Magic Bestowal Is More Than Bestowing

"You know, this just doesn't make any sense!" Argider fumed, swinging her broken sword with all the frustration that had been building up in her chest.

The jagged wooden end whipped through the air, slamming into the ground with a force that made her knuckles ache. "I can bestow magic. Magic! But I can't even bestow it to myself! What kind of nonsense is that? And don't even get me started on how I can't bestow magic when I don't even have that magic!" She threw her hands up in exasperation, the broken sword hanging loosely from her grip.

"Well, you know, that's something I didn't understand either, back when I first started... but over time, I spent hours watching from the shadows, observing the flow of mana, reading it, feeling it..."

"So?" Argider snapped, her patience at the end of its tether. She glanced at him impatiently, raising a brow. "What did you learn? Spit it out already!"