Wade Wilson Strikes!

Guys there is already content on patreon, if anyone wants to become a genin or chunin.

patreon.com/Chuga320. (Have more than 10 additional chapters)


"No time, screw it, I can do this."

Wade patted his head and reloaded the only remaining bullet in his body.

"Nine, ten, eleven, twelve bullets, and a life. Stop the car!"


Dofind stepped on the brakes subconsciously. The taxi suddenly made a harsh sound of tire friction.

"Twenty-seven dollars and a half."

"I never carry a wallet when I'm working. It would ruin the beautiful lines of my uniform." Wade touched his body. It didn't look like there was any place to put a wallet in his tights. Then he turned his head and said seriously, "How about we give each other a high five?"


High five for success.

"Merry Christmas!"

Wade opened the car door and prepared to get out.

"Happy Tuesday and April to you too, Mr. Deadpool."

Dofind held the steering wheel and waved with a bright smile. Just because of the advice Mr. Deadpool had given him before - about Geeta and his cousin Bando. He felt that twenty-seven dollars and fifty cents was not a big deal here. Who makes him and Mr. Deadpool the same kind of people?

There is a busy traffic on Leifeld Road and Niceza Road. Wade, wearing a red tights, sat on the guardrail, swinging his legs, drawing a portrait of his arch-enemy, who he thought looked particularly like him, while music played from an old-fashioned radio next to him.

"Hey yeah, I want to soooooo tonight, soooo hey hey hey hey..."

In the distance, several black Mercedes-Benz G500s were speeding towards them.

"Oh~ the bad guy is coming."

Wade smiled brightly.

"Full fire!"

The next second, he leaped up with his arms outstretched, and the force of the impact from top to bottom directly shattered the top window.

"Hey, where's Francis?"

Wade waved in a friendly manner. The people in the car were stunned at first, and then a hint of ruthlessness appeared in their eyes. The bearded man on the left threw a punch, aiming directly at the head.

"What? What are you doing?"

Although Wade kept talking, his waist suddenly twisted to the left, his left foot rolled forward and to the left, and his right hook went straight to the bearded man's nose.

Bang! There seemed to be a sound of a broken nose in the car, and at the same time, accompanied by a scream, several other people rushed towards Wade at the same time. He just leaned sideways and swept out with his right arm. Just as it was about to touch the fat man on his right side, his arm hit him in the chest with an elbow. The fat man felt a tightness in his chest, his vision went dark, and he fell into the back seat, unconscious.

At this moment, Wade felt someone hugging his left leg and a strong wind blew in his ears. He bent his left elbow to block, used his left leg as his center of gravity, and kicked the enemy's lower body with his right foot. In an instant, a scream like a pig being slaughtered resounded throughout the car.

At the same time, the fat man who had fainted also found a place to use his skills. Wade picked up the fat man with both hands and threw him directly at the big man sitting in the driving seat.

"Target shooting."

Then he flipped backwards and threw the fat man towards the back of the car. I don't know whether the trunk was not closed properly to begin with or was knocked open by the fat man. I just saw him holding on to the rear bar of the trunk tightly and shouting for help. "Help!"

Listening to the heart-wrenching cry for help, Wade looked at the fat man's miserable appearance and laughed out loud.


Suddenly. A bald man rushed over and pressed Wade's head tightly against the back of the driver's seat.

"Luxury Corinthian leather."

Wade still looked calm. The next second, he turned left with an elbow and kicked the bald man behind him away.

"I'm looking for Francis. Have you seen this man?"

Wade took out the painting he had just finished. However, this group of guys were like indestructible cockroaches, flying upwards madly.

"Oh no! Did I forget to turn off the stove when I left the house?"

Wade pondered as he dealt with these idiots with ease.

In the chaos, the Mercedes-Benz crashed into the highway railing nearby. Immediately afterwards, a series of bangs were heard. However, in just a blink of an eye, more than a dozen cars collided with each other, and smoke and dust rose up.


The roar of the helicopter propellers was deafening, and the voice of the female anchor was transmitted to every TV and radio.

"Breaking news, a series of car crashes occurred on the intercity highway this morning. The chaos further escalated into a gunfight. The resulting traffic jam prevented the police from reaching the scene. Citizens are advised to stay at home. The armed attackers are very dangerous and are wearing red clothes. All activities in and out of the highway are temporarily closed..."

Xavier School for the Gifted.

"Damn it, Deadpool!"

When Colossus saw the news about the shooting, he was eating breakfast. When the thug in the red tights appeared, he subconsciously clenched his fists and slammed them hard on the table, and his face became quite ugly.

"Warhead, let's go, we have a mission!"

"Colossus, wait, why are you in such a hurry?" Bullet caught up with him from behind.

"I've given Deadpool so many opportunities to join us, but he'd rather act like a brat, and he's still a fully armed brat. When will he be able to mature and understand the benefits of being a member of the X-Men?"

Colossus was so angry at this time. If only Deadpool could be a little more well-behaved and not always get into big troubles, he could have had more peace and quiet for a while. But Deadpool is like a time bomb. Something will happen if left outside. Only by bringing him into the X-Men and watching this madman every day can Colossus feel at ease.

When he opened the door of the villa, he suddenly seemed to remember something, paused, and then turned and walked towards the backyard.

"Where are you going?"

Bullet looked at Steel Force blankly. What was this big guy thinking today? Why was he running to the backyard when the gate was here?

"Go find Tina. Her abilities can come in handy. I will never let Deadpool go this time!" Colossus said seriously, "And if we fight together, maybe she can get to know us X-Men better, so she can turn from evil to good and join us."

"Join us?" Bullet curled his lips and said, "Tina has her own organization, how could she join us?"

"That Emperor Foundation?" Colossus pouted in disdain. "I've never heard of it. Besides, if I join the X-Men and become a member of it, there are many benefits."

"What's the benefit?" Bullet raised an eyebrow and couldn't help complaining, "It's a tights that everyone wears, or a house that explodes every few years."

"Please." Colossus explained seriously, "The school explosion will only make us stronger. By the way, have you had breakfast? Breakfast is the most important meal of the day."

Colossus said as he handed the protein bar in his hand to Warhead, "Here, protein bar, it's good for your bones. Deadpool might want to break your bones."

"Uh, I think you're overthinking it."

Dantou looked at the protein bar in his hand with a frown and put it into his pocket.

End of this chapter