Note Current Avatar Timeline Changes

Avatar Timeline …. [Exact day of Book 1 Water, Episode 12.

Original Timeline name: The Storm.

New Timeline Name after Butterfly Effects: ....

New Timeline effects: Because Senlin Village was destroyed due to Luca's presence, Aang and Team Avatar didn't save the village from Hei Bai. Hence, Aang never went to the spirit realm, never talked to Avatar Roku (Yet), never went to the Crescent Island in the Fire Nation on the Winter Solstice.

Primary Effects: Book 1 EP 7 and EP 8 never happened. Zuko didn't chase Aang into the Fire Nation, Aang didn't get Roku's warning. The Fire sages were never branded as traitors by Zhao and Zhao never had an altercation with either Zuko or the Avatar.

Secondary Effects: Book 1 EP 9 (The Waterbending Scroll) Also never happened. Due to Aang's mood swings and never receiving Avatar Roku's warning, the team didn't stop to rest near a river, Aang didn't stress over having too little time to master the other three elements, Katara didn't offer to teach aang the little she knew because of it, they didn't have their supplies flushed down the river as a result of her jealousy of Aang's natural talent after they started waterbending and her desire to prove she was better. Hence, they never went to the Seedy Merchants Pier to repurchase supplies, Aang never received the Bison whistle used later in the series for Appa, Katara never encountered the Waterbending scroll, never stole it, they never attracted Zuko's attention and got on with their lives.

Tertiary effects: Book 1 EP 10 (Jet) did happen, but with different endings. The team did meet Jet and the freedom fighters under similar circumstances, they did discover that Jet was planning to destroy the small town of Gaipan and wipe out everyone in it, with the difference being sokka was unable to stop it.

Everyone in the town died. Jet was beaten to a pulp by a furious Katara. Aang was once again hit hard and saddened by the loss of so many lives. End of story.

Book 1 EP 11, the great divide didn't happen. Aang and the rest of the gang arrived at the canyon several days earlier than expected and didn't meet the Zhang and Gan Jin tribes, didn't mediate peace between the warring clans, and used Appa to get to the other end of the canyon without having to go through the problem of the canyon crawlers.

As for the fate of the two tribes in the original timeline without the Avatar ..... You guess.

Which brings us to this point.

Book 1 EP 12, the storm. Now, here's the difference.

The team arrived much earlier than scheduled. Hence, they skipped past the small village town without Aang having to run away out of depression when being accused of abandoning the world and his people by an old man and Katara having to go look for him. Since they arrived earlier, Sokka never went to fish with the old man during the day of the storm. Never needed to be rescued and never caught a cold after being exposed to the storm as a result.

Hence, on the day the actual storm was going to happen, Team Avatar had already skipped that part of the map and were someone else entirely.

The wandering prince, Zuko however, wasn't having an easy time. Due to the fact that they hadn't caused a scene everywhere they went due to timeline changes, Zuko and his crew were having a much harder time discovering the Avatar's trail.

Not only weren't they anywhere near the small fishing town during the time of the storm, they were several paces behind.

Iroh explaining to the crew how Zuko got his scar still happened nevertheless.

Please note that After EP 12 (The Storm) is EP 13 (The blue spirit) where Aang is captured by the Yuyan archers after going out to find medicine for Sokka who caught a fever due to being out at sea when the storm hit (Old timeline)

The effects of a butterfly flapping its wings emerged. Now was the time for the results to slowly unravel.
