his mouth. "I have a selfish

request. Please protect my daughter

when I'm in the war. I don't know whether

I can survive this."

Drake's lips turn downward, his eye

pupils narrow, "I can't guarantee you

that; I was lucky enough to kill those

Frost Lions because it was a sneak

attack." He replied, clenching his fist.

King Axel steps closer to him.

"I don't mean you should be her guard.

What I mean is to prevent her from

making irrational moves." He said,

placing his right hand on Drake's


"Okay, I will give it my best." Drake

replied with a squeezed face, clenching

his teeth.

"Thank you for assuring me. I will be

counting on you then." King Axel leaves

the room to lead the war.