Dawn of Justice

Jack and his men are fully prepared for the impending police raid. Meanwhile, Nick and Arwyn have just reached the location, parking their vehicle at the edge of a cliff that provides a clear view of Jack's entire estate.

Nick: It was worth taking this little detour to get a better look at his mansion.

Arwyn: Alright, we can lie low and wait for the others.

Nick: I told you we are doing this covertly. We sneak in, free Judy, and get out, leaving the rest for our colleagues.

Arwyn: And how exactly are we going to sniff out Judy without alerting anyone? I say this is impossible to pull off.

Nick: Well, we foxes are nimble and sneaky. If we can coordinate together carefully, we may be able to get my baby bunny out of here without the use of disciplinary methods.

Arwyn: But I distinctly remember Chief Bogo telling us not to engage alone and wait for reinforcements.

Nick: Don't sweat it, Arwyn. You're partnered with one of the best units in the force. We'll manage. I will not sit here, waiting for reinforcements to arrive, knowing she is down there among those disgraceful crooks.

Arwyn: That's a downright act of insubordination.

Nick: Now you sound just like him. I know for a fact if we survive this, I am being relegated.

Arwyn: Yeah, way better than losing your job. That's what's in store for me. At least I share Bogo's sensible mind.

Nick: Everything is going to be alright. Grab your gear. Let's move...

Nick gets out of the car, leaving Arwyn anxious.

Arwyn: Hey, wait!

Arwyn leaves the car, grabbing his gear while at it.

Arwyn: Nick, I swear, if we get into trouble, that's on you! You're so impatient, spoiling for a fight. We won't make it! We are mortals and some action movie unkillable heroes.

Arwyn is feeling super anxious and uneasy, all because of Nick's reluctance to wait for reinforcements and his extreme desire to rescue Judy at all costs. He can barely hold his weapon in his paw.

Arwyn: Can we, like, wait a bit longer? Bogo and his forces will be here in two shakes. Patience, please! Can't you see the parking lot down there? There must be so many of them already, all ready to repel our attack by any means necessary!

He said it all with a quavering voice.

Nick: I tell you what, how about you stay put and let me do this without you? You're uptight, shaking. You are in no condition to bring this operation to fruition with me. I will probably fare better without you. This is a bit too much for a rookie's first day anyway. Put your gear down. I am doing this alone. I can't go in with someone who is emotionally unprepared for such a heavy burden. I have already lost a couple of people I held dear before. I am not losing another one.

Arwyn: What? Do you hear yourself? What has gotten into you? You suddenly want to go in without me and single-handedly rescue Judy from the evil clutches of Jack Savage and his merciless goons? I did NOT sign up to quit! I would never wimp out! I am here for the same reason you are. I want to get your bunny girl out of there just as bad as you do, even if it may cost my life. This is who I am. Someone who wants to help. I know I am shaky and, like, super anxious, but I am just warming up. You think I am leaving my partner behind? Not a chance! I will shake it off, I promise. I will not hinder you! We are in this together, partner!

Nick: I am sorry for being agitated. Perhaps I am being a bit too hard on you. I apologize. I am the one who is not emotionally prepared here... It's just that I am just a few tiny steps away from taking back the second piece of my heart! She's right down there. I am not there for her when she needs me the most.

Arwyn: You will be soon. You can count on that. I will not let you down. I got your back, okay?

Nick: So, are you good?

Arwyn: Yeah, do we seriously want to do this then?

Nick: This trail over here leads directly to his mansion. It's a nice little derelict path, which I assume is beneath their radar.

Arwyn: I guess that's a strong yes. Oh, and what about the car?

Nick: It's in a perfectly hidden location. We will have to leave it here and come back with Judy once we are done and I have punched a hole in Jack's face.

Arwyn: Okay, downhill we go then.

Nick and Arwyn make their way along the path, descending from the hill.

Arwyn: Nick, can we at least assess the situation before doing anything that may expose us and consequently lead us to our demise? Like pinpoint the weak points of his mansion and see if there's an indirect way in?

Nick: We will circle around the land and try to find the right spot to break in, even if I have to dig a hole under that concrete fence.

Arwyn: And as usual, the front gate is the most guarded perimeter. We will be lucky enough to squeeze through even a simple crack big enough for us to fit through. I am telling you this would be a walk in a park if we waited for Bogo's forces and stormed through the front gate together like a massive destructive tidal wave, but no, this fox who thinks is a one-man army wants to go solo. You're asking for a nasty defeat! Have you always been this foolhardy?

Nick: Get down!

Arwyn: Why? Nick, I am trying to discuss this with...

A group of Jack's henchmen is on patrol nearby. Nick quickly pulls Arwyn down behind a bush, cutting off whatever he was about to say. They manage to stay hidden as the patrol walks by without spotting them.

Arwyn: Thanks for the heads-up!

Nick: You said you were the best in the academy, yet you still have so much to learn.

Arwyn: I know... sorry. I will try to be as inconspicuous as possible.

Nick: And remain vigilant while you are at it. We don't want to raise the alarm before entering the mansion. Remember, inadvertence can be your biggest enemy in situations like this.

Arwyn: I am no professional spy; I am supposed to face them bad guys head-on, with extreme caution, of course!

Nick: Learn to adapt and improvise, then. The coast is clear now. Let's go!

They continue their journey down the hill.

Arwyn: Maybe you can still teach me some things.

Nick: I haven't got the time. I am no good teacher either. Let life and your career teach you as you go through the difficulties they both throw at you every day.

Arwyn: I don't doubt that. This day is a nice start too!

Nick: Just trust me, okay? You're with me; what could go wrong?

Arwyn: I don't know. Everything?

Nick: Not today!

Arwyn: Trying to dispel my concerns about your motives? Not today. It ain't working.

Nick: Let fear and uncertainty be the driving force behind our success!

As they make their way toward Jack's property, the two are beginning to form a connection. They quietly approach the concrete fence at the rear of the mansion, careful to avoid detection by the nearby patrols, and choose a spot that is unprotected.

Arwyn: Now what?

Nick: Keep your voice down. I am thinking over here.

Arwyn: Hey, are you a good climber? How sharp are your claws?

Nick: What? Arwyn, we can talk about this later. Can't you see I am trying to figure out a way to get over this concrete wall?

Arwyn: Check out that tree! If we can scale it, we can use its branches to get over the wall and sneak in quietly.

Nick: You want us to climb that tree? No way, I am no squirrel. Climbing that tree would make way too much noise, and we don't want that. Here's a more feasible idea. It looks like I might be able to get up there myself if you give me a boost. That should be enough for me to grab the top of the wall and pull myself up to check the surroundings. We don't know what's behind the wall, so it's better to check and scan the area behind it before we get over it. What do you say? You're up for it? Or you're going to wimp out?

Arwyn: Nah, I've already been emboldened. There's no way back now. We are getting in your way.

Arwyn positions himself beside the wall, bringing his paws down and placing them together, allowing Nick to use them as a boost to reach the top.

Nick: Ready?

Arwyn: Go!

Nick steps on Arwyn's paws as he gives him a boost up.

Arwyn: Up you go!

He manages to grab the top, pulling himself up slowly and quietly.

Nick: Ah, fudge! You're not going to like this.

Arwyn: What do you see?!

Nick: A hedge maze, something that can be typically found near a courtyard of a luxurious mansion.

Arwyn: As expected. Great. We can still wait, you know, for Bogo's forces...

Nick: Not again with that reluctance and insecurity. I am already up here, and I am NOT going back down, at least not to your side. So, you're either taking a picnic under that tree or you are coming with me. Look, we can use this to our advantage. I see a few bad guys walking around down there. This is our best bet. Arwyn, if we can successfully navigate through this maze, we can sneak into the mansion without being spotted and without going through the open areas in the courtyard. This is our direct way in. I can already see Jack's been mobilizing his goons in preparation for the police raid.

Arwyn: I am really not digging this plan, but since you are already up there, I guess my only choice is to follow you. I just need to...

Nick: Get up here?

Arwyn: Yeah... help, please?

Nick: Are you a good climber with sharp claws?

Arwyn: Oh, I know what you're suggesting, and I HATE IT!

Nick: Consider this an unofficial training day. It's good for warming up. This is the type of adrenaline rush you need to keep up with me, my boy.

Arwyn: Oh, really? Believe me, it will be an adrenaline rush for both of us once we get inside.

Nick: Go on, CLIMB! I will keep watch. And remember, this was your idea!

Arwyn: You sly fox. That's such a deviously executed plan. I can't believe you did this to me by deviously using me to reach the top. Wimp style. Really.

Nick: Just look at you... I am sorry, I work smarter, not harder.

Arwyn: Figured. You're just too craven to climb this small tree, aren't you?

Nick: I've been through worse obstacles that are of unimaginable nature for rookies like you. C'mon, hurry! Now is your chance!

Arwyn: Here goes nothing!

Arwyn begins to ascend the tree slowly, moving with ease, until he reaches the upper branches. A few of these branches are sturdy enough for someone to walk along.

Nick: You're doing good! Remember, we can't afford to make a blunder right now! We're so close!

Arwyn: Very encouraging, partner...

Arwyn stands up carefully and begins to make his way slowly to the edge of the branch, where he can safely access the top of the wall.

Nick: Fudge, there's a patrol coming. I have to jump down!

Arwyn: Nick, wait for me! I am almost there!!!

Nick: Just stay put! Wait till they pass! Otherwise, you're going to get seen! See you on the other side!

Nick jumps down and lands in the hedge maze behind the wall while Arwyn nervously freezes in one place, trying not to move or make any noise that may alert the incoming patrol. Fortunately, the surrounding trees offer plenty of cover, making the patrol walk right beneath him without noticing. Arwyn then carefully inches toward the edge of the branch and then drops down onto the top of the wall.

Nick: Down here!

Arwyn performs an impressive feat that catches Nick's attention. He leaps from the top, executing a forward roll upon landing and then rising to his feet.

Arwyn: Alright, we are officially trespassing, legally.

Nick: Holy smokes! That was smooth! I almost broke my butt down here!

Arwyn: I told you I was the best graduate at my academy.

Nick: Just like my princess.

Arwyn: She will be back in your hands soon. Let's venture further into the unknown!

The pair begins to navigate the hedge maze, which is currently the most unprotected area on Jack's estate.

Nick: Great, this was the last place on Earth I wanted to wind up in.

Arwyn: I feel like we have been here already. We must be going in circles. This place is just so perplexing!

Nick: Tell me about it.

They navigate through a series of turns until they encounter two guards approaching, engaged in conversation and puffing on cigarettes. Nick and Arwyn swiftly hide behind a corner to avoid being seen.

Nick: Two thugs versus the two of us. What do you say?

Arwyn: A fair, equal match. If we can take them out quietly, we will finally be able to get out of this maze.

Nick: We better do, because things are about to get really hectic soon!

Arwyn: Want to perform a little ambush?

Nick: Sure, why not? You ready, partner?

Arwyn: Always.

Nick: Let's wait till they come close enough for us to put them asleep. The left one is mine.

Arwyn: Got it!

The two remain concealed, anticipating the arrival of the patrol until they are within striking distance for a silent takedown. Once the patrol is near, they execute a coordinated ambush, swiftly incapacitating both guards without drawing any attention.

Arwyn: Goodnight, you two!

Nick: That wasn't bad for a rookie! Nice work! They'll wake up behind bars soon!

Arwyn: Two down, dozens of more to go!

Nick: Remember, we are here for Judy. We are not taking down the entire gang alone. We must be very careful if we want to get out of here alive.

Arwyn: It is quite thoughtful and prudent of you, especially given your intention to launch an attack on this place without awaiting backup.

Nick: Yeah, I'm just making sure you don't get overly excited and cocky. The last thing I need right now is to grieve over your death.

Arwyn: Nothing can go wrong if you listen to your superior.

The two continue towards the end of the maze and reach its exit.

Meanwhile, Skye is being led out of the mansion by two guards on the opposite side. One of the guards maintains his weapon aimed at her from behind. After taking a few steps, Skye halts in her tracks. The guard behind her prods her back with his firearm.

Guard: Move! We didn't tell you to stop!

Guard 2: Perhaps she is getting tired. We can kick her out with force instead! It will be more effective!

Guard: A hard kick in her booty, eh? I dig this idea!

The few other henchmen nearby share a lighthearted laugh at her unfortunate situation.

Skye: Well, this is egregiously demeaning, isn't it? You think I am in a pickle, don't you? Just wait till you will be the ones in it real soon as this place turns into a disorder!

Guard: Tough words for such a delicate little cutie like you. Now get a move on!

She proceeds with her walk, swiftly surveying the surroundings to ensure that no one else is present, observing the unfolding situation closely.

Skye: I am sorry, but I have to take matters into my own hands from here. I won't tolerate this any longer.

She turns around, neutralizing the guard who has his weapon aimed at her, and quickly incapacitates both of them before they can react properly. It becomes evident that Skye possesses exceptional hand-to-hand combat skills and has a knack for extricating herself from difficult situations.

Skye: I hope you have health insurance, guys. This is what happens when I am no longer able to contain my indignation! You don't mess with me! Why am I even talking to these pitious fools? They are out cold! Now...where do I go from here?

Before she decides what to do next, she hides the bodies in the nearby bushes, buying herself some extra time.

Jack is currently conducting a significant meeting in the main hall, where numerous criminals have answered his distress call. They are heavily armed, equipped with machine guns and various other deadly weapons. He is readying himself to deliver his final address before chaos ensues. Positioned on the balcony, he surveys the entire hall as he articulates his speech.

Jack: Thank you all for gathering here today. I am deeply grateful for your support. It is incredible to see so many of you from various regions of Zootopia. Your presence is a testament to your steadfast loyalty to me. You have chosen to dedicate yourselves to Clan Savage and to be part of this extraordinary brotherhood. In just one year, we have achieved remarkable feats together! We have overcome our adversaries and established ourselves as the most formidable criminal organization in the city, thriving on the misfortunes of those who oppose us. However, I must inform you that we are disbanding. I will be candid about the situation at hand. The impending confrontation will have only one victor, and it will not be us. You may wonder why this is occurring and why we should even consider fighting for a cause that seems unwinnable. You deserve to understand the reason for this emergency meeting. The responsibility lies with me. My recent actions have left our organization in a precarious position. I kidnapped a ZPD officer whom I once loved, but those feelings were not reciprocated. This officer chose to love another, a particular fox, and I believe you are aware of their identities. I realize now how foolish my plan was. Kidnapping that bunny would never lead to a favorable outcome; she would never reciprocate affection for a notorious bunny with a history of crimes. I should have known this sooner. Justice and crime are fundamentally incompatible, much like water and fire. My harebrained plans have led us to this predicament, and now I find myself pursued by the entire police force. I want to clarify that I was never your boss; I was your leader, and a true leader cares for their followers. While I may have occasionally exhibited egocentric or self-righteous behavior, particularly towards my closest allies, I now leave it to your hearts to determine your next course of action. If you wish to continue living, the exit is directly behind you. You are at liberty to depart at this moment without fear of judgment, punishment, or any severe consequences for your choice. However, if you believe that my guidance and this organization have provided you with solace and improvements during your times of struggle, then you will stand with me one final time, even if the prospect of success seems unattainable. Conversely, if you feel that you have been betrayed or exploited for a purpose that serves only my interests, now is the opportunity to voice your grievances and hold me accountable before you choose to leave, relinquishing your membership permanently. Keep in mind who supported you during your most challenging moments. Recall who remained by your side as you worked to rebuild your life. Therefore, my esteemed companions, will you choose to fight for me and protect this glorious brotherhood with your very lives, or will you decide to withdraw if you believe it is not a worthy endeavor?

A profound silence envelops the hall as Jack waits nervously for a reaction from his fellow henchmen and organization members. No one exits the hall; instead, they all elevate their weapons in solidarity with Jack's cause, demonstrating their readiness to risk their lives to protect their true home.

Jack: Through this action, you have declared that we are all united as a family, and a family remains steadfast together until the very end. Our course of action will be as follows: We will strike decisively, ensuring that they endure significant losses and that their determination is severely undermined. This will not be their regular shift or a mere investigation. They will arrive well-equipped, in substantial numbers, driven by their inbred courage and determination, with a singular objective: to eradicate this place entirely alongside us. I expect they will be wearing body armor; thus, the use of armor-piercing ammunition is strongly advised, so make every shot count! My guards will escort you to the armory, where you may equip yourself with any necessary gear, although I believe it may not be entirely necessary. Nevertheless, I recommend utilizing any remaining time to prepare yourself adequately before they raid this place. Given the inevitability of our defeat, I will not surrender anything to the authorities, even in the face of impending failure and death. If I am to perish, this brotherhood shall fall with me. We will set this place ablaze at the opportune moment. Now, proceed to the basement, collect as many gas canisters as possible, and distribute them strategically throughout the mansion, particularly near windows and all entrances. Once we have drawn in as many officers as we can, we will ignite this place and witness it engulfed in flames, alongside them and ourselves. It is a grim and profoundly diabolical plan, one that only a person as deranged as I can conceive. I know how much you hate those men in blue. This is your chance to eradicate as many of them as you wish, but once we reach this stage of the night when this paradise gets engulfed in flames, it will be a flight or fight situation, and that's when you will either stay to finish what we all started with pride or you will cut and run and settle somewhere far from this place in an attempt to get back to your normal lives without being brought to justice, knowing that you were there for your clan when it needed you the most and you did your best. If you can do that, you have my respect from hell. No matter what happens, I am staying and dying here. There's no life for me outside this mansion. Thank you for being a part of this family.

The members of his organization offer him a respectful salute before dispersing into groups to begin their preparations for the police raid. Moments later, outside the mansion grounds, the red and blue lights from the police vehicles pierce through the darkness of the dense forest and illuminate the path leading to the mansion. The wailing of sirens grows increasingly louder with each passing second. The ZPD forces have arrived in significant numbers, accompanied by four helicopters now hovering above the mansion. Jack's men are taking up defensive positions throughout the mansion, while the ZPD vehicles come to a halt a short distance from the walls on all sides. Chief Bogo, overseeing the operation, exits his vehicle and is quickly surrounded by his armed personnel, all prepared for immediate action.

Chief Bogo: You smell that, boys? This place reeks of criminal scum!

He brings out his radio and talks to every dispatched unit.

Chief Bogo: Remember, your primary target is Jack Savage! You either seize him or neutralize him if he refuses to submit to our authority. Split up in groups and make sure you locate and escort Officer Hopps into safety while you are at it. There's so much at stake here, especially her life. Begin planting C4 charges on the walls on each side. We will trap them all in there. No depraved filth gets out without being brought to unadulterated justice! They only have two choices: they either submit to our authority or they will kiss the tips of our bullets we will send flying towards each one of them. Go get em boys!

The ZPD units split into groups, placing explosives around the mansion and ultimately triggering them from multiple angles. This leads to widespread chaos as they invade the mansion's grounds. Both Jack's forces and the ZPD units begin to suffer losses as they exchange gunfire. The ZPD units face immediate and intense resistance from heavily armed criminals. Jack's men are strategically positioned and well-equipped. Many of them are utilizing armor-piercing ammunition to effectively combat the men of justice. Chief Bogo arrives in the courtyard, bolstering the fight with additional officers, and immediately begins to eliminate Jack's men with his powerful semi-automatic shotgun before seeking cover from their counterattacks.

Chief Bogo: You filthy crooks may be persistent, but you will not live long enough to see the sun rise! Justice will always prevail, and so will we!

He waits for the right opportunity and then peeks out of cover, blasting even more criminals.

Chief Bogo: Keep pushing forward! Bring them to their knees with your steadfast resolve and immeasurable strength! Air support units, engage!

The four helicopters hovering above the mansion unleash a barrage of gunfire on Jack's forces as additional ZPD officers descend from them into the courtyard, greatly diminishing the strength of Jack's defenses. Consequently, his men begin to suffer substantial casualties. Inside the mansion, in the main hall, Jack stands on the balcony as a group of guards escorts Judy, handcuffed, towards him.

Jack: Thank you guys. You two stay here with me. The rest of you head downstairs and watch the entrance. Alert me immediately when they reach the door.

The guards transfer custody of Judy, with two remaining with Jack while the others return downstairs to assist their colleagues in securing the entrance and patrolling the vicinity. The entire hall is permeated with the scent of gasoline, as Jack has instructed his men to distribute multiple cans of gasoline throughout the main hall and further inside, setting the stage for a devastating surprise for the ZPD upon their arrival.

Judy: You're digging your grave so hard and deep by doing this!

Jack: I am pleased to know I won't be getting buried alone at the very least!

Judy: You sick monster... you've become so mentally unstable in just one day!

Jack: That's a compliment? Thank you!

Judy: What do you think you are doing? You're just going to hold me captive in your arms?! Where did your sanity go?

Jack: We wait. I know he's out there somewhere, coming to get you. Now shut the hell up, or I will rid him of the only chance to see you before we all die by putting a bullet in your pretty head a bit earlier than planned, but I hope it will not come to that, as I want to see him begging to be forgiven in front of you as our fates slowly draw close!

A bit deeper in the courtyard, Skye is making her way out of the mansion, but when she reaches the back gate, she takes a brief glance at the shootout happening not far behind her. She remembers the words Jack spoke to her just before she was led out of his office. She also reflects on the memories she has with Jack and how much it would mean to be at his side again, just like old times.

Skye: Partners always cover their backs.

She faces a challenging and risky choice; rather than exiting through the back gate, she decides to turn back in hopes of reaching Jack before it's too late. Moments later, as she arrives at the back door of the mansion, she is confronted by Nick and Arwyn, who approach from behind. With the shootout occurring in the courtyard, there is no one nearby to disrupt their unexpected encounter.

Nick: Hey, YOU!

Nick and Arwyn both aim their guns at her. She halts, a subtle smirk playing on her lips. With a bold demeanor, she turns around without drawing her gun from the holster secured to her thigh.

Skye: Look who it is, if it isn't Nick Wilde, the wannabe hero of the kidnapped princess. I had a feeling you would be the very first from the ZPD to step onto this land.

Nick: Oh, my dear Skye, you are a welcome sight. I definitely didn't expect to see you here scouring this place for Judy, or at least I hope you are here operating professionally.

Arwyn: You know her?

Nick: I am going to cut to the chase and say, yes. She's my ex-love interest from the far past.

Skye: No explanation is necessary from my point of view. It was a rather forgettable experience.

Nick: Ouch, I pray Carrots doesn't feel the same about me.

Skye: How did you get past all the ruckus happening at the courtyard so fast?

Arwyn: We snuck in before it all started, right, Nick?

Nick: Yeah, we use our brains more effectively together.

Skye: Oh wow! I tip my hat to you for your tremendous achievement! I didn't think you'd get this far with that hatchling next to you. Odds are surely in your favor today, but not for long.

Arwyn: What did she call me? Look, I am no average Joe; I saved Nick's butt several times. What have you done except write someone off without even knowing them and their capabilities inside out?

Nick: Easy, you two. There isn't much time for fighting each other or killing all the bad guys around here. We are here to get my stolen treasure while saving all the bullets for that one rabbit who runs this cursed place. I don't ask you to forgive me, because I deserve no forgiveness, but will you join us for our mutual goal?

Skye: I am afraid not. You two would introduce a vexatious problem for me right now as our goals vastly differ.

Nick: I have a hunch you are not here to rescue Judy, are you?

Arwyn: Nick, something feels off here about her. She's clearly not on our side. Who is she?!

Nick: As far as my knowledge goes, she is a member of the Zootopia Secret Agency, but something tells me we are about to witness her rebelliously abandoning her mission in the most treacherous way possible.

Skye: You want to question my allegiance? That's fine for me. But I would like to keep my goal strictly secret for the time being. You stay out of my way and let me finish what I started

Nick: Then allow us to continue. Judy is in there with that maniac. She could seriously lose her life in any minute now!

Skye: Him too!!!

She shouts out loud, angrily.

Arwyn: There it is! That just confirms she is loyal to that Savage guy! Nick, we have no time to lose! Let's just remove her from our path by using lethal force!

He points his gun at her, so ready to pull the trigger...

Nick: Arwyn! NO! Just stop! Lower your gun!

Skye: Come on! I dare you to shoot me! See how far you will get before you get stripped off your badge for taking my life! I am protected by the law, and you will possess no proof of any wrongdoing on my part.

Arwyn: And there will be nobody to provide any evidence of your killer either amidst all of this chaos!

Nick: Enough with the threats and foolish mind games, Arwyn, AFTER ME!

Nick begins to approach Skye, who remains firmly in the doorway, showing a mix of determination and nervousness.

Nick: Move! Just step aside if you are not willing to join us and let me get my girl while I hunt down that pompous, two-faced jerk!

Skye: I am sorry, Nick. It's either him or you...

Nick: Skye, just what are you doing? Please, if you are not willing to join us and take down that jerk, then stay out of this! How could you choose that criminal over justice?

Skye: The same way Judy chose a criminal, you, over justice...

Nick: Okay, now you are skating on really thin ice! I don't want to hurt you! This is your last warning, Skye. Get out of my way this instant!

Skye: Go on...you hurt me emotionally before! I suppose it's getting physical now, isn't it?

Arwyn: You've been a thorn in our side just enough!

Arwyn is about to attack her. Just before he can act, four of Jack's men emerge from behind her to join the shootout outside. However, they halt abruptly upon spotting Skye with Nick and Arwyn positioned at the entrance. In that instant, Skye draws her weapon, swiftly turns, and executes each of them with precise shots to the head, leaving both Nick and Arwyn in stunned silence.

Arwyn: Nick, I really wish she had the same intentions as us.

Nick: Please, let's just quit the antics and proceed inside the mansion together as a team.

Skye: What? You two got cold feet?

Nick: No, it's just that we are losing so much time weighting each other down, arguing, and bringing up the past while there's literally a massive shootout happening just around the corner behind us!

Arwyn: We better get going and worry about this ex of yours later!

Skye: How about we strike a deal? You worry about getting your bunny out of there alive while I worry about getting mine? Seems fair to me. I am no monster. I do not want to hurt any of you, and as you can see, I am not loyal to Jack's brotherhood.

Nick: Then why are you so single-minded and insistent on getting him out of here alive? Don't you realize how many atrocities he has committed? One of them being the kidnapping of my sweet little angel! None of this is excusable!

Arwyn: Look, lady, you may not be a member of their group, but you are still committing a serious crime by lending him a helping hand. You are risking your entire career by becoming his accomplice!

Skye: I am willing to atone for any illegal action I may take once this is all over. I will help you rescue Judy, but I ask you to not stand in my way once we reach Jack.

Nick: Still not a fan of your ill-fated plan, but we have a higher chance of surviving this if we join forces.

Skye: We even got a head start over your pals fighting in the courtyard.

Arwyn: Which means we can reach Judy and that Savage rabbit of yours quicker than anyone else in this soon-to-be graveyard!

Skye: So, are you ready or what? I'm not staying here to clash with you verbally and nonverbally, only to join the dead together.

Nick: Please don't screw this up. I'm counting on you one last time...

Skye: You talk too much...

Skye rushes indoors, with Nick and Arwyn following her closely behind, making an effort to keep pace with her.

Arwyn: There she goes, like lightning.

Nick: That's how fast we broke up.

Arwyn: Sometimes, it's better to stay single, it seems.

Nick: It depends. Now focus!

The trio ventures further into the expansive mansion. Nick and Arwyn successfully reach Skye, who appears to have paused at a corner, glancing around it. They position themselves directly behind her.

Nick: Now what, Skye? You ran out of fuel?!

Arwyn: Good for us. Just let me catch my breath!

Skye: Unlike you two disorderly numbskulls, I am constantly on my guard. Look ahead. There are four heavy, beefed-up dudes with heavy machine guns blocking the hallway, which leads straight into the hall where Jack should be.

Nick: How are you so familiar with this place?

Skye: I've been here just before we ran into each other. I even talked to that heart-stealing bunny of yours. She is fine; I mean, she was fine at the time I exchanged a few words with her.

Nick: You're telling me all of this now?

Skye: Hey, we are in the middle of a massive shootout! There's no time for telling you everything.

Nick: You could have started with this first.

Arwyn: Or, you could have just bantered with each other instead of being mean and unfriendly to each other.

Nick and Skye look at Arwyn angrily.

Skye: Why won't you just shut up, youngling? You don't know our history!

Nick: Yeah, you touched a raw nerve right there, bud!

Arwyn: What? I'm just trying to help reduce the tension between you two. Besides, it's never too late for a reconciliation!

Skye: Alright, I am heading out. You are becoming a real headache for me right now. You two wait here. I am going to deal with the guards.

As she prepares to round the corner and make her presence known, Nick takes hold of her hand, gently drawing her back.

Nick: Are you crazy? They're going to mow you down! You can't solo this, not without us. We are doing this together, okay?

Skye: Please don't act like you care about me. Our days together are over. That ship sailed a long time ago, don't you remember? Like I said, you worry about Judy while I worry about Jack. You should no longer feel any emotional attachment or concern for me. Wait here and watch how this vixen cunningly dispatches her enemies!

She gets out of the corner, facing the guards.

Arwyn: And she just sealed her fate. Nobody's going to miss her anyway.

Nick: How I hate this tactic...

Arwyn: Do you think she's going to double-cross us?

Nick: That is what is haunting my mind right now...

The guards ready their weapons upon seeing Skye...

Skye: Hold your fire! I's me!

They are perplexed, having witnessed her being led out of the mansion by their partners not long ago.

Guard: Shouldn't you be far away from this place?

Guard 2: If I remember correctly, Mr. Savage wanted you out of this place!

Skye: Relax! He had a change of heart and said he wanted me back. He wasn't ready to cut ties with me, as he needs someone of my caliber. I was being escorted back in here, but unfortunately your comrades didn't make it through the bullet-infested territory out there. Kindly let this lady through as Mr. Savage openly awaits my arrival and he is willing to make me his second in command.

Guard: But...

Skye: No buts. Just step aside and let me through right now; otherwise, Mr. Savage will be really disappointed in you and your loyalty.

The guards lower their weapons, creating a passage for Skye to proceed.

Skye: Sorry, my dudes, captain's orders.

Nick and Arwyn are increasingly anxious about Skye's seeming betrayal, as she ignores them and moves directly toward the guards.

Nick: She's simply going to ditch us here. Great! This has to be her form of payback for the wounds I left in her heart.

Arwyn: Called it!

Nick: I am really starting to hate myself now. I am truly a heartbreaker.

Arwyn: Hey, no self-pity time. Save that for later! It's just you and me now, so let's make it all count for Judy!

Nick: I can't do this... I can't....

Arwyn: Nick, are you okay, bud? Look, you rest here. Get your act together while I show you how it is done. Watch this...

Nick: Arwyn! NO!

Arwyn is getting ready to emerge from the corner to take on the guards directly. Just as he makes his move, Nick grabs him, attempting to pull him back, but then an unexpected turn of events occurs. Skye walks past the four heavily armored guards, stops behind them, and skillfully fires precise shots into the vulnerable areas at the back of their heads. One by one, they collapse to the ground with their brains busted. With her magazine now empty, Skye nonchalantly blows the tip of her pistol before ejecting the spent cartridges with confidence.

Skye: The bigger they are, the harder they fall. Gosh, men, so gullible and foolish!

Nick and Arwyn witness the whole thing. They are both dumbstruck.

Arwyn: Nick, did you see that?!

Nick walks up to Skye hurriedly without uttering a single word, with Arwyn right behind his back.

Nick: Why Skye?

Skye: What? You're not impressed and thankful I didn't leave you two behind?

Nick: You could have just walked away, punishing me for the pain I've caused you. Why?

Arwyn: That was really nice of you, Miss. Oh damn, just look at this mess you made. I guess you could say you caught them off guard...right? Oh, and just so you know, we were both jazzed up, super ready to go take out these bad guys ourselves!

Skye: Mr. Wilde doesn't appear to be so chirpy and determined anymore, so I wouldn't say that you two were anywhere close to being psyched up to take on these armored tanks.

Nick: Skye, I am sorry for everything. I didn't think you'd stay on our side and help us, not after everything we've been through, you know, before I met Judy.

Skye approaches him closely, locking her gaze with his as she speaks to him candidly.

Skye: I've been betrayed, heartbroken, and replaced, but that doesn't mean I'll copy your style or treat you insincerely and unkindly as well. I can do better than that. I just want to make the world a better place, just like Judy. Learn to move on like I did, and things will get better. They always do... in time. Now let's get a move on before more of those goons arrive to ruin our perfectly executed operation. You didn't get a headstart just to be killed expressing your feelings here for someone who has no meaning to you anymore.

The three start walking in the hallway, fully alert as they talk to each other.

Arwyn: Nick... I don't know much about the relationship you two had, but you are so lucky she is this forgiving and still tolerates seeing your face around. I hope what I just said doesn't come off as a preconceived notion for you.

Nick: No, you are right. This was all my fault. She has nothing to do with our breakup.

Skye: What happened between you and me should be a long-forgotten history.

The trio proceeds along the corridor until they arrive at the main hall. They find themselves directly beneath the balcony, where Jack is positioned alongside Judy. Below them, a few henchmen are stationed, while two others are positioned atop the balcony, covering Jack's back.

Arwyn: Guys, you smell that?!

Skye: Gasoline...

Nick: I smell something worse nearby.

Skye: Steel yourselves! We've got company!

Nick growls furiously.

Nick: Savage company...

Skye: Arwyn, dear, nice name, by the way. Could you please give me one magazine. You got the same gun as me.

Arwyn: Thanks, and sure, here you go! It should be compatible.

He throws her a magazine for her gun, and then she quickly loads it.

Nick: Why didn't you ask me?

Arwyn: Nicky, perhaps you are jealous?!

Nick: No? NOT AT ALL! It's just... you're going to need ammo more than anyone else...

Skye: Quit with the childish remarks. One last push, and we are there. I can sense them too.

Skye, Arwyn, and Nick swiftly execute their plan, eliminating Jack's men downstairs with a series of rapid shots before they can be spotted.

Jack: Look who came to your rescue!

Judy: NICK! UP HERE!!!

Nick, Arwyn, and Skye make it to the hall after killing Jack's men. They spot Jack on the balcony, holding Judy restrained with two guards already aiming at the three below.

Jack: We meet again!

Judy: NICK!

Jack places his hand over Judy's mouth, silencing her.

Jack: This is the part where you don't talk and stand in silence while I deal with these foxes!

Nick: Let her go immediately! What has gotten into you seriously?

He notices Skye standing next to Nick and Arwyn.

Jack: What are you doing, Skye? Why would you come back?! I wanted you gone, away from this place!

Skye remains silent, simply standing there with a look of dejection.

Nick: Release her now!

Jack: Or what?! You know, your words have absolutely no meaning in this place. Having that badge and wearing that uniform doesn't make you any special either. A criminal like you is not fit to possess these. Your conscience is foul! This bunny right here believed in you with her whole heart, and you lied to her face daily.

Arwyn: Nick is nowhere close to being as vile as you! If capturing a police officer isn't considered a crime, but having a mansion filled with stolen stuff and running all those shady operations is totally fine, then I really have no clue what crime even means anymore.

Jack: All I am saying is we are all the same monsters with the same crusades. Go, tell her while you are alive! Tell her about your barefaced lies, your true nature! The clock is ticking!

Nick finds it really hard to say something about his past, given how untimely it is to talk about something like this right now.

Jack: Just what I thought. Your silence says it all! Look at him! How palpably nervous and uncomfortable he is! How humiliating this situation must be for you. Mr. Drug Lord, you're hearing that Carrots?! You really want to marry this fake guy pretending to be a virtuous cop and your hero? He's no better than me!

Judy wants to say something so much, but Jack keeps holding her mouth firmly.

Jack: Even she is at a loss of words!

Nick is becoming visibly furious.

Nick: Just let her go! This fight is just between you and me! Just wait till I get up there and maul you fiercely with no compassion whatsoever!!!

Jack: Oh, give me a break! You wouldn't last a minute anyway.

Skye: Jack, please. I am begging you to stop this quest for vengeance at once! It's not worth it. Release Officer Hopps and come with me. It's the only way for you to survive.

Jack: Wrong! We've reached the end of the line! Nobody is making it out alive, not even you, Skye. You should have never come back! I never wished this terrible fate upon you. I wanted you to be safe, out of harm's way, but you came back to die with me. I hate you so much for that!

Nick: Then at least we both die for our sins. But what matters is who dies FIRST!

Nick, Arwyn, and Skye all prepare their weapons, ready to take on Jack at any moment. Meanwhile, Jack locks his sights on Judy, aiming his weapon right at her head.

Jack: Not so fast. You shoot, she dies. Simple. I thought this wouldn't embolden you so much to take action. You really want to pull that trigger? I mean, she is right here with me.

Nick lowers his gun.

Nick: You are still no match for us, Jack! Hand her over now!!!

Jack: What? I don't think so. We are evenly matched, can't you see? But not for long. Skye, come up here. I know you are not here to seize me or kill me. I know what you want!

Skye: I am sorry.

Skye glances back at Nick and Arwyn one final time before heading up the stairs.

Arwyn: I told you we shouldn't trust her! Damn!!!

ZPD forces have arrived at the front entrance and are attempting to break down the heavy door. Meanwhile, Skye makes her way to the balcony and stands behind Jack.

Jack: Good girl! I knew you always wanted to be with me. I just hate to see you here waste your precious life for my predicament-stricken life!

Skye: I am not here to waste it. I am here to enjoy it by saving your sorry butt! Release Judy, please! It's not too late to escape this messy situation!

She points at her grappling hook.

Jack: Well, it looks like you've found your escape route. This mansion is going to collapse with the rest of us, but you have a chance to get away. Go on, save yourself while you still have the opportunity!

Jack's focus is on Skye, causing him to overlook Nick and Arwyn below. Meanwhile, the ZPD is just behind the door, which is about to give way any moment now.

Nick: Jack! I am coming for you!

Arwyn: Nick! No! We are powerless against him. He's got Judy as hostage and that badass, relentless chick on his side now, along with those two-bit goons to back him up while his guard is down.

Nick: What do you want me to do? I'm not just going to stand here!!!

Arwyn: Let's just wait a little longer. We are stronger united, in bigger numbers. We are not alone.

Jack turns around, maintaining his grip on Judy's mouth with one hand while aiming a revolver with armor-piercing rounds at her head with the other.

Jack: What was it, you two? I didn't hear you! Perhaps there's a few last words you want to share with me.

The ZPD officers successfully burst through the door behind Nick and Arwyn, charging inside.

Nick: Not so evenly matched now, huh?

Arwyn: And it's over for you, rabbit!

Many ZPD officers enter the hall, with Chief Bogo in the middle of the group.

Chief Bogo: SAVAGE! Your wayward behavior and years of repulsive criminal practices end here! Release Officer Hopps and submit to the might of justice immediately!

Arwyn: It's the boss! I'm so happy to see you here, sir!

Chief Bogo: And I'm not happy to see you smiling and getting distracted, Officer Bailey!

Jack: Submission was never an option. I'm just getting started. I got you all right where I wanted you to be. Enjoy the fiery snow! From Savage, with love!!!

Nick: Arwyn! Upstairs, now! Everybody watch out It's a trap!!!

Jack targets the traditional chandelier adorned with lit candles suspended above the hall, causing it to crash to the floor. Within moments, the entire ground level is ablaze, forcing everyone to either flee outside or face a horrific demise. Chief Bogo narrowly escapes, retreating outside alongside others as some officers perish in the flames, particularly those who ventured further inside. The fire spreads so rapidly that there is no time to escape, and they are quickly enveloped by the raging inferno.

Skye: You are truly crazy! What have you done?!

Judy is struggling to break free from Jack's hold, her words coming out as muffled sounds as she attempts to talk.

Jack: Relax! You are not destined to die here with me, unlike this rabbit! Use that crafty mind of yours and get out of here, Skye! Your life matters more than mine.

Skye: I am not going anywhere without you! I came here FOR YOU! I am not turning back!

She becomes enraged and eliminates his last two guards with her gun. Jack is now completely isolated, devoid of any allies. The ZPD has effectively cleared the area outside of all the criminals; very few remain near the mansion, leaving Jack as the lone warrior.

Jack: So, you are turning against me too? I thought so highly of you all the time only to get backstabbed by you!

Skye: It's a misunderstanding! I am not backstabbing you! I am saving your life, you stubborn maniacal hare! Look!

She throws her gun down the blazing inferno.

Skye: Please come with me. You said if God somehow gave you a second chance at loving someone, it would be me. This is it! Do not let this chance slip away! Drop her, take my hand, so we can both safely escape this hellhole!

Nick and Arwyn swiftly ascend the stairs, weapons at the ready, after escaping the raging fire down below. They arrive at the balcony.

Nick: There you are! It's over!

Arwyn: You set the whole place on fire! You are a true madman!

Jack: Just like that fox next to you, you set my world on fire and destroyed everything. Drop your guns!

Nick: Why? So you can kill me without having to worry about competition? You mad fool!

Jack: Drop your guys! Both of you!

He is becoming really furious at this point.

Nick: Fine, but we are all dying here anyway. And take that tape off of Judy's face already! Arwyn, do what he says.

Arwyn: Just like you said, we are all dying here anyway. There's no point in killing each other, but whatever, if dropping our guns gives us a few extra seconds or even minutes to live, then I will comply.

Nick and Arwyn drop their weapons.

Jack: Man, I am delighted to witness your compliance with my desires for once! This has granted you a few extra moments of existence.

Nick: What exactly is the point of killing me now when we are all doomed here amidst this burning inferno?!

Jack: I want to die knowing I have bested you in every way possible and broken this bond between you and Judy and that you will never get the chance to shamelessly steal hearts anymore! You butchered our relationships, and you've been a nuisance to me for far too long. Now you will pay the ultimate price!

He removes the tape from Judy's mouth with a swift motion. Securing her firmly with one arm against her chest, he aims his revolver at Nick.

Jack: Do you want to say something to your fox before I blow his head off?

Judy is perceptive enough to see that Arwyn has an additional firearm secured in his holster that Jack hasn't noticed.

Judy: Yeah....THIS!

Judy bites Jack's hand so hard he lets her go. She quickly gets down on the ground and yells.

Judy: Shoot! Now!

The following sequence happens in an extremely fast manner, everything taking just a few seconds.

With Judy now free from Jack's hold and on the ground, Arwyn seizes the moment to act decisively. Time is of the essence. As Jack recovers from the bite, he quickly aims his gun at Nick, driven by a deep-seated hatred to eliminate him first. Without hesitation, Arwyn recognizes that Nick's life is at stake, so he leaps in front of him to protect him. In that instant, both Arwyn and Jack fire their weapons at the same time. Arwyn's accurate shots strike Jack in the ear and chest, causing him to stagger backward. At that moment, Skye calls out his name, rushing toward him as he begins to topple over the balcony. Her quick reflexes allow her to catch Jack midair just in time, preventing him from plummeting into the raging flames below by utilizing her hookshot. She fires it at the ceiling, shattering a few windows, and successfully pulls herself up to the rooftop while holding the critically injured Jack.


Judy: NICK!!!

Judy and Nick are finally reunited. They both hug each other firmly as Judy's tears rush down Nick's back.

Judy: I thought I would never see you ever again! I am so happy and relieved to see you in my arms!

Nick: And yet here I am. You are so precious and irreplaceable for me, I would never ever give up searching for you!

Arwyn: Guys...

Arwyn experiences an intense, searing pain in his abdomen. He has sustained a severe gunshot wound, and a significant amount of blood is flowing from the injury. The bullet was armor-piercing, unfortunately. He falls down on his knees, holding the place of his gunshot wound...

Arwyn: Nick, I think I am in deep trouble. Goddammit, it hurts like hell!

Nick: Oh no... NO!!!!

Nick and Judy hurriedly approach him to check up on him.

Judy: That bullet did a number on him! This requires immediate medical care! We gotta get him out of here!

Nick experiences a surge of emotions as he reflects on the painful memories of losing his colleagues, coupled with the profound gratitude he feels for Arwyn, who courageously saved his life while risking his own.

Nick: Hold on, pal, you are going to make it! You have to!

The flames have advanced to the staircase, obstructing their sole exit from the building. Thick smoke envelops the area, and if they do not escape quickly, they risk either being consumed by the fire or succumbing to asphyxiation. The back exit is no longer reachable either, as it is located downstairs at the far end of the mansion. They are now stuck on the balcony with no apparent way out.

Arwyn: I am sorry for not being good enough. I have sworn to protect those I love. I did, I really did.

With every passing minute, Arwyn's strength diminishes as the rapid bleeding continues. Meanwhile, Nick is overwhelmed with grief and tears as he witnesses his partner's life gradually slipping away.

Nick: I don't know what to do!

Judy: Nick, your radio, does it still work? Use it!

Overwhelmed by emotions, Nick can barely talk or do anything, but he uses whatever strength he has left to contact his colleagues outside the mansion, preferably Chief Bogo...

Nick: This is Officer Wilde speaking! We have an injured officer on the scene! Officer Bailey has sustained a gunshot wound, and we are currently trapped in this raging fire!

Chief Bogo: This is Chief Bogo, Wilde! You are alive! Thank Gazelle! I mean, hold on just a bit longer, okay?! Attend to his injury while we devise a secure method of getting you out of that mansion. We cannot lose another good soul! What about Officer Hopps? Is she safe? Is she alive?! She better be!

Nick: Yes, sir! Fear not, she doesn't have a single scratch on her, but my pal is bleeding out fast! Get us out of here ASAP before you lose us all!

Chief Bogo: We have already dealt with these massively deplorable numbskulls out here, so it shouldn't take long to get you out of there! Bogo out!

Nick: This is how it feels to end up in hell, huh?

Judy: Well, at least you are not in this hellhole alone!

Nick: Carrots, a little helping paw, please?

Nick and Judy get down on the ground and help Arwyn lie down...

Nick: Lie down, bud, you are going to be fine! I promise. How could you pull off such an outstanding, heroic act? I owe you so much now.

Arwyn: Our duty is to protect and serve, remember? I protected you while serving justice. You are my friend, my partner. I did what I thought was righteous...

Judy: We all got lucky that bastard failed to notice that extra gun on you. Gosh, it's so painful to see him wounded like this Nick. You two must have been through a lot.

Nick: I failed you, Arwyn. I should have been stronger and more vigilant. It's your first day, and you get wounded like this while working with me.

Judy: Nick, apply strong pressure on the wound!

Nick: I am so sorry, bud, this is going to hurt a bit.

Arwyn: I will be fine. I am a tough fella. Kinda...

Nick applies significant pressure to the injury, causing Arwyn to cry out in agony. His paws quickly become drenched in blood.

Nick: Shit, he is losing a lot of blood. Arwyn, you are not dying, right? Because I will NEVER forgive myself for losing another partner, I can't anymore.

Arwyn: Hey...relax. At least...I will die...happily, knowing I saved a life.

Judy: Arwyn, did I catch your name right?

Arwyn: Yeah...

Judy: Keep your chin up. You will make it! I believe in you! Your heroic act will not go unnoticed! I was a witness to it all! You saved my future husband. You saved us all!

Nick: You will live! You have to!

They all begin to cough as the smoke saturates the area more, making it hard for them to breathe without difficulties now.

Judy: Maybe we are all dying here...

Nick: Anytime now, Bogo. Anyone....help us! Please!!!

Sections of the roof collapse within the hall, nearly striking Nick, Arwyn, and Judy on the balcony.

Judy: This is not good. This place is going to collapse on us!

Just when all hope seems lost, a group of robust firefighter rhinos burst through the front entrance, effortlessly navigating the rubble in their path.

Nick: Up here!

Nick quickly comes to the realization that Arwyn has completely lost consciousness. He swiftly checks his pulse and finds it to be extremely weak. At this moment, Arwyn is teetering on the brink of life and death after having lost a significant amount of blood.

Nick: You will make it, brother! We are here for you! Please don't die!

Nick speaks to him with a shaky voice as his tears cascade on Arwyn's fur. Judy is also feeling the weight of the situation. Two rhinos begin to douse the flames on the staircase, creating a safe passage for the others to reach the trio above. They successfully subdue the fire, making the stairs passable, allowing two additional rhinos to ascend. One of them swiftly yet gently lifts the critically injured Arwyn from the floor and hurries down the stairs, while the other rhino carries Nick and Judy. Once they are safely outside, the hallway begins to cave in as the fire consumes it completely, prompting the rhinos to retreat outside. The fire department team works diligently to contain the blaze, focusing on extinguishing the flames engulfing the mansion and preventing further spread into the surrounding forest. Despite their efforts trying to put the flames asleep, the fire has now advanced further into the structure, rendering it irretrievable; the stolen treasures and artifacts within are now lost for good. Journalists and media personnel reach the location, providing live coverage of the events to the residents of Zootopia. The shocking news spread rapidly throughout the animal kingdom.