Chapter 7: Mount Ayohngoi

Sakolomé: Well, we just have to clean this area and it's over!

Said Sakolomé proudly.

Bakuzan: I wonder what mother wants to do in a place so full of ice!

Sakolomé and Bakuzan were on Mount Ayohngoi, a point 9300 meters high.

The summit is covered in snow and no one had reached this summit with purely physical skills like Bakuzan and Sakolomé.

On this summit, they are both wearing jogging pants, black with blue stripes for Bakuzan and red with yellow stripes for Sakolomé.

They had no t-shirts or jackets to protect them from the cold.

Bare-chested, that's how they ended up on this summit.

Bakuzan: I wonder what we have to clean here!

Sakolomé: Remove this thick forest in front of us, that's all!

Bakuzan sighs and says.

Bakuzan: Just that, I'm going to need an attack to finish him off!!!

Sakolomé stands in front of Bakuzan and says.

Sakolomé: It's my attack that's going to raze this forest, not yours!!

Bakuzan: Sakolomé, get out, don't tire me out now!

Sakolomé: It's you who's tiring after thinking about it!!

Bakuzan and Sakolomé stick their foreheads together in a hilarious delirium.

Bakuzan: You actually want to die young, you little prick....bastard!!!

Sakolomé: Me? Die? But why the hell are you trying to describe your future situation through me?

Then, in their youthful argument, the ground around them trembles.

Sakolomé: Uh...Bakuzan, what's this earthquake?!

Bakuzan and Sakolomé stand back to back.

Bakuzan: It's a mutan, be very careful!

Sakolomé squeezes his face, determined not to end up as a cassoulet for Mutan.

Sakolomé and Bakuzan feel their attention being pulled below them.

Bakuzan: Sakolomé, jump!!!

Sakolomé and Bakuzan both jump and a huge creature emerges with its head below them.

Sakolomé: What's that, an ice worm?!

Bakuzan: An ice mutan, more like a worm!

Sakolomé and Bakuzan each land on one side and the other.

The giant ice worm pulls itself out of the ground.

He is gigantic, his size is simply disproportionate.

He is so big and so big that the forest around him was like a stain on the ground, Sakolomé and Bakuzan were like dots or grains of sand in front of him.

Bakuzan: Maybe that's what mother wanted us to clean up in the end...

Sakolomé: Hahaha!!

The worm once he has extracted half of his body, looks in the direction of Bakuzan.

_ Graaaaooooooohhhh !!!!

A powerful howl that intensifies the cold around them.

Sakolomé: Bakuzan, he's looking at you, I think he likes you Actually haha!!

Bakuzan smiled.

Bakuzan: he made a very bad choice!!

With a blinding jump, Sakolomé could not understand but saw the result directly.

The giant ice worm was cut in two.

Sakolomé: Wow Bakuzan what did you do?

Bakuzan was suddenly perched in a tree.

Bakuzan: Just a vulgar kick!

Unsurprisingly, the worm regenerates.

Sakolomé: What? A mutan capable of regenerating?!

Bakuzan: This mutan must be very old, he must have lived during the war..

The mutan rushes directly towards Bakuzan in his tree and spits a strange liquid.

Bakuzan jumps and dodges it.

Bakuzan: Too slow!

The strange liquid hits the trees, freezes them and breaks them on the spot without any resistance.

Bakuzan: not bad!

The worm rushes towards Bakuzan again with its mouth wide open.

Bakuzan remains tense on the ground, it seems to be preparing a response.


Sakolomé: take that!!!


Sakolomé had hit the giant worm with a huge punch that explodes the worm's head.

The worm falls to the ground and seems no longer able to get up.

Sakolomé: It looks like I got the better of him haha!

Bakuzan: are you sure? Look behind you!

Sakolomé looks behind him and sees that the worm had disappeared.

Sakolomé: Huh? But where is he?

Bakuzan: he regenerated his head and went back underground.

Sakolomé: that means that ...

Bakuzan nods.

Bakuzan: Yes, we are going to be victims of underground attacks ...

No sooner said than done, the ground around them collapses and Sakolomé finds himself underground with Bakuzan.

Sakolomé: let's see who will kill this mutan first!!

The ground blurs with fog and acid produced by the worm, Bakuzan and Sakolomé manage to fly over all that and find themselves in the air.

Then, a huge mouth with huge teeth like elephant tusks but much larger comes out of the ground and was about to devour Sakolomé.

Sakolomé grabs one of the worm's huge teeth and emits a resistance force that stops the worm in its tracks.

Sakolomé: Grrhhh ... wait a second, since when did this worm have such long teeth?

Bakuzan: I don't think it's the same worm from earlier!

Another worm appears in Sakolomé's direction.

Sakolomé lifts the first worm despite the colossal difference in size, a difference so colossal that Sakolomé could be mistaken for a grain of dust in front of these giant worms.

Sakolomé manages to lift the first worm, he uses this worm and hits it hard and violently on the other one that was coming towards him.

The shock makes the entire frozen region tremble and creates immense avalanches that completely cover the giant worms.

Bakuzan: Mine!!

Bakuzan jumps and lands on the mass of snow that covered the giant worms.

He touches this mass and says.

Bakuzan: Die!!!

Another colossal worm appears behind Bakuzan which prevents him from finishing his attack, he jumps and the worm narrowly misses him.

Bakuzan: Damn, how many are there?!

Sakolomé: I have no idea but it's super fun!!

Bakuzan smiles, then notices another gigantic worm appear behind Sakolomé.

Bakuzan: Sakolomé watch out behind you!!!

Sakolomé turns around but too late, he was swallowed by the giant worm.

Bakuzan: Fuck Sakolomé!!!

In the beast, Sakolomé feels the inside of the super narrow creature despite its gigantic size, he was stuck and could not make any movement because the muscles of the creature's throat are narrow and continually contract between them to push Sakolomé into the beast's stomach.

There was an immense level of saliva that pushes Sakolomé directly into the throat.

Sakolomé: damn I'm going to die like this? Never in my life!!

Outside, Bakuzan is attacked from everywhere, the giant mutan worms emit steam that creates a fog around Bakuzan to prevent him from seeing and smelling them well.

Which was not the case with the worms because they had a super developed sense of smell and very sharp senses but despite this, Bakuzan leads the fight against all these worms very well, he manages without difficulty to control them and hit them violently to the point of bursting them in one go.

Bakuzan: What is Sakolomé waiting for to come out of the worm's belly? I can't kill these worms without knowing who devoured Sakolomé!!

Sakolomé, for a moment, he notices that he is frozen, he stopped moving, the worm had completely swallowed him up to his stomach.

Sakolomé still unable to move, feels something that will push him to make a decision and very quickly.

Sakolomé: hum... what is it?

He feels a heat in his body, an atrocious heat that makes him super uncomfortable.

Sakolomé: damn it must be gastric juices, this thing is super powerful, don't laugh it wants to digest me in just a few minutes!!!

Sakolomé calms down and tries not to get carried away.

He closes his eyes, inhales and exhales then he opens his eyes again.

A reddish steam escapes from his body.

Sakolomé's body becomes ultra hot.

Outside, Bakuzan continues to mistreat the worms in combat.

Bakuzan: at this rate I'm going to end up killing the worms and Sakolomé with it!

Then a worm crawls out of the ground and writhes on the snow, it seemed to be suffering greatly from something.

Bakuzan looks at it and says.

Bakuzan: What idea to eat a killer man?!

The worm on the ground was suffering greatly.

His gigantic body was hitting the entire region, despite this, the other worms continued to attack Bakuzan.

Bakuzan: Good, now that I know the worm that devoured Sakolomé, I will be able to kill the others now!

Bakuzan watches the worms come to him with jaws wide open and drooling.

Bakuzan: Now!!!

His body releases a gigantic mass of blue aura like flames, the aura was so large that it was visible for miles from Mount Ayohngoi, it consumes the worms entirely without leaving a trace of them behind.

Bakuzan: here, now the worm that devoured Sakolomé!

Still writhing in pain, cracks began to appear on the beast's body and steam escapes from its body, a strange reddish steam.

Bakuzan walks to a tree and sits on a branch while watching the scene.

The worm's belly swells like a balloon, it swells so much that it bursts everywhere, organs and purple blood are found all over the snow around Bakuzan and in the region.

The creature on the ground was no longer able to regenerate, it was not able to recover from this.

Sakolomé was suddenly in the air, out of breath with his pants slightly torn and burn marks on his body.

He was covered in drool, steam and gastric juice.

Bakuzan gets up and joins Sakolomé in the air.

Bakuzan: It took you a long time, no but look at the state you're in?

Sakolomé laughs and says.

Sakolomé: It was a strange experience, I wouldn't like to relive it I assure you!

Bakuzan: Although these mutans weren't the kind that could have been beaten by the police, the army would have had to intervene, with father, we learned that the greatest margin of the most powerful and dangerous mutans are found in uninhabited and isolated places like these worms.

Sakolomé: Wow, my brand new jogging, it was almost digested by this damn mutan!!!

Bakuzan: Anyway you have several no need to cry!

Sakolomé: Bakuzan, do you think there are other mutans here?

Bakuzan: No, as strange as it may seem mutans like these are very territorial, they fiercely defend their territories so I promise you that we won't see more like that here!

Sakolomé sighs and lets himself fall to the ground.

Sakolomé: Worms are definitely the creatures I hate the most now!!

Bakuzan stops floating and joins Sakolomé on the ground.

Bakuzan: Otherwise we need the forests to raze!

Sakolomé: That's right, so who's in charge?

Bakuzan: Anyway, leave it, I'll take care of it!

Sakolomé sits down and looks at Bakuzan for a moment.

Bakuzan did the same and says.

Bakuzan: What's up Sakolomé, do you want my picture?

Sakolomé smiles and answers.

Sakolomé: Do you know where you can put your picture?!

Bakuzan smiles the same way and extends his arm towards Sakolomé.

Bakuzan: Come on, get up, it's not time to sleep!

Sakolomé grabs Bakuzan's arm and he helps him up.

Sakolomé: I'm going to raze the forest on the right and you raze the one on the left, it's easier, right?

Bakuzan: I'm done!

Sakolomé: What?

He looks at the side where Bakuzan was supposed to shave.

He is surprised to see that Bakuzan had already shaved everything without him realizing it.

Sakolomé: When did you do it?

Bakuzan: a few moments ago

Sakolomé: that's cheating, you're a cheat Bakuzan!!!

A few minutes pass.

Bakuzan and Sakolomé had completely finished their work.

They sigh and head towards the end of the mountain.

On this end, they look at this dizzying height and the background blurred by an enormous fog.

Bakuzan: Do we jump?

He asks Sakolomé.

Sakolomé: the last one at the bottom is a wimp!!!!

Sakolomé jumps first into the void.

Bakuzan smiles and says.

Bakuzan: you cheater!!!

Then he jumps into the huge void in turn.