The Human Intentions (2)

[Ongoing Editing]

The library was quiet as ever, the faint rustle of turning pages and the occasional clearing of a throat providing the only sounds. Argider strode in, her determination evident by her quick steps and the book tucked under her arm. She scanned the rows of shelves until she spotted her target: Mira Solren, sitting in the same chair as yesterday, her back straight, her gaze fixed on yet another heavy tome.

"Morning, Mira," Argider greeted, plopping into the chair across from her without waiting for an invitation.

Mira looked up briefly, her gray eyes coldly assessing. "You've returned."

"Of course I have!" Argider said, holding up the book she'd brought. "I've started reading The Laws of Power by Robert Grass. Thought I'd show you that I'm taking your advice seriously."

Mira's lips pressed into a thin line. "And your thoughts?"