These People Are Not Our Family

~ Aurora~

The triplets and I were heading down for dinner.

I braced myself, knowing what was to come. One slip-up, and they'd tear us apart.

They're all mad, and the worst part is that I made them this way.

I was proud of it, proud of the power I held to make them squirm.

Except Leora. She was the only one who saw through it all.

"Lysander, what are you wearing? It's a family dinner. That outfit is too—" Leocardius began to comment, but his words were cut off by Lysander's glare.

"All my outfits are too… something," Lysander said in her usual, confident tone. "Besides, those people downstairs are not our family. Mommy is the only family we have."

Leonardo, never one to miss a chance to back up his sister, stepped in before Leocardius could reply.

"Yes, Mommy is family. Uncle Tristan is family. Grandma and Grandpa Rhysander are family. But those people downstairs? They don't like Mommy, and I don't like them."

Leocardius, ever the calm one, asked quietly, "What about Daddy?"

Leonardo's face twisted in anger. "That man is not our father. He's Mommy's husband, and he doesn't like Mommy either. I don't like him."

Leonardo, the oldest, was hot-tempered and quick to violence, like Daemon.

His teacher in Sweden used to send me reports about him hitting his classmates.

When I asked him why, he told me they bullied him for having no dad. I believed him—my kids don't lie.

Leocardius, calm and intelligent, was more like me.

He was often a target for bullies too, but I knew Leonardo would always do something to protect him.

Lysander, my only girl, was a perfect mix of her two brothers—a little boss in her own right.

"Enough," I interrupted before the bickering started. "Downstairs, now. You know the rules."

"Never late!" they chorused, heading down the stairs with synchronized steps.

~ ~ ~ ~

Downstairs, the air was heavy with tension.

Collete walked right past us, her gaze lingering on the triplets before turning away.

I smiled at my children, and they looked back at me with adoration.

"Aurora, come sit here," Leora called from the dining table.

Mason, always trying to make a point, sat in the seat meant for me.

Leora frowned. "What is your problem, Mason?"

"This is my house. I can sit wherever I want," he replied coldly.

Ignoring the exchange, I led my kids to the other side of the table.

Leora, ever the diplomat, followed us, sitting beside Lysander and complimenting her shoes.

Lysander bowed politely in return, making Leora chuckle.

"How polite. So cute," she whispered.

Across the table, Collete watched us, her envy clear in her eyes. I smiled.

Daemon sat at the head of the table like the king he thought he was, with Collete and the twins flanking him on one side.

I sat on his left, with Leora and the triplets on my side.

I could feel Ivelle's eyes on me, and when I glanced her way, she smirked.

"Aurora," Ivelle began, her voice laced with venom, "you're not in the kitchen groveling to make us dinner. You really have changed."

The others at her side snorted and giggled.

Daemon remained silent, though I could tell he was irritated.

I met Ivelle's gaze and smiled sweetly.

"I heard your fiancé canceled your wedding, Ivelle. Maybe if you spent more time in the kitchen grovelling like I did, you could've atleast made it to children like I did."

Ivelle's smile faltered, and her face twisted into a venomous glare.

I continued, my voice saccharine, "All that beauty, and still not enough to convince him your trashy personality was worth marrying."

Ivelle's eyes glistened with unshed tears, and Collete opened her mouth to speak, with venom in her gaze.

"At least she had a choice. You were just a burden your family wanted to get rid of, and you managed to tie yourself around my son's neck."

I turned to her.

Collete's lips curled in anger. "Since you're running a charity, hasn't any other girl been a burden enough for you to marry for your son? Or is your son too much of a burden himself?"

Mason's smug smile faded and he turned his attention to me. "Unlike you, I'm single by choice. I don't fall into the arms of the next man I see."

Daemon, still silent, watched the exchange with a growing scowl.

No one touched their food.

"I suppose the predator and rapey vibes you're selling aren't as attractive as you thought, huh?" I said, my words cutting deep. "Here's some advice, Mason: If you want to find a bride, maybe stop sexually harassing helpless girls. Think you can do that?"

Mason stood abruptly, his fists clenched, but Daemon's suspicious glare kept him from acting out.

Without another word, Mason stormed out, followed closely by Collete and the twins.

Lysander looked up at me, confused.

"Mommy, what's wrong? Why's everyone leaving?"

I smiled down at her. "Nothing, sweetie. They're just... tired."

I turned back to find Daemon staring at me, his expression unreadable.

I smiled at him.

He looked away, back to his untouched plate. We finished dinner in silence.