Luca followed the butler into the inner sanctum of the yacht, leaving behind the open-air deck with its glittering view of the sea. The air strangely grew cooler as they stepped through polished glass doors, revealing an interior designed to dazzle even the most regal guests.
The floors were a perfect combination of polished dark mahogany that reflected the glow of chandeliers ahead and lining the corridors were rugs with patterns of royal blue and gold.
They passed rooms with laughter and conversation, and Luca realized there were more people in the rooms of the yacht than just on the deck.
The butler guy was quick with his steps and Luca had to adapt, following closely as he was led into what seemed to be the most opulent of the spaces in the yacht.
Finally, the butler paused before a set of double doors carved with swirling patterns of waves. He pushed them open, and Luca stepped into a room that could only be described as indulgent.