Chapter 7: Gaslighting Jill

The first morning light broke through the night, casting a soft glow over the small one-bedroom apartment. 

Suddenly, Tristan, who had been sleeping soundly, was jolted awake by a violent movement near his arm. 

Memories of the previous night rushed back, and he quickly became aware of the situation.

He turned his head and met Jill's gaze, who also felt his movements and turned to him—her face was cold and eyes burned with murderous intent.

"Haaah~ Good morning." 

Tristan yawned, stretching lazily, completely ignoring the storm in her glare. 

His calmness only fueled Jill's anger, and she screamed at him in rage.

"You beast! What did you do to me?!"

Tristan glanced down. He was hugging her tightly, and his cock was still buried inside her vagina, soft but long enough to remain.

"Ugh, could you stop yelling? You're going to burst my eardrums. You know what happened last night. You agreed to it, remember?"

"Nonsense! Bastard! How dare you lie to me? Get your filthy hands off me!"

Jill's beautiful face contorted with rage, completely dismissing his words. 

But Tristan wasn't intimidated. He just sighed dramatically, as if her accusations genuinely hurt him.

"Don't be like that, Jill. Try to remember."

He pulled her closer, and his hands roamed over her body, making her flinch with fury.

"I said, Take your hands off me! And if this was consensual, why are my hands and legs tied? Do you think I'm stupid?!"

"Oh… right. I forgot about that," he muttered, as if taken aback by his carelessness.

He moved one of his hands to untie her, but the moment her hands were free, she swung a fist at him. 

Unfortunately, before she could land a hit, Tristan had her pinned again in an instant.

He had always been stronger than her, and after the virgin sex last night, under the quadrupled effect of the Ecstasy Heart Sutra, the difference between their physical strength had become even more insurmountable and simply overwhelming.

Mustering all her strength, Jill struggled to get free, but it was like an ant trying to move a mountain. 

Even worse, she could feel his cock starting to wake within her vagina, becoming increasingly firm with each passing second.

"You beast! Get off me! Pull out your disgusting thing!"

"Huh? Why should I?" 

This time Tristan pretended to be furious, and he completely disregarded her feelings, giving her a cold glare that caused her another shock.

For a moment, she couldn't understand if he was simply shameless or really angry. 


"What you? I've been trying to talk to you calmly, but all you do is scream and insult me. Do you think you can push me around because I've been kind to you?"

His words were sharp, and even his hands stopped exploring her body as if he were really enraged. 

Of course, his cock, which was now fully hard again, twitched inside her, preparing for round two, which further disrupted Jill's mentality, making it more chaotic.

"Shut up! Ahhh! Get off! Pull it out... You beast!" 

She cried, and her voice was a mix of anger and desperation. In response, Tristan chuckled darkly.

"Heh, you called me a beast, didn't you? Why should I follow orders from a human when I'm clearly a beast?"

Jill's face flushed with humiliation and helplessness when she heard her own words used against her.

She wanted to beat the shit out of him for what he had done—for violating her—but she was trapped by him, physically and somewhat mentally too, since her words seemed to have no effect on him.

But at that moment, as she braced for the worst, thinking he would rape her again, his tone softened suddenly and became unexpectedly gentle.

"Alright, enough with the jokes. Jill, you might not remember much because you were drunk, but you indeed gave me your consent last night."

"Impossible! Bastard, don't lie to me. I locked my door and went to bed—"

Before she could finish, he spoke in the middle.

"Bastard? I am an orphan. How can I be a bastard? Anyway, yeah, you did lock the door. But when I knocked, it was also you who opened it. And then…"

Reaching this point, he paused; his eyes, which had been confident until now, suddenly evaded her gaze, making Jill anxious.

"Then what?"

"… I was drunk, too, and I kissed you—pushed you against the wall. I… I'm ashamed of that. But you didn't push me away and reciprocated my kiss… and then, well… you know the rest."

Before she could digest his words, he released her hands, cupped her face, looked her in the eyes, and spoke sincerely.

"Trust me, Jill, I'm not the kind of guy who'd force a woman. I've always liked you. After you passed out, I tied you up because I was scared. I thought you might wake up and try to kill me."

As he ended, his voice carried a mixture of guilt and assertiveness, laced with just the right amount of sweet talk.

Upon hearing his one-sided story and his confession about his feelings for her, Jill's expression remained fierce, though the murderous intent in her eyes lessened. 

She didn't fully believe him—how could she? But his expressions held just enough honesty to plant a seed of doubt.

Deep down, she knew that Tristan's version of last night's events was likely a mix of lies and half-truths, but there was still the chance that some of it was genuine. 

Maybe she had indeed been too drunk to remember everything clearly. Maybe, in her intoxicated state, she hadn't resisted as much as she thought she would have.

But one thing was certain—no matter how confused she was last night, she would never have willingly given him her virginity.

Yet, there was another part of her, a tiny part, that wondered if Tristan really hadn't meant for things to go this far. 

Maybe he had lost control, just like she had under the influence of alcohol. Perhaps in his drunken haze, he had tied her up to prevent her from killing him in rage, not to degrade her further.

Of course, Jill wasn't naive.

She knew Tristan was no innocent party, but there was something about his confession, about his character and his actions over the years, that made her hesitate.

Tristan had always treated women respectfully. 

Everyone who knew him was well aware that he never even touched the prostitutes in the pubs he owned.

Of course, in their line of work, many people praised him, but some even mocked him and doubted if he was really a man.

But many women, even in the police department, trusted him because of that.

This made the situation even more complicated. 

Jill was furious and powerless against him, but at the same time, a part of her felt he hadn't intended for things to escalate like this.

But what she didn't know was that something called the Ecstasy Heart Sutra—a cultivation technique from outside this world—was already working its subtle magic on her.

It hadn't eradicated her disgust for him, but it had muted it and instead magnified the small measure of trust she had once held for him.

Even though Jill didn't love him, she couldn't bring herself to hate him completely.

Sure, she was still furious about losing her virginity in such a way, and it was far too soon to make sense of her feelings. But before she could process any of that, her immediate concern was to escape from his grasp, especially with his cock still buried deep inside her, stirring her insides.

"Just... stop moving," Jill muttered, frowning.

The sensations in her body were foreign. And a strange numbness spread through her, causing more discomfort than anything else.

"If... if you really care about me, then please, get off me. Pull that thing out, now!" She demanded in a shaky voice.

At this time, Jill's vagina had become a little wet. This was not due to arousal but rather because of her body's natural reaction to help lubricate and avoid friction damage.

Tristan noticed the subtle change in her tone and met her gaze steadily.

"I do care about you. I've always liked you, Jill. No matter what happened last night, I'm willing to take the blame. I'll take responsibility and pull out, but... I need you to promise me one thing first."

"What promise?" 

Even though she asked about it, she was ready to agree to anything at this moment to get him off her. After all, it was only a verbal agreement, and everything still had to depend on her own decision after she cleared her mind of this chaos and investigated the situation thoroughly.

Unfortunately for her, this was just the beginning of chaos.

"Before I pull out my cock, do it with me one more time!" 

"What?! N…Mmmm~"

Before Jill could protest and say 'no', Tristan pressed her down and captured her lips in a deep kiss, muffling her objections.

Seeing this, Jill couldn't help but curse inwardly. This guy wasn't playing according to the rules at all.

Last night, he'd taken advantage of her, and instead of apologizing in the morning, he first acted so nonchalantly and then scolded her.

Following that, out of nowhere, he became gentle, making her believe the ordeal was over. And now, when she thought she'd finally be free, he turned back to his domineering self, forcing another kiss on her and demanding to have sex with her.

For a moment, Jill couldn't help but think if this was all a dream or not.

So much happened in such a short period of time, and she experienced one shock after another—it really made her doubt her sanity!


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