Chapter 12 ( finding the way forward)

The central plane, also nicknamed the

Greenland Plane, is geographically

divided into four regions. To the east lies

the Azure Tides Kingdom. To the north is

the city of steel, a hub of commerce and

trade governed by the council of

powerful merchants and bankers each

specializing in different business

activities; to the west lies the kingdom of

iron will, embraced by rugged mountains

and nurtured by fertile valleys. It is also

called the land of warriors and

alchemists. Last but not least, the

Diamond Mage Academy, a prestigious

institution and beacon for magical

knowledge, serves as neutral ground for

aspiring mages from all the kingdoms on

the Thralia continent.

Drake, finally get to the Greenland Plane

after three weeks spent in the snow-

covered landscape. He feels like he

enters another side of the world. The

stark white is replaced with fields of

vibrant grasses as the worm air blows

with the scent of blooming flowers.

Everywhere is bursting with rainbow

colors, unlike the expanse of snow and

ice, filled with white and black.

For Drake, it's like emerging from frozen

slumber into a living, breathing paradise.

He enters through the main gate of the

city of steel.

Drake, pulling his horse, turns his head,

admiring the view. There are several tall

buildings, used for commercial

purposes, on either side of the road.

There are roadside stalls across these

tall buildings, each selling different kinds

of goods. He gently walks to an old

curiosity shop, which sells some rust


"Greeting sir, please, can you show me

the direction to the Phantom mercenary

guide office?"

The old man walks out of his shop,

leaning on his walking stick.


quiet.... Far...why...don'


Drake walks closer. "Okay, thank you.

Where can I get the transport carriage?"

The old man turns to his right side,

pointing at the road, and says,

"Walk...down...this buildings on

your left...the eighth" Drake bows,

thanking the man,

"Thank you very much." He walks to the

road and does as the man said. Drake,

turning to the eighth building, looking at

the several designs of carriages on either

side of the building, approaches the

entrance, watching people going in and

out booking rides. 


Drake enters the building, surprised by

what he's seeing—different from his

expectations. There are various and

different demarcated areas within the


Drake mutters to himself, "What, a

cellular office layout? Who would have

expected to find such a familiar sight?

Wait, is it possible that someone gets

summoned just like me? No, that's

impossible, according to Anna, except

it's from this world. Hum, am I related to

this world.?" He continues

contemplating when a lady in black

approaches him.

"How many can we help you, sir?" She

bent her head a bit, placing her right

hand on her chest respectfully. Drake

regains his senses.

"I come here for a ride, going to

Phantom Mercenary Guide." The lady

bows, pointing at one of the cellular

offices. "Please follow me." Leading the

way, while Drake follows.

In the office, a young man in his early

thirties was sitting with different papers

and documents on the table in front of

him. "Provide us your name, where you

are going." The young man requested.

"Haa, my name is Alexandra Drake,

going to Phantom Mercenary Guide." He

replied. The man tears a ticket from the

pile of concert tickets, writing down

Drake's name and destination.

"Okay, you are to pay the sum of five

sliver coins." The man stretches his

hands, waiting to receive the money.

Drake bent slowly towards the man, "Can

I pay in gold?" Drake said in a low tone.

"Yeah, that's one gold coin." The man

nodded. Drake reaches into his bag,

bringing out a gold coin and paying.

The man passes him his ticket and five

slivers of coins in change. "Show your

ticket to the man on that wooden chair at

the corner." Drake steps back, nodding

at the man,

"Okay, thank you," and leaves for the

man at the corner sitting on a wooden


"Sir, I am directed here to show you my

ticket." Passing the ticket to the man.

The man accepts the ticket and glances

at it. "Please follow me to my carriage." 

As they approach a brown transport

carriage, seeing the horse attached to

the man carriage reminds him of his own

horse. "Sir, please, is there any boarding

stable here?" The man turns to him.

"Yes, but you will have to go back into the

building. At your right, you will see a

cellular office where a lady attends to

people who wish to keep their temporary

horses at the stable. You just have to

pay two sliver a month depending on the

number of months you wish to keep

yours; multiply by two sliver."

Drake rushes back after thanking the


A few minutes later, Drake returns to the

carriage location. "Sorry for the delay."

He pleaded and entered the carriage.

The carriage set off for its destination.

Twenty-seven minutes later, the carriage

stops in front of a large building with a

sign that reads "Phantom Mercenary

Guide Office." The man turns his head


"Young master, we have arrived at your

destination." Drake, totally exhausted,

struggles to climb down with weary


"Thank you, sir." He turns, looking at the

sign board, breathing heavily.

He enters the building. In front of him,

five mercenary administrators sit at a

long table, attending to people. To his

left, different groups of people are

discerning through a large board on the


Drake walks close to one of the

administrators. The administrator

notices him approaching. "How may I

help you, sir." Smiled at Drake.

"Good afternoon, please. Is there

anyone called Maximus here?" He asked


"Yes, he's one of our top three

contractors here. Why?" The

administrator mouth slightly parted in


"Ha, nothing much; I just want to pass

someone, massage to him," he replied.

"Hum, but he's on a mission right now."

"When will he be back? "A minimum of

one week, if nothing goes wrong with the


"Please, can you tell me the task

location?" "There's no problem telling

you. They went down south of the city of

steel to carry out a task in a forest called

fog forest." "Okay, thanks." Drake said,

turning to leave, when he remembered


"Please, where can I board a transport?"

"Actually, it won't be easy to get transport

here; our mercenaries provide free

transport to our contractors. But you can

wait a bit. Our Rank 7 mercenary guide

is receiving a mission related to the fog

forest." "Thanks; I will wait a bit." Drake

turns to a bench in the corner and sits
