
Gina Weasley: "How cute~...!!!"

At the Burrow, in Ottery St. Catchpole, the Weasleys' house seemed, in past times, to have been an old stone pigsty.

Over the years, new rooms had been added in a nearly chaotic manner, elevating the construction to several floors, so slanted that they appeared to be held together only by magic.

At that moment, Ginny was in her room, her face flushed with embarrassment.

She had forgotten that her messages in the group chat were visible to everyone and had accidentally let her true feelings slip. Fortunately, no one seemed to pay much attention.

Harry Potter: "Why do I feel like something is off? When I was a kid, I loved comic books... and Petunia was always so kind to me."

Hermione Granger: "Harry, this is a parallel world. Don't confuse it with our reality."

Igor Karkaroff: "Hmph. As a Muggle, it's natural to feel envious of those with magic. She's only being nice to you because she hasn't yet discovered you're a wizard."

Olympe Maxime: "Don't come here with that attitude, Karkaroff. You're scaring the younger ones."

Igor Karkaroff: "Olympe!!"

The contrasts between the two worlds were appearing faster than anyone could have imagined.

The Harry from the parallel world seemed far more advanced than the original... and, somehow, even more charming.

That thought crossed the minds of some young women, who found themselves secretly captivated by him.

[Lying in bed, Harry couldn't stop thinking about the Spider-Man story he had heard earlier. His thoughts wandered.]

["It would be amazing if I had powers like Spider-Man."]

[He murmured to himself, finding the idea absurd.]

[As he prepared to sleep, he felt something strange as he touched the blanket. His eyes snapped open, and to his surprise, the blanket was floating in front of him.]

[Harry blinked several times, confused, trying to figure out if he was dreaming. The sound of footsteps in the hallway brought him back to reality.]

[On impulse, he grabbed the blanket and pretended to be asleep as Aunt Petunia opened the door. She glanced quickly into the room to ensure Harry was sleeping, then left without noticing anything unusual.]

[After hearing the footsteps fade, Harry sat up and stared at the blanket, still perplexed.]

["What just happened? How did the blanket suddenly float like that? Could it be...?"]

[He reached out over the blanket and whispered.]


[Nothing happened. He laughed, slightly disappointed, and went back to sleep, not thinking much more about it.]

[In the following days, Harry kept asking Aunt Petunia to tell him more stories. His hunger for tales was insatiable, and within two months, he had already read all of Dudley's comic books.]

[One day, in his room, Harry sat in front of a desk where a quill rested. He closed his eyes, focusing deeply.]

[His breathing became steady, and his mind, clear. His eyes shone with determination as he spoke firmly.]


[It was as if something had been activated. The quill, which had been still on the desk, slowly floated toward his hand.]

[As soon as the quill touched his palm, the force disappeared, and it fell gently.]

["I see... To use this power, you need control, imagination, and, most importantly, belief in magic."]

[His eyes gleamed with excitement as he stared intently at his hands.]

["It seems like I'm the only one in the family with this ability. Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon never did anything like this. Could it be... that I'm a superhero?"]

[Harry smiled at the thought, and with renewed determination, he decided.]

["I need more knowledge!"]

[With that, he went to find Petunia.]


A collective gasp spread through the wizarding world. Not only wizards but even Muggles, though unaware, sensed that something strange was happening.

A child of only two years old... Why not just say Merlin has been reborn?

No... Could even Merlin be as impressive as this child!?

Gerardo Grindelwald: "...Albus, are my eyes deceiving me, or did that boy just use magic intentionally?"

Albus Dumbledore: "I believe you're seeing clearly, my friend. Magic is deeply connected to emotions and idealism."

"When thoughts are powerful enough, magic can manifest."

Hermione Granger: "Taking notes..."

Ravenclaw students: "Taking notes..."

As expected, classes hadn't even started yet, but a lioness and the eagles were already absorbing knowledge from the greatest wizards. They couldn't have been more satisfied.

Minerva McGonagall: "Even so, this doesn't seem normal for a two-year-old... Is all this really because of Muggle superhero stories?"

Filius Flitwick: "Haha, there's no doubt that the Potter from this world will be a little Ravenclaw. His thirst for knowledge is insatiable."

"And as a dueling champion, I'm sure he'll be fascinated by my tricks."

Filius couldn't help but imagine what it would be like if this genius were sorted into Ravenclaw, and a strange smile appeared on his face.