Chapter 16: Explosive Strike of Wrath

As the crowd turned their attention to Mo Fan, Yu Ang finally made his entrance, dressed in a specially tailored outfit. The clothing seemed to be made of either leather or high-quality silk, shimmering under the lights.

 Combined with intricate, unique decorations on his body, Yu Ang appeared like a prince walking into his palace. His outfit alone had clearly required significant effort, which created a stark contrast with Mo Fan, who had almost shown up in sandals.

His tall, elegant figure, coupled with his slightly feminine demeanor, naturally captivated many girls.

Yu Ang's white outfit bore the symbols of his family, fused with an ice-element emblem. His confident smile as he made his dazzling entrance left no doubt that he saw himself as the main character today.

Seeing this pompous display, Mo Fan couldn't help but smirk.

"Damn, Mu Zhuoyun has really gone all out. Can you count how many magic items and gear that brat has on him?" Deng Kai almost jumped out of his seat upon seeing Yu Ang's grand entrance.

Principal Zhu, too, shook his head.

Their school often struggled against noble families; there was already a gap in skill levels, but the real difference lay in the equipment. Mu Zhuoyun had likely gifted Yu Ang numerous magical tools and equipment as part of this coming-of-age ceremony.

Looking at Mo Fan, it seemed like all he had was the Scythe Bone Shield he'd swindled from Zhan Kong.

How was this even a fair fight?

Watching this unfold, Principal Zhu and many others from the school felt disheartened.

"Since you're the witness to this duel, Deng Kai, why don't you act as the referee?" Mu Zhuoyun said with a smile, already anticipating an easy win.

Deng Kai didn't know what to say and could only silently pray for Mo Fan's safety.

"Both of you are outstanding young magicians, and this duel is meant to encourage you to train harder... In any case, just keep it to a point and avoid any serious injuries!" Deng Kai announced to the entire crowd as he positioned himself between Mo Fan and Yu Ang.

He retreated a little but stayed within the arena, ready to step in if things got out of hand.

"Alright, shake hands, and wait for my signal to start." Deng Kai instructed.

Mo Fan and Yu Ang approached each other and extended their hands.

In that brief moment, a trace of ice formed in Yu Ang's palm, while Mo Fan's hand lit up with flames.

"You really are a clueless little rat. But don't worry, I'll freeze the water in your brain so you can think more clearly." Yu Ang didn't expect Mo Fan to react so quickly. But he sneered as he released Mo Fan's hand, his cold laughter echoing as he returned to his position.

"You'll remember this day forever." Mo Fan said calmly.

Returning to his starting position, Mo Fan waited patiently for the match to begin.

From the moment he stepped into the manor, he'd felt the disdainful and mocking gazes from countless people. Many offered polite words, calling him brave, but their eyes betrayed their belief that he was biting off more than he could chew.

This world was full of people who reveled in others' failures. Stuck in their own mediocrity, they loved to mock those who dared to step out of the mold, content to stay in their cages. With a self-righteous attitude, they sneered at those brave enough to try something bold, hoping they'd fall flat.

But for all those smug faces, Mo Fan only needed one word—"begin"—to silence them for good.

"Let the duel begin!" Deng Kai announced, officially starting the magical showdown that Mo Fan had eagerly awaited.

In an instant, Mo Fan's eyes lit up with fiery red flames, and seven glowing fire stars formed in a rapid sequence, aligning into a stellar path.

"Fire Burst: Explosion!"

Without any hesitation, Mo Fan launched a fireball!

His smooth casting of the spell immediately drew some surprised reactions from the audience.

Yu Ang, however, sneered and activated a defensive magical tool.

Yu Ang scoffed, mentally searching for his defense magic item.

"Ice Frost Shield!"

Yu Ang activated the shield linked to his soul. Instantly, a frost shield materialized before him, its icy barrier fully protecting his body.


Though the fireball initially seemed small and insignificant, it erupted with a deafening roar the next moment.


Without warning, the flame burst open violently.

Waves of scorching heat rippled from the point of impact, as fiery tongues lashed out, filling the air with intense heat. The blast shook the very atmosphere, sending shockwaves toward the onlookers, leaving them wide-eyed and stunned by the sudden explosion.

No one had expected that a student from an ordinary background could already master the "Fire Burst: Explosion" spell.

Even prestigious families, despite all their resources, often struggled to nurture mages who could reach this level before graduation.

Principal Zhu and Deng Kai, having been the first to sense Mo Fan's fire magic, now stood in awe. It had been years since a student graduated with mastery over the third-tier fire spell.

Even Mu Zhuoyun, leader of the noble family, was visibly shocked, his chest rising and falling with agitation. He, too, hadn't expected Mo Fan to reach this level so quickly. However, he remained confident due to the magical tools he had prepared for Yu Ang.

Other attendees began noticing Yu Ang's magical armor, specifically designed to counter fire magic.

"I forgot to mention, as the 18th birthday gift for my son, I had this Ice Silk Armor specially crafted to protect him against sneak attacks." Mu Zhuoyun said with a smug grin, addressing the crowd.

Some guests questioned the fairness of this, but Mu Zhuoyun simply shrugged. "Background and resources are a form of power too." he said.

The others fell silent.

Though Yu Ang was stunned by Mo Fan's unexpected mastery of fire magic, his confidence remained unshaken due to the magical tools at his disposal.

"Not bad at all. I thought you were just a clown seeking attention, but it seems you were hiding your true abilities to make a big splash. Unfortunately for you, it's not enough, just a bit short of the mark. Hahaha!" Yu Ang laughed arrogantly.

"Background might be a strength, but so is natural talent." Mo Fan said as arcs of lightning began crackling around him.

After tracing a second star path, electricity surged into Mo Fan's hands.

"Lightning Strike: Wrath Shock!"

With a raised arm and a firm grasp, Mo Fan summoned crackling thunderbolts, which converged like a battalion of soldiers and hurled themselves towards Yu Ang.


Multiple bolts of violet lightning descended, merging into an even more potent surge of electricity. Despite Yu Ang's magical armor, the relentless assault of lightning left him defenseless.

(End of Chapter)