Chapter – 173 - The Power of Blackmail

Ohr'Aizen's Point Of View

4 Years Ago

Parliament Executive Director's Office

"Hey, surrogate Autocrat. How's the new position treating you?" I heard a deep voice ask loudly.

His tone was dripping with mockery and disdain. His voice alone was no doubt the reason that the word, vexatious, existed at all. Just hearing his voice during what should have been my normal, monotonous, and daily routine, was enough to give me irratic cardiac arrhythmia.

Today was different, and arguably worse. He had approached me from behind, as my mind was still reeling from the massive information overload, I had just endured. To make matters worse, my brain was refusing to process anything at all. I had been staring out of the massive windows that nearly encased the entirety of my new corner office, in a daze.