Chapter – 169 - A Somber Reunion

Ezekihel's Point Of View

The flight back to StohneGarrdin was filled with a tense silence. It wasn't so much as awkward, as it was ominous. I didn't need to ask Meyhymn if he was alright. I knew exactly how he was feeling, because I was also feeling the same way.

I was absolutely worried about our future, but for some reason, I was even more worried about my newly found family. Tristan and I had become incredibly close over the years, my relationship with Synnahmen was just as strong.

I wouldn't be able to live a life without any of them anymore. The girls had grown up into smart, talented, and incredibly reliable women. Joobehlee was taking after Sable and her evil tactics, more and more each day.

Arrisa was insanely reliable, and always called me just to check up on me. Honestly, she probably called me more than anyone else, Meyhymn not withstanding.