Chapter - 31 No Way To Prepare

Sylvester's Point Of View

"Jasper said the twins will be fine, they'll be back tomorrow." Ferdinand said, hanging up his phone.

"That's good news. Glad they are okay." I said.

We were sitting in Ferdinand's room, Tristan still asleep in my lap. Lady Josephine had been right, his body was so fatigued he had slept through everything. No amount of jostling could wake him.

"What are we going to do about the kids tomorrow now that the twins are injured? Surely it's too big of a task for Josephine and Delcain." Cole asked.

"Jasper said he and Rohan will pitch in and help. Meyhymn will probably help every now and then, but he will probably try to dig up what he can on Lore'rahlye." Ferdinand said.

*Knock... Knock... Knock...*

"Yeah, come in Bellamy." Ferdinand said.

"How did you know it was me?" Bellamy asked, closing the door behind him.