An accidental injury!

"Ehm, well, Yang Fei, if you could host me as well, I-I w-would be v-very grateful t-to y-you..." Luo Xin asked, all red and eating her very own words because of the extreme embarrassment that she was feeling into asking that. She, a woman much older than him, was asking him to host her!


Two days passed since then, and Yang Fei felt like even Einstein couldn't have made a better plan than his! He slept every night with He Ning'er, Mei Ling and Luo Xin in the same bed! It was fucking amazing! Their body tightly pressed onto his... their breaths... it was fucking amazing!

And, well, aside from having a lot of company, he had even managed to get a doctor for himself. Luo Xin was really helpful. Each time that Yang Fei hurt himself during training she would treat him and she would even something go search for some herbs to help his training. The result was that Yang Fei's total combat had risen to 'Definitely stronger than an average man'! It was a small improvement, but it was something! And if he were to compare himself with the himself of the precedent three days of training, he was twice as strong as before!

He was now doing his daily push ups, when He Ning'er went off to train with her master in the sect and when Mei Ling left to find her father. Well, well, well, it was time now for the plan doctor!

Quickly, he stopped doing push ups, and started to search for something sharp. He could only found a twig of a tree and so he made that do, stabbing his leg with it.

"Ahhhhh!" Yang Fei scramed, not faking his pain at all as it really hurt like hell, trying to get the attention of Luo Xin, who was in the surroundings searching for medical herbs.

And just like he wanted, not even a second passed that she already emerged from the surrouding woods and rushed at Yang Fei all worried. "Yang Fei! What happened?!"

"Pant... pant... L-Luo X-Xin... I feel on the ground while training and a branch stabbed one of my... pant... quads..."

"Oh... don't move then!" Luo Xin quickly kneeled down and put her hand on the branch that was stabbing Yang Fei's quad. "I'll pull it out, ok? It'll hurt, so please bear it!"

"Yes, Luo Xin!"

And the next second, the purple haired woman exerted all of her strength to be able to extract the twig from his quad. Yang Fei was feeling a lot of pain, but it was bearable, and then, it was already over after only an instant.

"Yang Fei!" Luo Xin handed him a leaf. "Press this down on the injury while I'll go get the bands in the hand, it will help the blood to stop a bit!"

"Yes, Luo Xin!" Yang Fei nodded and then he did as he was instructed, Luo Xin immediately rushing to the hut to get the bands. His plan was working even better than he had planned! She was much more worried for him than he had expected! Maybe his plan would get even better results that he had initially thought!

Shortly after, Luo Xin returned with a couple of bendages in her hands and immediately got down to Yang Fei's leg and was starting to medicate his quad when she noticed something... his injury was very close to his... weapon...

Yang Fei had done that intentionally as to see her reaction and he had to say that he was quite pleased. She was completely red and wasn't doing anything anymore. The plan was almost done. He had only to say the finishing sentence. "Ehm, Luo Xin... can you medicate it faster... it's a bit awkard if you just continue staring at my leg..."

"Ah, y-yes!" Luo Xin responded, her rising embarassment clearly notable even more now on her face. Gulping down to vent all of her useless thoughts, she then started carefully medicating Yang Fei's leg, wrapping the bandage around his quadriceps, always staying really attentive as to not tounch anything inappropriate. Yang Fei's weapon was just there! One wrong movement and she would touch it!

But... well, Yang Fei had no intention of being careful! And so, faking that he was feeling a little bit of pain from what Luo Xin was doing, he moved his leg a bit and just as he wanted her hand finished on his dragon, which immediately awakened from its slumber, Yang Fei's pant being almost on the verge of exploding now!

"L-Luo X-Xin! Why has it raisen so much?!" The plan, faking to be innocent, started. "W-What's happening?!"

"I d-don't k-k-know!" Luo Xin could barely talk because of all of the embarrassment, but after a brief moment of awkward silence, Luo Xin's embarrassment had already disappeared and her precedent expression of worry returned, but this time she seemed even more preoccupied and serious than before. Maybe Yang Fei's plan wasn't working as he had planned this time. "Even if I touched it, it was just for a brief moment! It shouldn't have even raised a little bit! This isn't definitely normal!"

"W-wait, what do you mean Luo Xin?!" Yang Fei's plan was definitely not working as he had planned! He had been thinking about lewd stuff just before she touched it, so that his dragon would rise immediately to just create an awkard moment! He didn't expect that Luo Xin would think that he had some problems with his weapon just because it had erected so quickly!

"Well, usually, even a very lewd man's penis needs at least ten seconds of stimulation to erect, but yours has done so in less than half a second! It's not normal!" Luo Xin said, all serious, before grabbing Yang Fei's pants.

"W-Wait, L-Luo Xin, w-what are you doing?!" Yang Fei asked, trying to keep his innocent act, but dumbfounded for real, although certainly not displeased by what he thought was about to happen. Was Luo Xin about to pull his pants down? His plan was working even after it had failed!



Guys! Give me power stones! Give me more power stones! We have to get into the ranks!

Also guys, I want to start a Naruto Fanfiction. Should I start it later on or write them at the same time?