Chapter 20 (overwhelmed sensation)

Half a day later, they finally emerged from

the fog forest, Drake facing Maximus

and his crew members. Xena is standing

behind him. Trying to bid them farewell.

"Thanks to everyone; I really appreciate

your company. I'm leaving for the

academy now." He extended his right

hand for a shake from Maximus.

Maximus claps his right hand, accepting

the shake. "No, we're the ones who

appreciate. Thanks to you, we finished

the mission early, and you also informed

me about the situation in my

kingdom."They both smiled at each

other, neither ready to release their hand

from the shake.

"Mr. Maximus, have you decided on your

next plan?" Drake asked, his ear

strained to catch every word.

"Yes, I'm planning to retire from being a

mercenary and return to my kingdom."

He replied, as they finally released their

hands from each other.

They were in the middle of discussion

when Maximus noticed a faint bloodlust

and turned slightly towards Drake's

back. He saw Xena's brow furrowed,

releasing dark red energy from her body.

Drake turned to check what Maximus

was looking at, but everything changed

before he could.

Xena smiled at him, winking her right

eye. Maximus, understanding the

meaning of the bloodlust, immediately

called back Drake's attention.

" Drake." He passed a sack and

backpack. "This sack contains 600 sliver

coins, and the other bag has a portable

tent for your journey." Drake waved his

hands in refusal. "I can't accept these;

it's not like I did anything. I was just an

additional burden for you guys.

Maximus pulled Drake's hand, pinning it

to the bags. "Just see it as an

investment in an upcoming Mage."

Maximus smiled, giving Drake no chance

to refuse. "Okay, thanks. In that case, I

won't be polite." He accepted the

backpack and the sack of money.

Drake turned to leave, but he noticed

Xena, bouncing after him, following close

behind. Dark stopped and turned to her.

"Hey, young lady, can you let me go and

continue my journey in peace?

Otherwise, I have no choice but to tie you

down." His voice carried a hint of

frustration, tapping Xena's forehead with

his right index finger.

Xena instantly collapsed dramatically to

the ground, rolling around. "Wuuuu-

whoo-hoo, my Crux is threatening me."

She cried out, making Drake feel a wave

of embarrassment.

Drake glanced at Maximus and his

companions, but once again, they

pretended not to notice. They shifted

nervously, sweat trickling down their

faces as they deliberately avoided his

gaze. Drake gestured to them and hoped

to get some help, but there was no

response as they quickly sidestepped

the situation and skidded away. 

Meanwhile, some adventurers passing

by on the roadside took notes of them

and murmured as they passed by.

"He must have taken away something

that belonged to that young lady." One of

them whispered to colleagues.

"stealing in broad daylight. People are

just so brazen these days." Another one


"Who knows? Maybe he's demanding

something in return if she wants her

belongings back, the first man said,

turning away his gaze from them.

"What did you mean?" The other

adventures turned to him, curiously.

"Don't you see how beautiful she is?

Who could resist asking for... a little

something to satisfy his manhood?"

They both nodded in pity as they passed.

Their murmured conversation reached

Drake's ears; these words hit Drake like

arrows to the chest. His face tightened

with frustration.

"Okay, okay." Drake exclaimed, folding

his arms. "I'll let you follow me." At this,

Xena instantly wiped her away her fake

tears; her eyes lit up like a descending

angel, and her face glowed with joy as if

the night were full of stars. "But on one

condition." Drake said firmly.

"You must not cause me any trouble."

He fixed her with a serious gaze. "Yes, I

understand my crux." She nodded


"Hummm." He sighed heavily. " Fine.

Let's move." With that, they both begin

their journey towards the south.

Late in the day, they stopped at a forest

called the Go Forest, a dense woodland

at the border between the City of Steel

and the Diamond Mage Academy, called

the Go Forest, to pass the night. Drake

is busy setting up the tent for the night.

Xena, sitting on a nearby rock, was

constant chattering, a distraction,

causing a flash through Drake's mind.

"Xena, why did you decide to follow me?

And what did you mean by calling me

'My Crux'?" Drake enquired, still

focused, fixing the tent.

"Oh, right, I forgot to mention, she replied

casually. "I need you to undergo the

same ritual you did with big sister, with

me." Her words caught Drake off guard,

sending a chill down his spine. He

paused and turned, looking at her.

" Kuff,kuff. Did you know what you're

asking? To perform that, we'd have

to...have intercourse." Xena, sitting on

the rock, kicking her legs, seems

completely unfazed.

" And? There's nothing wrong with that,

right?" Drake steps towards her, gripping

her shoulders firmly. "To do that, we'd

have to strip completely, and you'd be...

exposing your private parts. You get what

I'm saying?" He tried to discourage her,

but there's one crucial detail Drake


Dragons don't share the same concern

about privacy as humans. Their most

sensitive areas, like their breast and the

"pick planet" between their legs, are

highly concentrated with mana. Humans

can't handle the surge of mana from this

arena, leading to them exploding,

especially the pink planet sealed with a

natural barrier born with them, known as

the Dragon Seal, which upon contact

with the driven drill will shatter. Only two

ways exist to break it. Which is first,

either with a powerful male dragon or

when the female dragon enters a special

state called intense desire, often called

the "honey stage." Xena, a six-circle

flame dragon who viewed her sister Lena

as a rival, has been unable to accept that

Lena advanced further than her.

Her determination to pursue the man

helped Lena advance to 8 circles, driving

her decision. Xena placed her right index

finger on her chin. "Hmm...." Murmured

to herself. "Big sister called me an idiot,

but if she did it, there's no reason I can't

give it a try." Drake signs heavily, running

his right hand over his forehead in


"I give up. Do whatever you want." He

muttered and returned to the tent, his

setting up.


 After a few more minutes. "Hey Xena.

Enter the tent to rest." Drake called out,

busy trying to make a nightfire to himself

warm throughout the night. "What about

you?" She enquired, folding both hands

with a serious gaze at Drake.

"Don't worry about me. Just stay in the

tent. As the opposite sex, we can't be

together inside the tent." Drake replied

firmly. Xena walks angrily towards Drake,

grabbing his clothes. "Even if I'm an idiot,

I can tell that you're planning to dump

me and run." Dragging him along into the

tent. "Hey wait. Wait." Drake shouted,

but Xena paid no attention to him.

Xena pulled him inside and made sure

he lay down beside her. She keeps a

close watch on him. After several

restless attempts to sleep, Drake finally

drifted off.

Meanwhile, the reverse scale inside

Drake's heart started reacting to Xena,

who doesn't notice it. At first, Xena

noticed something moving into her v-

neck gown and suddenly glanced down.

She saw Drake's hand squeezing and

massaging her right breast; her face

turned bright red, like a tomato. She

grabbed his wrist to pull his hand away,

but a strong wave sensation washed

over her body.

Unconscious Drake is pulling and

stimulating her nipple, and her right

breast is already out of her gown.

Overwhelmed by the intense sensation,

thick fluid starts seeping from her pick
