A date with Cleo.

After Rex was kicked out of the room, Cleo let out a shaky breath, her cheeks flushing a soft pink. She could still feel the warmth of Rex's hand on her. Well, she didn't want to dwell on that. Clearing her mind, she straightened up just as Emilia's voice broke the silence.

"Lady Cleo, we have brought the dress you ordered from the city. Shall we assist you in dressing?" Emilia stood at the side of the bed, while two robot maids held up a gown of flowing white fabric, embroidered with intricate gold patterns.

Cleo nodded, hoping the busy work of dressing would distract her from the lingering heat in her cheeks. She focused on each careful movement as the maids began slipping the gown over her shoulders, adjusting layers, and fastening clasps. Almost two imperial hours later, she was finally ready.