Charm In Darkness

Lily was still fearful of Azaroth, but she was learning from him-whether it be dark magic or pure physical strength, she was growing stronger. Despite the harshness of his lessons, she couldn't deny that his methods were making her more powerful. Azaroth, on the other hand, began to notice her resilience and the progress she was making, something he quietly respected, though he'd never admit it.

One day, after a particularly grueling session in the forest, she was returned to her cell, exhausted. When Azaroth arrived to give his usual speech, she could barely listen. Her body ached, and her patience was at its limit. Without thinking, the words slipped from her mouth:

 "Shut up."

If this had been her old self, she would've been terrified, falling to her knees and begging for forgiveness. She had just told the Demon King to shut up, after all. But now, she didn't feel that same terror. What worse could he put me through anyway? she thought, though there was still a flicker of fear. Yet, to her utter shock, Azaroth didn't lash out. Instead, he smiled an amused, almost playful smile and simply said, "Alright."

Her eyes widened, her mouth falling open in disbelief. 'This isn't the reaction I was expecting...'

And then, to make things even stranger, he started laughing at her expression, laughing. Her dumbfounded expression grew even more confused. 'The Demon King, the king of demons, was laughing…? No, wait, he could laugh…?'

Azaroth turned and left, still chuckling, leaving Lily frozen in place, after a while she finally came to her senses and processed what had just happened, a slight blush gracing her cheeks as she did.

After that day, something changed between them. Azaroth became… different. He wasn't overtly kind, but there was a shift. He seemed more protective, though he'd never admit it. He began taking subtle steps to ensure Lily wasn't harmed beyond repair. He sent stronger healers when she was hurt, instructed the guards to avoid unnecessary cruelty, and even reduced the severity of some training sessions. She also noticed small comforts—better food, a softer bed. Lily saw these changes and couldn't ignore them.

During one of their dark magic training sessions, she finally asked,

"Why… have you been so nice to me lately?"

"Nice?" Azaroth raised an eyebrow. "I've simply been lenient."

"Same thing," she countered.

"No, they're not the same," he replied.

"You're not even answering my question," she pressed, eyeing him curiously.

He looked at her thoughtfully. She had become so bold, ever since that moment when she dared to tell him to shut up. He sighed, trying to find the right words. "Sometimes… I feel the need to flee as well," he said, his voice uncharacteristically soft.

Lily frowned. "I don't understand. What does that have to do with this?"

"Why did you flee?" he asked, turning the question on her.

She hesitated before answering. "I… I felt trapped. I didn't have any control over my destiny, and, well, it was mostly an impulsive decision." She paused, wondering why she was being so honest with him. It felt strange.

Azaroth nodded slowly. "Being a ruler… you feel trapped sometimes. When you first arrived, I asked why you were running through the forest. You told me you fled. It was… comforting. Knowing that I wasn't the only one who felt the need to escape. So, I suppose I have some degree of sympathy for you."

His tone was still cold, but there was something almost tender hidden beneath it. Lily stayed silent for a long while, processing his words.

"…Good enough," she finally said, throwing one of his own dismissive compliment back at him with a smile. To her surprise, he chuckled.

"Alright, let's resume the lesson," Azaroth said, though Lily barely heard him. She was too lost in her own thoughts… and feelings. For the first time, she couldn't see him as just a cruel, unfeeling creature. She saw the burdens he carried, the weight of ruling a brutal kingdom, and how he stayed strong despite it all. He remained, when she had fled. 'It was… charming'.

She quickly pushed the thought away. 'Get a grip. He's the Demon King' she scolded herself and took a glance at his devastatingly handsome face. 'Does it… really matter?' she found herself wondering.

The lesson finished, and by the end of it, Lily had come to a decision: He could be a worm for all she cared—and he'd still be a damn cute worm.

Now… she just needed to figure out how to take that cute worm for herself. The how? Well, that, she had no idea.