Chapter - 13 A Mating For The Ages

Sylvester was the first to snap. His eyes went pure white, glowing like bright florescent lights. Ferdinand was next, his eyes glowing bright gold, reminiscent of two shiny gold coins. Cole followed Ferdinand, his green eyes vibrant like the foliage in spring time, the hazel in his eyes streaked through like golden honey glistening in the sun. Bellamy didn't immediately lose his reasoning. He scooped me up and kissed my forehead, his eyes flickered with light.

"I'm really sorry. I don't know what it is, and I promise I'll figure it out, but right now... your pheromones are so ridiculously strong I feel like I'll start drooling any second now." Bellamy said, rubbing my cheek looking truly remorseful.

"Yeah... if it makes... a difference... you guys... smell different... too... Hngh..." I said, my body violently shuddering.

"Well, Ferdinand is first. Everyone has a syringe of pherophetamine. If you feel like you're going to pass out tell the guy who's gotten his rocks off at least once. Although they'll probably notice it right away. You should be okay before then... hopefully... I love you Tristan, sorry if I can't be gentle. I was really hoping to try." Bellamy said, sliding off my shirt and kissing my lips.

"It's fine... honestly... I don't think... I can hold out... much longer... either... it's so hot... and I... I want it... so damn bad right now... it's scary... I'm scared..." I replied, giving him a hug.

"Ungh!" Bellamy's eyes flickered even more. He really was trying to reel it in for my sake.

"Bellamy? How long do you intend to test my patience?" Ferdinand asked, looking extremely feral.

My mouth began to salivate instantly and I was growing more wet by the second.

"Oh? You gonna do it with your clothes on dumbass?" Bellamy asked sarcastically.

He slowly took off my pants trying hard not to give in to temptation.

"Ah! Shit! B-Bellamy...?"

After stripping me naked he inserted two fingers into me at once. The pleasure was so euphoric, and the heat in my body intensified.

"Tristan... I have an impossible task for you... do you think you can do it?" Bellamy asked, kissing my face.

"Mmm... I'll try... Ngh! Uhh!" I groaned.

"I... I can feel my sanity fading... Before that happens completely, you need to get Ferdinand off at least once... S-Someone has to have a modicum of sanity to them... in order for this to work... Otherwise we'll all try to mark you in the same place..." Bellamy said. His eyes were flickering much slower now, glowing for longer periods of time.

"H-How? I-I don't know what to AHH! D-Don't push there!" He rubbed a spot that felt like lightening had shot up my spine.

"You don't know...? Are you sure...? Or are you just blocking out your training...? It's the same thing... only this time... we love you... and that doesn't bother or disgust you... Haah... Fuck! Seriously you smell incredible... it's almost not fair..." Bellamy groaned.

At the mention of my training, my arousal hit its boiling point. I understood what he wanted me to do. I had to take Ferdinand into my mouth and get him off once first before we could even start. Otherwise it will all have been for nothing. I had learned a few things in my time with them so I too had some contingencies.

"Boys... Ngh... strip!" At that Ferdinand, Sylvester, and Cole all got to work getting undressed.

Bellamy had slipped a third finger inside me and I still felt like it wasn't enough. He was just scratching the surface. Once everyone but Bellamy stripped they sat in a kneeling position around me, Ferdinand was directly in front of me. Sylvester was to my right, Cole to my left. I looked up at Bellamy and nodded slowly. I moved off his lap slowly getting on all fours with Bellamy behind me.

"Fuck... What a sight to see..." Bellamy moaned. I snapped my head back to look at him his eyes were slowly pulsing now.

"Behave yourself Bellamy!" I warned sternly. There was no way I was going to do this two days in a row. So if we failed here, we failed in general.

"So fucking unreasonable..." Bellamy groaned in defiance.

"Sylvester, kiss Ferdinand." I said, my face heating up more as I thought back to their forbidden bad boy kiss from before.

This time Sylvester didn't hesitate, he went in for the kill immediately. While Ferdinand was temporarily distracted I took his erection into my mouth. The sweet taste of a vanilla cake taking over my mind and body. I groaned deeply at his delicious taste and heady scent. I took Cole's erection with my left hand and Sylvester's with my right. Just as I was about to get into the groove of things I felt Bellamy's hands on my ass and stilled.

I was worried he had lost his sanity and was about to ruin everything, but my worries were unfounded because he had a much worse plan in mind. Before I could turn my head to see what he was doing, I felt his tongue enter me and his groan vibrate through my body. I didn't think my face could get any redder.

"I could get... addicted to this..." Bellamy said, in between licks and groans.

'It feels amazing... but it's so damn embarrassing!'

To keep from screaming I took Ferdinand deeper and heard his mumbled curse above me. There was no way I was going to look up to see that forbidden sight, the sounds were damning enough, so I just focused on the task at hand. Literally and figuratively.

Suddenly I felt a hand on my head. It was caressing at first, then it gripped my hair and forced me further onto his cock. I nearly ejaculated from the sensation alone. Then I heard a sharp intake of breath from behind me and above me, before Ferdinand and Bellamy quickened their pace. Bellamy added his fingers to the mix and began rubbing that same spot from before. My vision flickered, and everyone's scent grew stronger at once.

Ferdinand's cock began to twitch violently as I was about to reach my climax. His hand stilled and moved to the left side of my head while his other hand moved to the right side. He slowly pushed himself deeper into my throat before growling deep in his throat.

There was the wet sound of lips parting before Ferdinand moaned, "Fuck... this feels so good... I'm... cumming!" Just as he reached the back of my throat.

As his hot ejaculation hit the back of my throat, my own pleasure had reached its peak. Bellamy had yet to release me, he was driving my climax off the cliff. I ejaculated so hard my body slumped forward onto Ferdinand. Even after he came, his erection was still going strong, and his pheromones were only getting stronger. He effortlessly picked me up, snatching me away from everyone, and placed me in the straddling position.

My eyes went wide at his intentions. I looked back at Bellamy but his eyes were glowing so bright as he licked his lips and fingers, I understood he was no longer in his right mind either.

"AHH! Shit! You're too big... Ferdinand! Hngh! Ugh!" Ferdinand had pushed himself inside me all at once, I ejaculated immediately.

"Thanks for the compliment." He said kissing my throat.

"N-Not a compliment asshole... Ungh! Think... before you... Ngh! Act!"

Sylvester and Cole took my hands back using them to continue stroking their erections. While I could practically feel Bellamy's gaze on me. It felt like he was contemplating if he could fit too.

To save myself from that particular nightmare, I made the executive decision to turn around, reverse cowgirl style.

"Bellamy... Mmm... stand up..." I groaned. Ferdinand's thrusts were strong and relentless. He didn't slow his pace a single time.

Bellamy stood in front of me while Sylvester and Cole move closer to my hands. Bellamy immediately shoved his erection past my lips, and for the first time today I began to contemplate my life choices. While none of them were particularly small or even average in size. Ferdinand and Bellamy had the world beat... They were certifiable monsters. I couldn't breathe at all, as Bellamy began thrusting his hips like a piston.

"Haah... your mouth feels so good... I'm never going to get used to it." He murmured.

I felt my body tense up as Ferdinand buried himself as deep as he could go inside me. All the way to the hilt.

"Hngh! Mngh!" As I moaned and groaned around Bellamy's cock, my body shuddered violently. It felt like I was cumming but nothing was coming out.

"Haah... Tristan... what a shameless body you have. Did you just have a dry orgasm? Your pheromones are getting stronger. Stop riling me up, my mind is about to snap again." Ferdinand said, thrusting harder. Bellamy began to thrust simultaneously with Ferdinand almost as if they were trying to reach each other in the middle of my stomach.

"Ungh... Ngh... Hngh!"

I was suffocating and cumming at the same time, it was so enrapturing I accidentally squeezed a little too forcefully on Sylvester and Cole. Their sharp intakes of breath didn't register because I could no longer think cognitive thoughts.

"Uhh... haah... I'm coming again!" Ferdinand said yanking me backwards off Bellamy's cock and biting my nape hard. The pain and euphoria were blinding, and Ferdinand's cock was swelling inside me to an unnatural degree. My body felt different, it felt like a cog had just slipped into place. I slumped backwards onto Ferdinand, my eyes slowly closing and opening. Then I felt a sharp tiny pin prick in my thigh and my eyes shot open and my heart beat quicken. I took laboring breaths trying to get my bearings. Ferdinand didn't move but I could feel him throbbing inside me, it was ridiculously painful.

"Just hold on a little longer, I'm sorry." Ferdinand said, breathing into my neck.

Everything felt heighten and my body felt so full, I thought I would throw up. Ferdinand leaned me forward and slowly withdrew from inside me. Then he stabbed me with another injection into the back of my other thigh.

"What was that?" I asked breathlessly.

"A contraceptive made by Bel." Ferdinand replied.

I looked up at the man of the hour, he was staring down at me, his eyes softly glowing now, not nearly as vibrant as before.

"Thanks Bellamy." I groaned.

The first injection felt like a terrible drug. I was getting more and more aroused the more time that passed. And whereas I was mentally tired already, my body wasn't nearly satisfied. I attempted to lay down but was effortlessly scooped up and placed in the straddling position again.

"AHHH! Seriously? Hngh! Ack!"

"My turn... Mmm I can't get enough of your scent. You should put out more pheromones, Tristan." Sylvester moaned softly into my ear.

There as no reasoning in his eyes as he thrust into me hard from the start. I winced at the startling pleasurable pain that wracked my body. He was too deep inside me, it felt as if he was forcing the air out of my lungs with every thrust.

I noticed Cole approaching and summoned him in front of me. Bellamy knelt beside me and took my hand, wrapping it around his wet erection. Cole and Bellamy had essentially traded places, as Cole entered my mouth and Bellamy used my hand.

"Do you like sucking Cole's cock? Your squeezing me so hard right now, it's making me jealous." Sylvester said, rubbing my entrance where we were conjoined. Then I felt an unbearable amount of pain, as Sylvester pushed a finger inside me along with his erection.

My vision went white and speckled all at once. "AHH! No stop! Ugh! Hngh... H-Hurts..." I groaned.

"So you say, but you're cumming right now. You should be more honest!" He said, thrusting into me harder.

I looked down and couldn't believe my eyes, I was indeed cumming but I couldn't perceive it. It was happening without me even knowing, lacing ribbons across Sylvester's chest. My body heated up again and I could sense that my pheromones became sharper.

"Mmm... see just like that... I'm close, I promise." Sylvester said biting my ear.

Cole took my jaw in his hand and rubbed his cock along my lips. I parted my lips invitingly and he entered with no hesitation. Taking Cole to the hilt made me unconsciously clench around Sylvester.

"Shit! I'm cumming!" He said, as he thrust deep inside me and bit the soft tissue between my neck and right shoulder.

"AHHH! FUCK!" I ejaculated instantly on a scream.

Sylvester groaned into my neck as his cock grew inside me like Ferdinand's had. He was so deep inside me I could see my lower abdomen bulge. I bit my lower lip to keep from screaming, I could feel my consciousness slipping again.

"Ungh... too much... Hngh... hurts... Sylvester... Agh!"

Sylvester wouldn't let go of my neck and was subtly rocking his hips as he ejaculated inside me. It was a searing pain and blinding pleasure. I felt like I might actually die from it. My body went completely lax and my vision wavered. Then I felt the familiar pin prick and the adrenaline rush coursing through my veins.

"Just two more Tristan... I'm really sorry..." Sylvester said kissing me.

My body might have been raring to go but mentally I couldn't keep up. My body flushed with extreme heat as I realized who was next. I wanted to curse my body for being this way, it was like it was priming itself to take Bellamy and was extremely excited to do so.

The Alphas all sucked in a sharp breath as Sylvester quickly lifted me off of him. He stabbed me in the other thigh with another contraceptive saying, "We couldn't afford to knock you up, since it's not something you wanted. Your body can get pregnant extremely easily so... better safe than sorry. Just bare with it a bit longer."

I nodded my head. Truth be told my body was feeling more and more different as time went on, I couldn't put a finger on it but it was like a cup being slowly filled. I crawled away from the Alphas trying to catch my breath and calm my erratic heart rate, but it didn't seem like they were going to allow that.

Bellamy seized my waist and pulled me closer to him. He then inserted three fingers inside me all at once, cleaning out Ferdinand's and Sylvester's mess while simultaneously rubbing the weird spot inside me again.

"B-Bellamy... You're going to make me... cum again... please sto- AHHH! Ngh! Augh!....Jerk!"

I ended up cumming before I could even finish my sentence. All the while Bellamy had the most mischievous grin on his face.

"Your going to want to grit your teeth." Bellamy said, before forcefully shoving himself deep inside me.

"W-Wait! AHHH! FUUUCK! T-Too big! Ungh! OhMyGods! AGH! H-Hurts... Such a jerk! Hngh!"

There was no other choice but to scream. There was no comparison I could make, my mind blanked out in an instant, and I ejaculated violently.

"Our little Tristan here might actually be a masochist. You came so hard and so fast even though you said it hurt. Your squeezing me so tightly Tristan, and your pheromones are running wild." Bellamy said, taking me by the throat and slamming into me harder and harder each time.

Bellamy was the most terrifying one, bar none. I didn't make my body react the way it did, it achieved that on its own, but I couldn't deny the ridiculous amounts of pleasure that continued to wrack my body with each of his thrusts. It felt so mind-numbingly good I started to drool, no cohesive thoughts formed in my mind.

"Why don't you help Cole out, he looks like he might go insane Tristan." Bellamy said, as he positioned me in front of Cole still holding me by the the throat.

Cole rose to his knees to meet me half way and began to pump himself into me once again. The difference this time was that Bellamy had a grip on my throat and his violent thrusts were relentless.

"Mmm... Hngh! Ungh! AHH!"

Bellamy seemed to get more excited with each of my moans. He pushed my head down further onto Cole, as his thrusts became erratic. Bellamy had lasted the longest so far, almost maddeningly so. I could feel my body and consciousness faltering with each passing minute. I felt his hand wrap around my throat again as he hoisted me back up to him.

"I'm about to cum, try not to pass out love." Bellamy said, as he bit the opposite side of Sylvester's mark. I couldn't help but ejaculate for the umpteenth time already. I didn't think Bellamy's cock could swell to the size it did, it was absolutely unbearable. The scalding sensation of him stretching me further and cumming deep inside me made me collapse instantly.

Ferdinand kissed me while Sylvester injected me with another syringe. Bellamy finally snapped out of it and licked the mark he had just made.

"I'm sorry Tristan... did it hurt?" He asked.

"Yes. You sadistic jerk." I mumbled.

Unlike the others Bellamy's erection didn't go down in a timely manner. It was like even his body was selfish and greedy. He injected me with a contraceptive injection as well. I felt bad, I 100% did not feel like having sex with Cole right now. It hurt to move at all, and it was like they all understood that to some degree. Ferdinand laid me down on my left side, kissing me repeatedly.

"You're doing so well Tristan. It's almost over. I'll mark your left wrist when Cole marks your right one. After that we will be done." Ferdinand said, wiping my tears.

I understood that they had practically engraved an impossible code into my DNA. Basically only being able to accomplish it while drugged out of my mind. Which shed a light on the life that they had envisioned for me at the lab.

"Hngh... Ugh... AH!"

Cole slowly and begrudgingly pushed himself deep inside me. He had regained a modicum amount of sanity, but at this point my body was overcome with an insurmountable amount of pleasure, and I just wanted him to hurry up. My body was on autopilot, continuously cumming by itself. As Ferdinand, Sylvester, and Bellamy watched with heated gazes occasionally kissing my lips, their marks, and my chest.

"Cole... more..." I groaned. I needed him to hurry, before I went numb from all the pleasure. He quickened his pace, while sucking in a sharp breath.

"Tristan... no more pheromones... I'm at my freakin limit... with your scent." Cole groaned, as he thrust into me harder.

"AHHHH! HNGH! I can't... UNGH! H-Help... it... not doing... it on... p-purpose..." I groaned.

Cole took my right arm and licked my wrist. I shuddered at the arousing sensation.

"I'm close... so just... hold on..." Cole said, leaning over me to thrust in deeper.

"AHHH! SHIIT! S-So... D-Deep!! Fuck! AGH!"

Cole thrust himself inside me as deep as he could, then bit my right wrist. Ferdinand took my left wrist and did the same. For a moment it felt like my body had righted itself. I felt complete and whole, however that moment of bliss only lasted until Cole's knot receded. Once he pulled out, my body grew unnaturally hot, my breath became ragged, and my heart rate increased sporadically.

Ferdinand, Sylvester, Cole, and Bellamy all gasped and covered their noses but it was too late. One by one their eyes started to glow insanely bright. I stared in shock at the realization of what the feeling of completeness meant. They all felt how my body felt, insatiable.

"No. No, no, no, no, no!! Don't do it. I'm too tired. I don't wanna!" I sat up slowly and looked Ferdinand in the eyes.

"Don't make me do this! I know you can hear me and I'll be royally pissed off if you do this again!" I yelled.

"Even when you're pissed you're still adorable and you still smell amazing. It's not me this time, it's you. I can't control it. Your pheromones are too strong, Tristan." He said looking especially evil.

"If any of you love me, then you won't make me do this!" I declared.

"It's fine... this time if you pass out we'll let you. It should stop if you're asleep." Bellamy said.

"I do love you which is why I'm willing to help your body, and give you what you so desire." Sylvester said.

"No. Seriously, I can't! AHHH!"

Ferdinand wasted no more time. He picked me up and sat me on his throbbing erection in no time flat. It wasn't a mindless thrust this time either. It was painfully methodical, and wholly insufferable. Bellamy took the opportunity to seize my mouth, Cole was content with my hand... but Sylvester... Sylvester was showing his most irredeemable qualities.

He began to make out with Ferdinand, while simultaneously entering me along side Ferdinand. Once they were deeply seated inside me together I came instantly, my body shuddered, and my vision whited out. This time I welcomed the unconscious oblivion with open arms.