A Lustful Trasmigration





"Su Yan! Fuck! Why are you so fricking hot?! Su Yan!" A blue-headed man said as he looked at his phone, fapping at the sole image of the female lead of Martial Peak on his smartphone, Su Yan.





"Fuck, Su Yan, I am coming! I am almost there!"

"Ahhh, Su Yan, take it!" And, reaching his climax, he released all of his Yang Liquid on Su Yan's image, his smartphone now being all sticky.

"Pant... pant... pant... fuck! Why is my life so pathetic... why did I have to be born in such a boring place?! If I had been I would have created a sect of sole girls and I would have become the strongest cultivator ever... I would have even swept the floor with that black giant ink god..."

"Instead, here am I, masturbating to an image of some manhua gir-" an exruciating pain interrupted him, his heart seeming the source of it.

"Fuck! The fuck's happening!" The blue-headed guy brought his hand to the heart, which seemed to be exploding. "Is this what an heart attack is?! I'll die? I'll die after masturbing to Su Yan? What a pathetic death!"

His heatbeat increased. It increased so much the the young boy could swear that he could even fucking hear it. And then, all of sudden, it immediately and abruptly stopped, silence then reigning over the boy's room... He died.


"Where the fuck am I? This is not hell! Where the fuck is this?!" Unexpectedly, the blue-headed boy was able to open his eyes once again, finding himself in some kind od wooden hut. "Didn't I fucking die! So where the fuck am I now?!"

"Ah, shi-" the blue-haired guy was about to curse once again, but suddenly his head started bursting, memories of someone he didn't know starting to flood inside of it.

A father and a mother killed by a random spider monster, a master then saving him and inviting him into a sect... the High Heaven Pavilion... wait! Had he just trasmigrated into fucking Martial Peak?

"Yes! Fucking yes! My wish was granted! Whoever brought me here, thank you! I'll be sure to one day repay you, you random and bored divinity!"

The blue-haired kid started to thank the gods for minutes. He was quite the religious kind, even if the list of his sin was quite big, to even say the least.

But, as he bowed repeteadly to the gods, repeating a stupid and cringy mantra, a pink-coloured virtual screen suddenly appeared in front of him.

[Welcome to the world of Martial Peak, Host!]

"A system? Did I even get a system?"

[The Lust System is pleased to have been bounded with such an 'outstanding' Host]

"The Lust System? I got a fucking Lust System? It's getting more amazing by the second! What now, System?! Will you give me a super newbie pack and grant me the strength of an Open Heaven cultivator?!"

[Would you like to open the newbie pack, Host?]

"Yes, I fucking knew it! Open it, system!"

[The newbie pack has been opened!]

[You have obtained the rare skill, Little Dragon lv. 1!]

"Yes, a rare overpowered skill! System, what does it do!"

[...] But the system didn't respond to his words.

"System? Oye, are you there?"


"System! Show me its fucking description!"

[Yes, Host!]

[Little Dragon lv.1]

[A supreme passive ability that all of the men have always dreamed about since the origins of everything. A technique that make one's cock like that of a dragon! Perfect and the source of a lot of scorching Yang Liquid! But attention, its size will only be slightly enhanced as the size, while it will be the pleasure caused by it that'll receive the most of the improvements. As the skill levels up, only the pleasure it causes will be enhanced more.]

"I get that it's a Lust System, but... how am I supposed to become stronger with this?"

[The skill's effects will apply to the Host now!]

"Wait, wha- ahhhhh!" Another rush of pain overtake the boy once again, the only difference being that now all of it was concentrated on a 'specific point'.

"Fuck you, system! Are you sure you're not castrating me instead?!" The pain grew more and more, and the boy felt like his dick was about to completely explode, but, fortunately, the pain soon disappeared.

[Congratulation, Host! The effect of the rare skill, Little Dragon, have been applied successfully!]

"Pant... pant... pant... It will better be worth it system, or I won't forgive you..." the blue-haired boy said before going to check right there and, to his surprise, he discovered that the description of the skill had definitely lied. His fucking dick didn't only receive a slightly improvements, but huge ones. Before it only stood at almost six inches, but now... It fucking reached twelve inches! It fricking doubled!

"System, please marry me!"


"Hey, come on, system, I was just trying to say thanks to you, don't take it so bad."


"Say something at the very least!"


"Wait... you're not sentient, are you?"


"Oh, so that's why when I first asked you what did the skill do, you didn't answer me, right? You only recognize some precise words like 'description' and things!"

[Host, would you like to check the description of your skill, Little Dragon, again?]

"Yes! Hehe, I am such a genius!" The blue-haired boy proudly puffed his chest out. "But that was obvious, only geniuses like me can possess a system after all."

"System, show me my status,"

[Yes, Host!]

[Status Window]

[Name: Yang Fei]

[Race: Human]

[Bloodline: N/A]

[Cultivation: 1st level Tempered Body]

[Talents: N/A]

[Techniques: N/A]

[Skills: Little Dragon lv.1]

[Costituiton: Worst physique know to mankind]

[Charm: Above Average]

[Total Combat Power: Weaker than an average mortal 4 years old kid]

"..." Yang Fei was speechless at seeing his own status. He was weaker than a 4 years old kid! So that's why the original owner of the body died by simply falling from his bed! "Fuck! Does this mean that I am no unparallaled genius?"



This is my first book guys, hope you all like it.