Chapter – 180 - Not The Life We'd Choose

Remmeddi's Point Of View

"Mom? Who is that?" I asked, nervously.

She had just walked into our room, however, she wasn't alone. I had never seen this man before, and he smiled like an absolute villain.

"Sweetheart, this man is the proprietor of this facility. He's come to visit you, so be polite and greet him properly." She replied, beckoning me over.

I knew that by the way she was speaking, I couldn't treat him like the bastard scientists that ordered us around. But even without her noticeable fear and timidity, the man's aura was oppressive as hell.

I rose to my feet, and approached him and my mother. The closer I got to the man, the more my hackles began to rise and my skin crawled. Everything about this man felt, distorted.

"Hello, Remmeddi. My name is Rahzden." He said with a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes.

"Hello, Sir. It's a pleasure to meet you." I replied, nervously.