Another general's voice came through the comms, grim and heavy.
"It's true. Reports just came in. The moment the Holy City blew up, our main force walked into a trap in the forest. They were hit just as hard as we were."
Jiro clenched his fists, his nails digging into his palms."Damn it! Do we have any intel on the Saintess? Is she there?" The radio crackled again. "No reports yet. The main force must be in total disarray if we aren't getting updates."
Jiro gritted his teeth. His plan was unraveling, slipping through his fingers like sand in a storm. They had underestimated the enemy badly but he wasn't about to roll over and die. "Doesn't matter!" he shouted with his eyes burning with fury.
"We pull back NOW and hit them from the rear! ORDER YOUR MEN! WE'RE NOT DYING LIKE DOGS!"The battlefield was already a graveyard, but Jiro refused to let it become his.