Upon meeting up with Nicholas, Killua's reaction to his new appearance reminds me a lot of my own the first time around, and after a friendly reunion, we set off to find a good place to eat.
After a few minutes of wandering around, we settle on a grilled food place, and sitting down at a table in the restaurant, the three of us begin sharing our stories of the past 3 months while we wait and subsequently enjoy the food we asked for.
Killua tells us about how Gon and company went to look for him at his family mansion and then decided to come to Heavens Arena with Gon, followed by his meeting with Hisoka on the 200th floor, his discovery of Nen, and Gon's battle against Gido.
We, for our part, told him about our 3-month training period with Satotz and Lippo right after the exam, the reasons why we decided to come to fight at Heavens Arena, and my recent debut as Nicholas's combat master.
"Wait, you said you've learned enough to start teaching Nen?" Killua asks, appearing more open than he did at the beginning of the conversation.
"My training was more intense and thorough than Nicholas's, plus I can grow at a faster rate than he can, so I've decided to instruct him in physical training, Nen, and hand-to-hand combat while we're here. That said, I don't have any experience as a teacher yet, and Nicholas is my first student, so I don't know if I'm doing a good enough job." I humbly say scratching my head.
"Hey, why don't you introduce me tomorrow to that teacher who's teaching you and Gon? It would be a great help to me if I could see other teaching methods and get advice from someone more experienced than me in teaching Nen. Plus, it would also be a good excuse to see Gon again after so long."
Killua contemplates my request for a moment before replying nonchalantly. "Okay, that's fine by me. After all, Gon talked a lot about you after picking me up from home, so I think he'd be excited to see you again too." He says with a shrug.
"Great! I'm looking forward to it!" I exclaim with a big happy smile. 'Yes, just what I hoped! Not only will I be able to meet Gon again and receive instructions from a professional instructor, but I could even have the possibility of fighting hand to hand against Wing!'
'Despite being a professional Hunter from the Enhancer category who serves as a martial arts assistant teacher, Wing doesn't have much involvement in the story beyond introducing Nen to the protagonists and fans, so his combat ability has never been shown! I can't wait to see what his fighting style is like!'
As I internally celebrate this great opportunity that has been presented to me, Killua returns to start the conversation. "By the way, you said that your training was more intense than Nicholas's... What exactly did you do?"
Under the curious gaze of Killua and Nicholas, I begin to describe somewhat hectic my training schedule and its intensity (keeping the magazines hidden). After explaining how I did that routine for 3 months without missing a single day, Killua and Nicholas show me an expression of disgust that makes me feel somewhat uncomfortable.
After getting over that little bump, the three of us continue eating and talking for a while longer until we finally decide to return to our respective rooms, with Nicholas and I saying goodbye to Killua and hoping that Gon would enjoy the meal.
Shortly after I also part ways with Nicholas on my way to my room, and when I get there I sit on the floor to train my aura control while also thinking in parallel about Nicholas's abilities. After about an hour I cut short my workout to head to the shower, and once I'm showered, I change into my sleeping clothes and get into bed.
Date: May 19th, 2011
After getting up and grabbing something to eat from my backpack, I meet up with Nicholas and we go down to the bottom of the tower. There at the entrance, we can see Killua and Gon waiting for us, and when the latter sees us he calls for us very excited by the sudden surprise.
"Hey Kai, we're here!" Gon yells waving with his excitement as we close the distance with them. "I'm so glad to see you again!"
"Hi Gon, it's nice to see you again too. I'm glad you agreed to join us to meet your teacher." I answer him with a smile.
"Killua told me about it last night, so I really wanted to come along too. By the way, who is this well-groomed boy?" He asks looking at Nicholas, making the rest of us feel a sickening sense of deja vu.
After the explanation, Killua leads us through the hustle and bustle of Gelsea city to the secluded hotel where Wing and Zushi are staying. Once there, Killua knocks on the door and a man of average height with black, unkempt hair opens it, wearing glasses, a light pink shirt that is only partially tucked in, charcoal gray pants with an ash gray belt, and opaque white shoes.
Bewildered by our sudden appearance, the man takes a few moments to observe us before asking: "Gon, Killua, who are these men accompanying you?"
"They are friends of ours from the Hunter Exam. They recently signed up for Heavens Arena and asked us to introduce you as our teacher." Gon says introducing us.
"Yes, you see, I have started giving advanced training in Nen and combat to my friend here next to me, and I would like to receive some advice and guidance from someone more experienced to know what I am doing right and what I need to improve." I say alternating my gaze between Nicholas beside me and Wing in front.
Wing stares at me, clearly analyzing the sudden situation presented at him. On one hand, he knows that we've spent 3 months training Nen through his contacts in the association, so my claim that I've decided to become an instructor must make him skeptical or on alert, since Nen takes much longer to fully master, even for outstanding talents like Gon and Killua.
On the other hand, he can't mention it or show his concern in front of Gon and Killua since they haven't passed the "secret test" yet and he can't give any hints about his true identity as an instructor provided by the Hunter Association. So it's obvious what his procedure is going to be in this situation:
"Of course. I would be happy to support a fellow master in martial arts. Please come inside." Wing says with a friendly smile as he steps aside for us to walk through the door.
When we enter his room, the first thing we notice is Zushi in a meditation pose, and after he notices us and we explain the situation to him, we proceed with the training presentation.
Wing first has Zushi practice martial moves on him, while Gon and Killua spar with their Ten activated. Though tailored to the young man's level, Wing's way of moving demonstrates his training and experience. After practicing the physical, Wing moves on to aura control, asking the three young men to alternately regulate the aura they use while trying to control their breathing and maintain a calm spirit.
For my part, I have Nicholas perform a few physical exercises before I start giving him instructions to change the percentage of his aura in certain parts of his body.
"Your method isn't bad, but I think you shouldn't push him too hard physically, otherwise it might strain him. Also, aside from regulating the aura, you should also reinforce the four principles from time to time. Although they are never forgotten, it's best not to neglect them." Wing advises me, giving me a gentle smile.
"I take what you say into consideration. Although honestly, this is not even a tenth of the difficulty I put myself through during training." I comment casually, causing Wing to show an unusually frightened expression.
"O-Oh, I see. That's how you grew up so fast. Ha ha ha." Wing responds with a forced smile and laugh.
Ignoring his poor acting, I continue to train Nicholas and look into Wing's methodology, and after spending 3 hours training our respective disciples, we have them do sparring practice with each other to gauge their levels.
Nicholas proves how much he has improved these days, being at Zushi's level of martial arts and surpassing Gon, who still doesn't have enough combat practice. However, this is no good against Killua, who he has more difficulty with due to his superior physical abilities. Even so, he withstands Killua onslaught and proves his skill and resolve in combat.
"Nicholas seems to be doing pretty well. You can see that his training has been solid and effective." Wing comments sitting next to me.
"He has been studying and practicing how to move and attack in his Heavens Arena fights. After all, letting him finish off his opponents in one hit would have been a waste." I reply, noticing that this annoys Wing a little.
"Still, that growth is something really peculiar for a beginner. Is there anything else you are hiding from me about your training method?" Wing asks drifting his eyes at me.
"Maybe I do, but I can't just reveal it like that." I say mischievously raising a finger in front of my lips. "But if you're really curious, maybe we could come to an agreement."
At my tempting words, Wing frowns before asking, "What kind of agreement?"
After about two hours of sparring, we decide to call it quits for the day as our disciples look tired and sweaty, agreeing to meet up to train together on a regular basis as we leave the hotel and go our separate ways, since unlike the pre-teen boys, Nicholas and I have an errand before returning to Heavens Arena: go to the electronics store in the city and buy two of the best laptops available, one for me and one for Nicholas.
"I don't get it, boss. Why do we come here instead of buying them online at Heavens Arena? After all, we already have rooms where they can be sent to us." Nicholas asks puzzled as we exit the store.
"That may be true, but it's not a good idea to get into the habit of ordering everything online. Sometimes it's good to just look around and buy something you think is of quality." I respond, handing him the boxes with our new laptops. "Well, take this to my room and continue to investigate possible investments for our agency. I'll meet you after lunch for the tower fights."
"Are you not coming with me?" Nicholas asks as I hand him the boxes.
"I have some commitments to attend to alone. Don't worry and get going." I tell him, pushing him a little to encourage him to go.
Although a little frustrated by my secrecy, Nicholas concedes and starts to walk away from the place. After losing sight of him among the people on the street, I grab my phone to send a message, and once I receive a reply I start running at full speed through the city, running and jumping from wall to wall to avoid obstacles and thus reach the mountains near Gelsea as soon as possible.
Once there, I position myself in the middle of the forest to wait, and about 23 minutes after activating my En, I detect the presence of someone hiding at a moderately far distance.
A couple of minutes pass with the subject watching me while circling around instead of approaching me, so I decide to call him out on it. "No matter where you try to come from, my guard is up, and I know you're not one to set traps to gain an advantage, so reveal yourself already and don't waste any more of our time! Unless of course you'd rather I come after you!"
A few seconds after launching this subtle threat, the subject begins to approach little by little until he becomes visible emerging from behind a tree. "The fact that you didn't come to attack me as soon as I entered your En proves that you wanted me to come closer. Do you have some trap set up in this particular place?"
"It's a good sign that you're thinking about that possibility, but that's not the case. After all, I wouldn't have asked to see you in private if I had any evil planned for you. I'm not that sloppy." I respond confidently causing the Hunter named Wing to come closer to me.
Over his usual clothes, he wears a vest similar to the one I used for training, metal-coated gloves to increase defense and damage, and knee pads with metal spikes for piercing. "I'm actually surprised. I didn't expect you to use that kind of equipment to fight." I honestly comment.
"Then we're on the same page, cause you didn't seem to me like the type of person who challenges someone you just met." Wing says very serious.
"And yet you came here. I guess that means you're just as curious as I am, right?" I ask, cracking my neck.
"I would be lying if I said I don't have it, but it is not the main reason for my attendance. If I have accepted this challenge it's to fulfill my responsibility as a Nen teacher." Wing replies by stretching out the outstretched fingers of his open palms.
"Nen is a very delicate and dangerous art that requires careful preparation and constancy in order to nurture it so that its practitioners can grow with safety and balance. Trying to ignore that and choosing the quick and easy path makes people fickle and careless, harming them instead of helping them in the end."
"If you have developed a method to facilitate the learning and training of Nen, I must know what it is exactly to ensure that it is not a threat to those who are just starting out in Nen, and if I determine that it is something that puts them or other people at risk, I'll convince you to stop using it at all costs." He says the latter while getting into a fighting stance.
"Well, if you want to find out, you'll have to face me with everything you've got. So let's get started then." I reply doing the same thing with a eager smile.
Point of View Switch: Reader
Both of the combatants have their aura flaring, alert and wary of what move the other is going to make. Tension is palpitating in the air, and the sounds of the forest fill the scene as both of them taste the anticipation and the danger under their tongues.
With an explosive start, Kai closes the distance between the two in less than a second, and before entering Wing's range, he kicks the ground hard to raise a curtain of earth. Sensing his presence has disappeared, Wing's attention shifts slightly away from the front expecting a feint attack, but contrary to his assumption, Kai emerges from the earth screen, switching from Zetsu to Ryu on his right fist to throw a punch.
Wing manages to block the blow using Ryu on both arms, but even then the force of the impact sends him sliding backwards. As he pulls his arms away, he doesn't see Kai in front of him, and instantly alerts himself, he narrowly dodges another punch from the left. After that, Wing feels pressured to dodge and block a rapid barrage of 4 punches and 1 kick before attempting a strike with his right open palm, which Kai dodges by crouching and launching a sweeping kick. Wing also dodges it by jumping back and manages to put distance between them again.
"Are you being easy on me?" Wing asks, apparently annoyed that Kai has not taken advantage of his retreat to attack him.
"It wouldn't be worth it if I was the only one on offense." Kai answers with a smug smile as he gestures with his hand for him to come get him.
Wing takes a moment before giving in and closing the distance with Kai this time. Unlike him, Wing attacks directly with an open palm, but Kai dodges it by moving out of the way and attempting to land a punch, which Wing blocks with a knee strike, managing to draw some blood with his spikes.
Kai ignores the minor wound and continues to throw punches, but this time Wing is more prepared and not only blocks them, but also has the opportunity to counterattack with stabs and palm strikes, and when he dodges a punch and turns his body to do a roundhouse kick, Kai steps back, putting his back against a tree. Wing does not waste this opportunity and throws a blow with his open palm, but Kai moves away from the spot and it hits the tree, making it explode into pieces.
'So that's his style. As an Enhancer he keeps his aura balanced throughout his body until he finds an opening to land a clean blow. At that moment, he instantly focuses his aura and increases the impact of the blow. It's certainly fitting for a martial arts expert. I guess I'll have to level up then.' Kai thinks as he watches Wing's strong presence.
'He is truly skilled. Not only does he possess great physical capabilities, but he is also clearly very experienced in hand-to-hand combat, fluctuating his aura quickly and accurately while performing moves worthy of a martial artist. I could have easily mistaken him for an Enhancer like me if I hadn't been informed beforehand. I must not let my guard down.' Wing thinks while keeping his attention on Kai.
With both of them intensifying their Ren, Kai lunges at Wing again, throwing a right punch that Wing dodges and fractures the ground. Wing quickly tries to knee Kai from behind, but Kai grabs his leg and tries to pull him close to punch him in the stomach.
Despite both using Ko, Wing can't help but spit out from the blow, being thrown several meters away and landing in a crouch on another tree just in time to push himself up and dodge another punch from Kai that breaks the tree and makes it fall.
Wing tries to take advantage of the momentum to propel himself against Kai again, to which he grabs the trunk broken by his blow to try to hit him with it, but Wing launches several quick and precise blows that leave the trunk in splinters and allow him to launch a strong open palm strike imbued with Ko against an unexpected Kai chest.
Kai doesn't have time to switch from Ren to Ko, causing him to be injured enough to spit blood and slide back several meters, but always keeping a firm stance with his feet on the ground. Nonetheless, he doesn't have time to compose himself as Wing charges at him, throwing a stab that Kai manages to dodge by running to the side, with the attack resulting in a gash that extends several meters on the ground until cutting a rock in half along the way.
They both repeat this back and forth throughout the forest several times, and when Kai strikes a blow against a large rock that Wing moves away from, Kai takes the opportunity to throw the rubble imbued with his Nen at a dodging Wing. Surprised by this change of pace, Wing defends himself by hitting the flying chunks of rock as he notices Kai repositioning himself behind him, ready to throw a punch at his face.
Wing dodges the punch in time by moving his head to the side and quickly counters with an aura-charged knee strike that hits Kai's lower part. However, as Wing feels the thrill of victory, his vision suddenly becomes blurry and distorted.
'What... What's happening? My body... isn't moving.' Wing thinks worriedly as he looks down to see his mouth bleeding. 'Blood. But when did he attack me?'
As Wing is bewildered by his situation, he sees Kai lifting his right leg above his head while his left one is bleeding. 'Ah, I understand now.'
Kai then takes the opportunity to launch a powerful punch that hits Wing's stomach without him being able to defend himself, sending him flying through the air and crashing through a tree before falling to the ground badly injured.
'His punch was a decoy. He focused all his aura on his legs, and took advantage of my knee strike to defend himself and launch a kick against my jaw that caused a concussion. A risky bet based on my mistaken assumption that his style was based more on punches than kicks. Truly brilliant.' These are Wing's last thoughts before Kai turns off his lights with one last punch to his face.