A Favor

Liam reappeared in Ariana's room, the lingering myst energy of the portal fading around him like dissolving embers. His gaze swept across the space, quickly taking note of Ariana seated at her study table, immersed in a book.

His eyes then shifted toward the bed, where Nyxie was sprawled out, happily swiping at a ball of yarn. Her sleek tail flicked lazily, and her glowing blue eyes gleamed with playful focus as she batted the ball back and forth between her claws.

Liam exhaled softly before speaking. "Enjoying yourself?"

Nyxie's ears twitched at the sound of his voice. She froze mid-swat, blinking at him innocently—then promptly resumed her game, completely unbothered.

Ariana, finally noticing his presence, turned her head slightly. "You're back already?" she asked, marking her page before closing the book.

Liam gave a small nod. "Got what I needed."