I don't know how much time passed before I finally got off the torture device.

At this point, there wasn't a single piece of intact flesh on my entire body.

Fresh blood kept seeping out, making me look as horrifying as a bloody corpse.

I no longer had the strength to speak.

Jasmine kicked me, "Tsk, she's not dead yet.

Quite tenacious, huh!"

"Let me see, what other methods are there to torment someone? Oh right, since your body is already so battered, you don't need this face anymore, right?"

With that, Jasmine took out a knife gleaming with cold light.

Jason, who was beside her, chuckled and snatched the knife, "Mom, don't trouble yourself with this kind of dirty work.

Let me do it for you!"

Having said that, Jason raised the knife and walked towards me.

I looked at him and wearily closed my eyes.

There were only two things I regretted in this life.

One was marrying Henry Wang, and the other was giving birth to this wretched son, Jason Wang.

I could only hope that in the next life, I wouldn't suffer so much...

At this point, I only regretted not being able to say one last word to my three children.

At the critical moment, a security guard suddenly rushed in to report, "Madam, Young Master, Judge Xu is here!"

My heart, which had already gone still, started beating again with these words.

Liam had finally come...?

Jason was stunned for a moment, then exchanged glances with Jasmine.

"Jason, why would Judge Xu suddenly visit Heshang Group."

Jasmine asked suspiciously.

Jason just laughed, "Oh, Judge Xu previously told us classmates that there would be an internship spot selected from among us.

Now that he has personally come to visit, he's probably chosen me for the internship!"

Only then did Jasmine relax, "Hurry up and welcome Judge Xu in! Quickly hide this woman and the torture device."

As soon as she finished speaking, Liam hurriedly walked in.

Upon closer look, his expression carried a hint of anxiety.

"Judge Xu..."

Jason fawningly went up to greet him, but the next second, Liam forcefully pushed him away.

Liam ran to my side in just a few strides, then said with trembling hands and disbelief, "Mom! Who on earth injured you like this?!"

Liam's words were like a clap of thunder, plunging the entire office into silence.

Jasmine and Jason looked at each other, both seeing shock and despair in the other's eyes.

I leaned against Liam's embrace, my breath feeble.

Just as I was about to speak, I was interrupted by Jason.

"J-Judge Xu, you must have mistaken her for someone else, right? This is my mom.

We were just joking around.

How could she possibly be your esteemed mother?"

"Joking around? You call these injuries all over her body a joke?!"

Liam said through gritted teeth, almost growling, "This is the mother who raised me for fifteen years, brought me up single-handedly, and tirelessly supported me through law school! How dare you injure her and still claim it's a joke?"

The faces of Jason and Jasmine instantly turned pale."No, no way...

She's just a stray dog kicked out of Heshang Group.

How could she possibly be the mother of a judge..."

Jasmine shook her head frantically, unwilling to believe the truth.


I was about to speak, but suddenly felt a tightness in my chest and couldn't hold on any longer, fainting.

Liam's expression tightened.

He picked me up in his arms and looked coldly at Jasmine and Jason, "You better pray that my mother is alright.

Otherwise, I will make the entire Heshang Group pay the price for this!"

Jasmine and Jason stood frozen in place, staring blankly at Liam's retreating figure.

At this moment, they finally felt the panic of impending doom.