Fire Myst Mastery Class: First Lesson

Professor Vale let the silence linger for a moment before turning to the blackboard. With a flick of his fingers, a wisp of flame sparked at his fingertips, then stretched into a thin line of fire. The flames danced in the air as if responding to his thoughts, and with a subtle motion, he directed them to write "Fire Myst Fundamentals" on the board. The letters burned brightly for a few seconds before fading into glowing embers that settled into the surface like ink.

"As this is your first official lesson, we will begin with the core principles of Fire Myst." He clasped his hands behind his back and paced slowly. "Tell me—what are the three main properties of fire in myst application?"

A few students hesitated, but one eventually raised their hand. "Uh… Heat, Light, and Destruction?"

"Close, but not quite." Professor Vale turned toward the class. "Anyone else?"