Chapter 16 (bearing the message)

Larry, darted close to the fox king

(crimson rot) from behind, arcs his shield

through the air, enhancing it with his

water aura.

"(Water aura: Aqua Resonance Shield

Maelstrom Barrier (4 circle)." Bashing

the fox king with massive force, sending

it hurtling towards Sam.

Reacting swiftly, Sam unleashed his

water aura and materialized it around his

large sword.

"(Water aura: Ocean's fang (4 circle)."

He sliced through the fox's king (crimson

rot) mouth and out its rear, instantly

reducing it to dust.


Their leg buckled under the strain,

sending them crashing to the floor as the

weight of the tension, which has been

crushing them like an avalanche, finally

melted away. Sam, seated on the floor,

resting his back on his right hand placed

behind him.

"Drake, thanks for your support. We

could have lost one of our members to

the crimson beast." He said, breathing


Drake, sitting and resting his back on the

tree, finding his trembling body finally

got relieved.

"I'm the one who should be thankful. If

not for all of you, I may have fallen victim

to those beasts if you haven't allowed me

temporarily into your crew." Drake said,

his words barely audible through the

tremors in his voice.

Lilly fidgets as she walks towards Sam.

"Let me heal your injury." Sam adjusted

himself properly as Lily raised her hands

above the amputated arm.

"Water mana: water healing, protective

dew (2 circle)." A dim blue mana circle

appeared on both hands, releasing a

dew of healing water around Sam's

amputated hand, stopping the bleeding,

and mending it up.

"Captain, how is the pain?" Lilly said,

tapping both her hands index fingers


"I mean, is the wound not stinging

anymore?" She hesitantly asked in a soft

tone. Sam looked at her and smiled.

"You don't need to be nervous anymore,

Lilly." He patted her head.


Larry, sitting directly in front of Sam,

slightly to his right, crossing both legs

while resting both hands on its shield.

"Hahaha. Sometime it's good to see the

cute side of Lilly."He said they all

laughed except Drake, who just gave a

slight smile.

Lilly, cheeks flushed crimson,

instinctively clenching her fist, bent

forward slightly, squeezing her eyes shut.

"Will you keep shut and stop teasing? If

you still have some strength in you, you

can help setting the shelter tents." Larry

looked at the worried Lilly and smiled.

"It seems you're back to your usual self."

Then a profound silence descended,

enveloped everywhere. Binter exhaled

heavily, breaking the silence.

"God of luck is really on our side. If the

beast hasn't just made a breakthrough to

the third stage, which is not yet

stabilised, if not,our chances of surviving

are slim."

Ben, Drake, and the two young ladies

help arrange the shelter tents, where

they all passed the rest of the day.


The next day, their adventure through the

fog forest continued. They've become

accustomed to the foggy environment

without realising it.

A day later, "it seems we have reached

the point where our paths to our

destination diverge." Drake, turning to

his right, glanced at the mini map on his


Hearing this, they all stop abruptly; a

tingle of sadness washes over them.

Drake, noticing their slumped posture,

turned to them. "Humm. I also wish to

continue the journey with you guys. But

we have no choice but to go our separate

ways. Thanks for everything; I learnt a

lot travelling with you all." Drake smiled,

scratching the back of his head.

Sam walks directly to him and places his

right hand on Drake's shoulder. "It was

our pleasure to have someone like you

travel with us. If not for you, we might

have been killed without knowing how.

and sorry for not trusting you more, when

you only have good will for us."

"That normal," Drake interrupted, waving

his palm across Sam. "for people who

have just met and travelled for a few


Lilly shyly walks to Drake with a small

sack. "Take this; your stomach may

request for this later. It contains some dry

pork meat." She pressed her hands

around the bag.

Drake gently collected the sack. "I really

appreciate it. Let's have a meal

sometime in the future." Drake

expressed appreciation.

Lilly, with her face fully red, ran back to

the other crew members, leaving Sam

with Drake. "The road is long, but the

journey is short; let's connect when time

permits in the future." They all turned,

waving back at Drake, who's watching

them, until they vanished from his sight.

Drake embarking on his independent

journey, after hours of navigating the

foggy environment, the mist thickened

and the towering trees were replaced by

large debris of rocks.

Two days later, Drake wakes from his

sleep to a strange noise. He attempted to

flee, but his path was instantly blocked

by a man with short white hair with a

broad chest and ageing skin.

The man, clad in a whitish blue garment,

pointed his spear inches from Drake's

neck. "Who are you, and what business

do you have here?" The man locked his

eyes with Drake.

Drake steps backward, attempting to flee

in the opposite direction, but his escape

is thwarted by the arrival of three men

with a young lady. He realised he must

be careful. With the spear still at his

neck, Drake raises his hands.

"My name is Alexandra Drake. I am sent

here by princess, no, the Queen of

Kaldris kingdom, to deliver a massage to

someone called Maximus."

The man immediately retreated his

weapon and grabbed Drake's shoulder.

"Did you just say you brought a massage

from Kaldris Kingdom?" He noticed he

has been applying pressure to Drake's

shoulders. "Sorry for my lack of decency.

My name is Maximus.

The guy you are looking for." Drake

looked at him from head to toe, causing

the other members of Maximus, who

stand behind Drake, to react.

"Hey, who are you to look at our guide

captain that way?" They growl,

approaching Drake, but Maximus

gestures to them to stop.

Drake cleared his throat. "But I need

proof that you are the man I'm supposed

to deliver the massage to."

Maximus stepped back, reached his

hand into his garment, and produced an

identity tag. Drake takes the tag,

recognising the Kaldris kingdom symbol

behind it, which confirms the man is truly

him. "Okay, Isabe..."

"Why don't we move to our temporary

hideout?" Maximus interrupted. Drake

nodded in response, and Maximus led

the way.

A few minutes later, a 3.7-meter-square

wooden house appeared before them.

Maximus opens the door gently, allowing

Drake in while other members stay


Drake was directed to a circular wooden

table with an oil lamp on it and three

chairs around it. They both sit around the

table. Drake brings out the scroll from

his bag and passes it to Maximus.

The scroll contains all incidents that

occurred in the Kaldris kingdom in the

absence of Maximus.

Opening the scroll, Maximus burst into

tears. "Why now, if I hadn't left the

kingdom, his majesty could have been


Drake stands up from his seat and walks

directly to Maximus, patting him on the

back. The door to the house suddenly

opened, and Maximus instantly cleaned

up the tears on his face.

One of the guide members standing

outside dashed in. " Captain, there's a

problem. Another wave of Crimson Rot is

approaching from the west."