Chapter 22 (mana assessment)

Note: tier = circle

Professor Leo with his arms crossed

behind his back, standing on the

platform, addressing the prospective


"Note, you'll undergo two trials. First is

the mana examination. Secondly, mental

strength evaluation. Those who pass

these two trials will get to join the

academy, and don't forget these are just

the basics. Six months later, you will all

face the qualification examination.

Students who fail will have admission

revoked, while those that successfully

pass will be promoted to the senior

section, which is the advance class.

Further information will be passed

across during your class activities.

That's all for now."

"Now I will examine each of you one by

one to access your mana and tier level."

He paused and pulled out the list

containing their names.

"Luthor Victoria." A young lady with long

white hair, height 5.2 feet, and skin as

white as snow. Climbed the stage. He

walked towards the crystal tablet and

placed her hands upon it. The crystal

tablet glowed, showing an icy blue with

an undertone of glacial white, while 3

stars illuminated beside it.

"Frozen Aura, tier three. Qualified,"

Professor Leo declared, turning to the

other side of the stage.

"Please move over there." He pointed at

the area opposite the other students.

Roars erupted from the crowd.

"As expected of the only daughter of the

Luthor clan."

"There is rumour about her

swordsmanship too." 

"Next on the list is Dominic Griffin;

please come on stage." A young man

with deep blue hair and a body physique

similar to Mark strided onto the stage.

He walked towards the crystal tablet,

placing his hand on it. The crystal tablet

glowed an aquamarine blue with streaks

of translucent silver and three stars

illuminated beside it.

"Crystal Aura, tier three. Qualified." He

walked towards Mark, his shoulder

raised with pride, and stepped down the


"Leif Hunter." Professor Leo announced.

A young man with sparkling sliver short

hair, height 5.5 feet, climbed the stage as

others did and placed his hand on the

crystal tablet. A pale grey with wisps of

silvery mist illuminated on the crystal

tablet, with 3 stars shining brightly

beside it. "Vapour Aura, tier three.

Qualified." He stepped down the stage. 

Meanwhile, in the sea of students, Drake

watched Griffin's action towards Mark

and turned to Mark. "Why did he act that

way towards you?" Drake curiously


"Hum, about that. Both our clans are

rivals since we both use fists. He came

here to brag about his achievement."

Mark replied. They both turned their

attention back at the examiner.

"Victor Freya, please come up to check

your mana status." Professor Leo

instructed. A young lady with pale blue

hair, height 5.0 feet, hesitantly walked

onto the stage. She placed her hand

upon the crystal tablet and glowed with

soft aqua with a highlight of a luminous

pearl and three stars illuminated beside

it. "Healing water, Aura, Tier 3. Qualified.

You can step down, please."

The examiner instructed, She stepped

down from the stage as instructed.

Back to Drake and Mark. "But I think all

healer mages use magic. Why aura?"

Drake enquired, his eyebrows furrowed

as he locked eyes with Mark.

"That's how it's always been in the Victor

family. They awakened like other knights,

but they all became healer mages. They

also have a rival, and one of their

members is here. Her name is..." He

trailed off, his words synchronised along

with the instructor's voice.

"Sebastian Harper." Drake turned back

to the instructor and watched as a

confident young lady with long blue hair

with two white hair stripes along her side

hair bounced on the stage towards the

crystal tablet. As she made contact, a

vibrant combalt blue with a white

crashing streak reflected, with 3 stars

illuminated its side.

"Protective healing water mana. Tier 3.

Qualified." She leaped from the stage, a

prideful grin on her face.

 "Next on the list is Ronan Smith." The

instructor announced. A young boy with

a height of 5.3 feet, his face furrowed,

lips tightened, and eyes narrowed,

climbed the stage. He moved directly to

the crystal tablet and placed his hand on

it. Instantly, slant cracks appeared all

over the crystal tablet, radiating sinister

vibes. Everywhere became silent as

everyone gazed fixed at the unexplained

scene. A man in his sixties, with white

long hair and beards around his chin,

watching from a blind spot one of the

faculty of the academy, also found

himself surprised by the sight. But the

most shocking part is that 3 stars lit up at

the side of the crystal tablet. Ronan

turned to the stunned instructor.

"Please, will you call out the results?" He

said. arrogance dripped out of his

mouth. "Oh yeah. Mana, unknown. Tier

3. Qualified." Professor Leo announced.

Ronan strided confidently towards

Drake's position, smirking at him. This

sent chills down Drake's spine and left

him with an unease feeling.


"Why did he appear in my sight and

smirk?" Drake murmured. "He's a

narcissist who loves to seek attention.

You became his target since you came

here, after grabbing all the spotlight.

You don't need to take it seriously. He's

widely known for that."

Mark tried to brush off the incident from

Drake's mind when he heard a call.

"Mark fist." The instructor shouted. Mark

turned to Drake. "I'm leaving for the text."

And left. He walked towards the crystal

tablet. Placed his hand. A deep sea

green with a ripped glowing teal

illuminated from the crystal, and beside

it, 3 stars appeared.

"Torrential Aura. Tier 3. Qualified." The

examiner declared. Mark walked down

the platform. 

Several students were called, one after

the other; some passed or barely passed

while others failed.

"Fifth to the last on the list. Alexander

Drake."Drake, like the others, moved

towards the crystal tablet. He placed his

hands on it. A sky blue,illuminated with

soft white highlights, emanated from the

crystal, revealing three stars beside the

crystal tablet.

The cracks around the crystal tablet

instantly mended, emitting subtly

dominant vibes, which only the instructor

noticed,but the colour was strange,

making everyone puzzled as to what

aura or mana it is. Loud roar erupted

from the crowds.

"What kind of mana or aura is that?"

"It may be a sign of low mana affinity for


Despite the uncertainty, everyone

present agreed on one thing. The colour

signified "healer mana' since it repaired

the crystal tablet.