The enemy in the shadows. {2}

"This is time I will never get back, and if I'm not seeing any credits come out of this, I won't be joining. Time is money, after all."

Percival clenched his jaw internally but kept his pleasant smile.

{Tsk. This damn money rat… I'll kill him next... after the human slave}

But on the outside, he simply let out a lighthearted chuckle.

"Oh, but of course, Viceroy Pax!" he exclaimed.

His hands spread in a welcoming gesture.

"Everything the traitor owns, from his ships, his factories, his resources... EVERYTHING!! can be divided among all of you once we have dealt with him."

He smiled warmly.

"After all, I seek only to eliminate a traitor for the greater good of our corporation." He gave a light shrug. "Riches? Pfft, what use are they to me?"

Pax studied him for a moment. Then, he smirked.

"Hmm… I see. If that's the case, then I'll join your war."