About the Boy in the Bath Towel in the Alley at the Pier

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"Hey, wait a minute!" Just when Soma Yukihira was at a loss, considering whether his little arms and legs could twist around the group of black thugs in front of him, Jessica, who was sitting next to him with a bulging belly, suddenly spoke up after wiping her mouth.

"If you take him away, what will I do with my food in the future?"

"Woman, do you want to meddle in other people's business?" Flint frowned. He had heard of a woman named Jessica, who opened a detective agency in the chaotic neighborhood of Hell's Kitchen. He didn't know the specific information, but any woman who could gain a foothold in Hell's Kitchen was not someone who was easy to deal with.

"Hey, kid, I'll help you solve this problem. Just consider it as my meal payment." Jessica didn't bother to pay attention to Flint. Instead, she raised her eyebrows at Soma Yukihira and said with a smile.

"This way, neither of us will suffer any loss. I'll come again next time you make something delicious."

"Woman, do you want to go against our Hammerhead boss?" Flint didn't want to conflict with the woman in front of him, so he brought out the Hammerhead boss in the hope of scaring the other party off.

"Roll!" Jessica grabbed the solid wooden table in front of her with one hand and smashed it hard at Flint and the others.

"Oh my God!" For a moment, Soma Yukihira was stunned. This solid wood table is hard for several people to lift, but this Ms. Jessica in front of him... Could this be the legendary strongman?

In the small restaurant, there was a crackling sound, as if someone was demolishing the house.


"Is there really no other way?" Under the dim street lights, Yukihira Joichiro looked at Mr. Thompson in front of him and frowned.

"Before this, wasn't this dock in good condition?"

"There is no way." Thompson shook his head helplessly. "This is the territory of the Maggia Gang. If you want to survive here, you must obey their rules."

"Oh, I see." After a long silence, Yukihira Joichiro sighed. After watching the supplier disappear, he turned and walked towards the store, feeling heavy and stressed.

Unexpectedly, the Maggia Gang suddenly wanted to take back this dock. This dock was originally used to allocate goods and ships. These ships only needed to pay the corresponding protection fees to avoid any accidents. The Maggia Gang's own embargoed businesses all departed from their own dock.

Only... Judging from what Thompson said just now, the Maggia Gang seems to be planning to expand outward, and has even forced the port here to stop its transportation business.

It seemed like the Maggia gang was going to transport containerized cargo, and I didn't know if something big was going to happen. This might be a bit troublesome. For restaurant owners, the biggest fear is that suppliers will fail to deliver. Before this, Mr. Thompson had to go through a lot of selection before he finally found a relatively reliable supplier.

I didn't expect that in just one month, the port here could no longer receive any more goods. It seems that it will take time to find a new supplier. Thinking of this, Yukihira Joichiro couldn't help feeling a little depressed.

After a month of observation, he found that this world was completely different from their original world. This was a world that advocated the use of violence to determine status.

Especially in Hell's Kitchen, you can only survive if you have a strong fist, otherwise you have to follow other people's rules. This is completely different from the rules where they could originally compete with each other by cooking.

Living in Hell's Kitchen, with people dying around you almost every day, all kinds of people running rampant, and even gunfights breaking out from time to time, it's obviously not a safe place. But now even if they want to move the store, it is not that easy. At least they can't go anywhere before they get some funds.

No one knows when they will be able to complete the main mission and return to their original world. When he thought of this, Yukihira Joichiro felt even more pressured.

Just then, he suddenly heard a wailing sound coming from a dark corner on the side of the road.

Yukihira Joichiro paused and a look of hesitation appeared on his face. After living in Hell's Kitchen for even just a month, he understood the rules for surviving here - never meddle in other people's business.

Can... Yukihira Joichiro gritted his teeth. He took a deep breath, then turned and walked into the dark alley.


"Is there anyone here? I'm starving~" "Where on earth is this place? Why am I here?!"

Wrapped in a dirty bath towel, Sawada Tsunayoshi felt desperate. The curse of the Rainbow Seven was lifted, and Reborn, who had been away for a week, came back with the permission of the ninth-generation leader, who also promised Reborn to create a new generation of the Vongola family and become the New Vongola I.

Everything was going in a good direction. In the evening, my mother prepared a table full of delicious food to welcome Reborn's return.

He originally wanted to take a hot bath and then have a happy meal with everyone, but he just came out of the water wrapped in a bath towel when he came into this world inexplicably.

This is a chaotic neighborhood. Tsuna witnessed a violent robbery. The thugs walked away arrogantly with laughter, leaving the victim lying on the ground, not knowing whether he was dead or alive.

Most importantly, he found that the people around him seemed to have long been accustomed to this kind of thing and didn't even look at it. People passing by seemed to leave with their tails between their legs, as if they were afraid that this group of guys would target them next.

Probably because he was only wearing a bath towel, the thugs ignored him and walked right past him.

Holding on to the wall tremblingly, Tsuna groped his way towards the orange light not far away. When Yukihira Joichiro walked into the alley, he happened to see this scene.

This is? Yukihira Joichiro noticed Tsuna's white name at a glance. It was obvious that this young man was also a player and belonged to the same camp as them.

Really. His heart sank. It seems that his previous analysis was correct. In this world, there are indeed other players besides them.

Looking up at Tsuna, who was leaning against the wall with a look of confusion on his face, he thought that this boy looked about the same age as his son, and they were in the same camp, so why not...

A hint of pity flashed across Yukihira Joichiro's eyes, and he made up his mind.

"You are also a player, right? You are the same age as my son. If you can, come with me."

Tsuna looked at the middle-aged man who suddenly appeared in front of him, especially the name on his head that was the same color as his, and it was like he saw a ray of light.

Just like that, Yukihira Joichiro took Tsuna away from the dark and smelly alley.

Trying hard to collect, recommend, and comment, I want interaction!

End of this chapter