Blood Curse

Perhaps everyone, immersed in their positive thoughts, had forgotten that there was still an unknown reward. Fortunately, some people remained attentive.

Narcissa Malfoy: "If I'm not mistaken, the other reward was claimed by the little girl from the Greengrass family, right?"

Narcissa knew this girl well, as she not only belonged to one of the 28 sacred pure-blood families, but also had good looks.

For these reasons, Narcissa had already discussed the possibility of an arranged marriage with the Greengrass family, and one could say it was successful since a promise had been made.

However, she couldn't help but feel a certain concern. After all, her son's disappointing performance in the comparison room could tarnish Draco's image in front of the Greengrass family.

Thus, she could only hope that the Greengrass family would consider that Draco was still young and could improve in the future.

Gellert Grindelwald: "The third reward is a chance to remove a blood curse. I didn't expect there were still people with such a curse nowadays."

Rufus Scrimgeour: "Hmph! All thanks to those damned Dark Arts wizards. I regret not hunting down a few more while I was still an Auror."

Rabastan Lestrange: "Hehe! Such arrogance. I wonder if you'd have the courage to say that in front of a true Dark wizard, not just a few cannon fodder and street rats."

Kingsley Shacklebolt: "Please, don't compare yourselves to street rats. They aren't as detestable as you lot."

Rabastan Lestrange: "You!!!"

Despite the conversation veering off, at that moment, in the Greengrass family manor, in a room clearly decorated with a feminine touch, a lovely little girl with long black hair and tearful eyes was sitting with an anxious expression. She seemed unable to believe what she was seeing.

[Congratulations on obtaining the chance to eliminate the blood curse. Do you wish to remove the blood curse present in your body?]

It was clear that this little girl was Astoria Greengrass. Seeing the opportunity she had always wished for appearing before her like a lifeline, she didn't hesitate and quickly affirmed.

Just like before, the curtain of light emitted an intense glow, enveloping Astoria's entire body.

However, this time, Astoria wasn't teleported. Her expression contorted slightly due to the intense pain, as if something was being ripped out of her body.

In a short time, a crimson magical circle manifested on her body. The structure was incredibly complex; the number of visible runes on the surface of the binding matrix could reach thousands.

It was clear that the wizard responsible for crafting this circle was extremely skilled in magical runes, perhaps even more so than Dumbledore in this aspect.

Perhaps sensing the threat from the curtain of light, the blood curse began gathering Astoria's magic like a parasite, preparing to launch a devastating strike against the curtain.

But before it could react, the light curtain shot out a finger-thick beam of light, which, at the speed of light, pierced directly into the curse.

Without resistance, the blood curse magic circle began to melt. 

Yes! All the thousands of magical runes dissolved like snow meeting the sun.

Astoria opened her eyes at that moment, feeling a wave of relief wash over her body. A genuine joy bloomed in her heart.

The blood curse that haunted the Greengrass family dated back to generations past, when a distant ancestor, in a quest for power, made a dark pact with an extremely powerful Dark wizard.

In exchange for all his wealth and prestige, that ancestor received a forbidden magic.

He believed that nothing could happen to him with the support of the entire Greengrass family behind him, so he simply refused to pay the price of the deal.

However, the cost was terrible: a curse that would affect all future generations of his lineage.

Over the centuries, this curse weakened the health of the family members, especially the women, causing chronic illnesses and reduced life expectancy.

The curse slowly eroded the vitality of the young heiresses, and many had tried, without success, to break this cycle.

Astoria, from a young age, had suffered from this curse, being the latest victim of a burden that seemed impossible to eliminate, until now.

Astoria couldn't help but look at the curtain of light with complicated eyes. Harry Potter... What is he really like? Strange thoughts began to arise in her heart.

Without Harry knowing, a small fan of his other self had just emerged in this world. Now, Harry, like everyone else in the wizarding world, turned his focus back to the curtain of light.

Everyone now knew how extraordinary the rewards provided by the comparison room were and everyone began to concentrate, hoping that next time they would be able to answer the question correctly.

As they thought of possible questions, the enormous golden curtain began to tremble and slowly split into two curtains of light: one black and one white.

The black curtain flickered again, and it felt like it was time to stream the world of Harry Black again.