Grinding #3

The vast white space shimmered with an almost otherworldly light, presenting an infinite expanse that appeared to exist in a paradoxical state of being both present and absent simultaneously. At the very center of this ethereal realm stood Rivyn, his sword drawn and ready for battle, his stance unwavering and steady as a rock. He knew precisely what awaited him in this mystical place: another intense round of the system's merciless trials, unfair and cruel in their nature, scraping every fiber of his being. For in this very place, he had faced the fearsome manticores' fierce combat, venomous poison like a wildfire coursing through his veins, while powerful claws rumbled down at his defenses, leaving marks on body and spirit. And still, despite everything, he had felt some unknown compulsion to return one more time—sired by a force he could not fully understand.