Chapter 1: I Am "Mo Fan"

After a long sleep, Mo Fan wakes up to find that the world has changed dramatically!

What's even more absurd is that he seems to have swapped places with a version of himself from a parallel world.

And now, he had become "Mo Fan"!!

To be precise, at the moment of his crossing over, it seems like he might have fused with the soul of the original Mo Fan, erasing it entirely.

Because in his mind, alongside his own memories, there are now also the memories belonging to Mo Fan.

"Buzz buzz buzz!!!"

As he was looking at himself in the mirror, the black pendant around his neck began to tremble. But only for a moment before it quieted down. The pendant was a relic left behind by Old Man Ying, the gatekeeper at his middle school's back gate. The original Mo Fan was wearing this very pendant when he fell asleep on the hill behind the school and was transported to this world.

This pendant, as it turns out, holds the spirit of the Azure Dragon!

But who could have anticipated this? No one could have predicted such a bizarre event. Before crossing over, he had been an avid reader of novels. Perhaps even the Azure Dragon's pendant didn't fully understand what had caused the strange soul fluctuations before.

Mo Fan was one of his favorite protagonists. He had never imagined that one day, he would actually become Mo Fan.


He took a deep breath and slowly came to terms with this new reality.

Though he hadn't had the chance to become Mo Fan's brother, looking at it another way, stepping into this world meant that he had become another version of Mo Fan.

Now, armed with foresight and the ability to change things, he had an immense advantage.

Since he was here, he would make the best of it!

After freshening up, today was his first day working part-time at the library during summer break. His understanding of this world so far only came from books.

But the books had glossed over many things, so he decided to spend the next two months carefully studying the knowledge of this world.

For over two months, despite not being much of a reader, Mo Fan became completely absorbed in books. By the time the new school term began, he had gained a good foundational understanding of this world.

September 1st, the official start of the school year.

In magic high school, the first lesson of the new term was the "Awakening of Magic." After the other students went through their magic awakening one by one, it was finally Mo Fan's turn.

As he stepped onto the stage, his friend, Zhang Xiaohou, radiated a mysterious confidence in him. Even though Mo Fan had only recently met Zhang Xiaohou, it felt like they'd known each other for over a decade, thanks to the memories.

Glancing at Zhang Xiaohou, Mo Fan thought that in the future, he should be a little kinder to his "little brother."

He calmly stepped onto the stage, without a hint of nervousness, and didn't even need the homeroom teacher, Xue Musheng, to explain much. He began his magical awakening.

Once everyone had completed their awakenings, the homeroom teacher introduced the next steps of their training:

First, meditation.

Then, control of star particles.

Finally, the release of magic!

However, that night, while Mo Fan was meditating, he discovered something unusual—his fire element had changed from its usual red hue to a blue-green color!

As the flames burned, information about the strange new fire appeared in his mind:

**"The Green Lotus Core Flame!"**

Indeed, it was the Green Lotus Core Flame, a rare flame that could grow stronger by devouring other types of spiritual fire. To be honest, coming to a magical world and acquiring something from a different universe (like the Dou Qi Continent) felt a bit too much to believe.

But on the other hand, if something as improbable as crossing worlds could happen, then what's really too unbelievable anymore?

Accepting this enhancement, Mo Fan began his training in earnest. This early advantage had accelerated his progress immeasurably!

He didn't just focus on training his Lightning Element but split his time evenly between both elements.

As summer turned to autumn, the leaves swirled in the wind and drifted across the schoolyard.

For Mo Fan, time seemed to fly by. Two months had passed since the magical awakening.

During these two months, he had been intensely focused on meditation whenever he could. 

Now, his two magical star clouds, formed during his awakening, had noticeably grown.

After two months of meditation, he began practicing star control.

With the assistance of the Azure Dragon's spirit and his naturally strong spiritual power, Mo Fan's control over the stars progressed much faster than expected.

As the weather grew colder and thick winter coats replaced the girls' short skirts and stockings, it became clear that the freezing days of winter had arrived in Southern China ,where Southern China's lack of central heating left people shivering.

However, as a fire mage, Mo Fan felt warm whenever his star particles resonated and burned.

The path of cultivation is always long and monotonous. Many students grow tired of studying, finding it boring and tedious.

In fact, doing anything, no matter how passionate you are about it, can become boring if you repeat it endlessly, day in and day out, for 365 days a year.

It's not about hating learning; it's about the restless heart that craves play.

In this dangerous world, Mo Fan's greatest realization was that magical training could be just as tedious. Once the novelty wore off, the only thing keeping him from wasting time was a strong desire to grow stronger.

Even when each day feels like a year, perseverance is key.

Just like when practicing star control, every star must be guided with full concentration, as if you're carefully placing a domino. A single moment of hesitation could cause all the stars you've painstakingly controlled to collapse.

At the end of the semester, as the holiday season approached, Mo Fan didn't bury himself in books this time. Instead, he decided to visit his aunt and check on Xinxia.

Though he had memories of Xinxia, he hadn't yet seen her in this world.

As for the troubles Xinxia was supposed to face in the original world, those won't happen here.

Why? Because in his class, Mo Fan had the highest star control score!

He could now control five fire stars.

Mu Bai only controlled four. With that kind of gap, who would dare to pick on a magical genius like Mo Fan, even if his father had sold their house to bribe his way into the school?

It might seem like Mo Fan was progressing slower than in the original world, but that wasn't the case.

The reason he hadn't fully mastered the fire element was that he knew flaunting his progress too much would attract unwanted attention. If, like in the original world, people mocked him, he wouldn't take it lightly.

While playing the underdog and slapping faces was satisfying, he preferred to be recognized as a genius—and then surpass that expectation!

Ignoring the noisy opinions of others was still something he found difficult, so he chose to boldly declare to the world, "I'm amazing!"

(End of Chapter)