Chapter 9 Adventurers

After clearing my way to a burly woman with straw-colored hair, I applied «Cleansing» to her, and then began to methodically conjure «Healing».

«No, I don't want this woman,» said the shaman who had crept up unnoticed. He went somewhere in the depths of the cave and brought out a slender, short, black-haired girl. Because of her graceful figure, she suffered much more and even found it difficult to breathe. But the shaman was lucky - after a break I was able to put her back into action. But I had to treat her three times.

«You did a good job,» the shaman praised me, grabbing his victim by the hair and dragging her to the exit of the hall. «Let's prepare to receive the new woman.»

The goblin leader dragged the girl to the throne and made her kneel before him. Then he forced her to suck him off while he gave orders to his subordinates.

When I went upstairs, I found Gaki near a pile of large stones and a two-meter trunk of a young fir tree lying on the ground. On top of this composition were a pair of goblin corpses.

«They didn't realize right away that you can't put stones on top of each other,» my servant explained. «But you can throw them at the enemy. Why don't they just leave them there?»

«Let them,» I shrugged.

Goblin deaths were so commonplace in anime realities that I didn't feel much regret over the ridiculous loss of a few of them. But two goblin corpses dumped on the heads of enemies could easily surpass the effectiveness of stones.

Having applied to the bodies of "cleaning" that would be more convenient to throw them, I began to attach a stick to the base of a large stone above the main tunnel.

The skill "cleaning" found a useful undocumented function - being applied to the base of the stone, it quickly removed dust and small stones, allowing without problems to pick it with the help of my stick.

Happy with my luck, I prepared not only the large stone I'd chosen directly above the entrance, but also the giant rock just to the side. Then I laid the stones out more comfortably, looked for a few places to throw them, and waited. Gaki and a dozen goblins with bows and spears were hanging around, but they didn't bother me at all.

A messenger from the tribe leader came running in and told me, twisting his words, that my pursuers had already entered the cave. Leaving my pouch at the ambush site, and putting on a belt with a sword, I ran to the other side of the ledge from the entrance so that I could see my pursuers as soon as possible. I waited. Then the system came up and decided that I was enough to join the ranks of the goblins.

Task completed.

I received the skill «Mastery of Cold Weapons».

However, and without looking at the status, I guessed that the skill has the first level and useless in the fight against a serious opponent. Therefore, I didn't rush to the front.

Soon, I heard footsteps coming from the tunnel, bright rays of light, and my pursuers appeared. There were many of them - about a dozen or three, with only half a dozen men. Most of them were armored men, a burly type in leather armor and a fierce young man in a robe with a staff.

All other members of the group were female. Among them were warriors in various variations of armored bras, armored thongs, and armored miniskirts. There were sorceresses, archers, and priestesses in dresses of varying length and openness. There were a few thieves or scouts in tight tops and shorts.

There were also a few elven women who stood out even though they were surrounded by erotically dressed women and girls. They were the anime version of elves, with long, pointed ears sticking out to the sides, slender, graceful figures, and large breasts.

Looking at them, I involuntarily wondered how those sharp-eared beauties could keep their spine from cracking under the weight of large breast. To all appearances, it was the elven women who were leading the group.

Above the heads of the arrivals floated several glowing orbs already familiar to me, allowing me to see the arrivals in detail. Among them I recognized old acquaintances Julia, Lydia and Anna.

They stopped just in front of the entrance to the hall and prepared to defend themselves. And then the sorceresses sent glowing orbs, highlighting a dozen goblins who did not hide, hoping for darkness.

At the same time, other wizards and archers pinned the poor guys down with spells and arrows.

The rest of the goblins, deciding that the battle had already begun, crawled out of hiding and rushed to attack. Due to the abundance of almost uncovered female charms and their not very developed ability to analyze the situation, the green-skinned warriors rushed at the enemy in futile attacks, while the archers and spearmen ran uselessly along the ledge, unable to reach the enemy.

The goblin shamans could be of some use, throwing dark blobs of energy at the enemy. But the numerous priestesses and sorceresses easily protected their own from the enemy's magic.

The goblins were saved by their small size - the warriors and warrior-women standing in the front lines of the enemy blocked the view of the archers and sorceresses, and they could only pick up the crystals that the green-skinned attackers turned into. The elven women in charge of the squad quickly realized this, and upon receiving the order, the enemy squad began to attack, pushing the goblins back into the hall.

Since my allies had already suffered huge losses, they had no chance of winning - it was obvious that the archers with pikemen, shamans, and miraculously surviving warriors would soon kill the attackers without much difficulty. So I had to intervene.

I ran to the designated position just as the group entered the cave. After throwing some stones at their heads, I made sure that the priestesses held a huge magical shield over the group, causing my projectiles to float in the air halfway to the target, then slowly slide to the side and fall gently to the ground. Fortunately, the enemies, who were engaged in a firefight with the goblins on the ledge, didn't notice my attack.

Meanwhile, I threw a few goblin corpses on their heads. This was where the embarrassment factor came into its own - the goblin corpses, floating slowly in the air because of the shield, did their job and temporarily weakened the enemies. I immediately grabbed a stick and threw a boulder at the enemies.

Judging by the rumbling and screaming from below, it hit its target. But I didn't have time to see the consequences of the attack - one of the sorceresses thought of throwing a huge fireball in my direction. The magical projectile didn't hit me, but it hit the ceiling of the cave, causing it to collapse.

Everything around me shook and was covered in stone dust. I pressed myself against the ledge, reflexively grabbing Gaki as he flew by.

The shaking continued, and more rocks fell from the ceiling. But at some point, there was a brief lull. However, it was obvious to everyone that it was only temporary, and soon we would be flooded for good. Looking around, I saw that the screaming goblins were pushing each other into the narrow crawlway that led to the surface.

A good half of the ledge had collapsed, blocking all other exits from the cave and burying most of the attackers. The only survivors were the elven women, a few warriors, a few sorceresses, and a priestess.

Huddled together in the center of the hall, they tried to draw some complex magical pattern on the flat surface of the cave floor under the guidance of the sharp-eared ones. They paid little attention to the rest of the room, rightly assuming that the goblins had no time for them.