Sharon secret.

The red leader grinned even wider, puffing out his chest as the wave of compliments continued. His ego was soaring higher than his fighter ever could. Each cheer, each word of praise, seemed to add another layer of smugness to his expression.

Carlos leaned against the doorway for a moment, watching the scene unfold with an amused smile. He could see exactly what kind of man the red leader was, confident, talented, and very aware of his own reputation. The sort of person who lived for praise and admiration.

After a moment, Carlos decided to interrupt the celebration. Clearing his throat loudly, he stepped forward. "Ehem," he began, drawing the group's attention. "I see you guys are having fun. Mind if I join?"

The laughter quieted down slightly as the group turned to look at him. The red leader raised an eyebrow, his expression a mix of curiosity and mild annoyance at the interruption.