chapter.2 :Phoenix Empire

The streets of Aurelian, the capital of the Phoenix Empire, were alive with celebration as thousands gathered in squares and streets to mark Founding Day. Colorful flags fluttered above the buildings, and lively music mixed with the clamor of vendors and the chatter of residents. The atmosphere was charged with joy and anticipation, as the city reveled in a collective euphoria, united under the empire's banner. Everyone knew this day was special; it wasn't just a celebration but a reminder of a glorious past and a bright future.

Amidst the noise and festivity, Oliver, a tall man dressed in a light brown shirt and loose blue trousers, walked with a smile, observing the jubilant crowd putting the final touches on their stalls in preparation for the main festival that evening.

His attention was soon drawn to the red flags raised high, emblazoned with the empire's emblem: a phoenix with wings spread proudly and a radiant golden sun behind it, reflecting the grandeur and power of the Phoenix Empire.

As he strolled among the stalls, Oliver recalled the shopping list he had prepared earlier. A few more steps led him to a small bakery run by Mrs. Martha, the kind elderly woman he had known for years. Martha was a warm-hearted lady known for her delicious pies and ever-present smile.

"Good morning, Martha!" Oliver said kindly as he approached the counter filled with fresh pastries. "As always, your pies look wonderful. I'll need some loaves of bread, fresh butter, and perhaps... a pie or two, if you don't mind."

Martha chuckled softly as she gathered his order. "Oliver, you know I can't let you leave without some pie. How are you today? It looks like the celebrations will be huge this year."

Oliver took the loaves and pies from her with a warm smile. "I'm well, Martha. And you? The festivities look promising, and I'm looking forward to seeing the city shine tonight."

Martha looked at him with affectionate eyes and said, "You're always so busy, but I'm glad to see you taking some time for yourself. Enjoy the pies, and if you need anything else, you know where to find me."

Oliver bade her farewell and was about to leave when he suddenly stopped, as if remembering something. He turned to Martha and, somewhat awkwardly, asked, "By the way, how are Grandma Millie and the children?"

Martha smiled kindly and replied in a gentle tone, "Millie and the children are well. The kids were especially excited about you coming today to take them to the festival."

Oliver smiled in relief and nodded. "That's reassuring."

He waved goodbye, feeling grateful for this simple moment that provided warmth amidst the city's hustle. With the bakery items and pastries he had bought, Oliver continued on his way, heading towards the main square to purchase the remaining ingredients, as he needed to buy a lot today.

As Oliver made his way to the main square, he felt the warm afternoon breeze weaving through the narrow alleys. The sun was high in the sky, casting golden rays over Aurelian, giving the city a special glow. The market was bustling with people looking for light lunches or buying their daily necessities.

Oliver stopped at a dried fruit vendor, carefully selecting the best pieces. As he examined the fruits, he overheard a side conversation between two vendors discussing the night's preparations and anticipated surprises. They talked about a grand light show that would illuminate the city's sky, accompanied by music that narrated the founding of the empire.

"It seems this year will be quite different, doesn't it?" Oliver said to the vendor while paying for the fruits.

The vendor replied enthusiastically, "Definitely! The Emperor himself will attend the show this year. Everyone is talking about the surprises he will bring."

Oliver felt a mix of curiosity and concern. These celebrations that draw the Emperor's attention often carry more than meets the eye. But now was not the time for worry; he needed to focus on completing his shopping.

After gathering the remaining ingredients, Oliver headed home through the alleys now buzzing with lights and music. He pondered the evening and what it might bring. He thought of Martha and her warm pies, and the flags fluttering proudly. The city was on the brink of an unforgettable night, and Oliver, in his calm way, was preparing to partake in this grand event.

Oliver continued walking for about ten minutes before reaching the street leading to his apartment. He paused for a moment, thinking quietly, "It's really nice to live close to the heart of the capital."

He smiled faintly before climbing the remaining steps and inserting the key into his apartment door. As he entered and closed the door behind him, he noticed a slight movement in the dark corner of the room. He froze for a moment and then said coldly, "I know you're there. Come out now."

Suddenly, a handsome man emerged from the shadows, dressed in smart work clothes that included a dark jacket and a white shirt, as if he had just come from a formal meeting. He raised his hands in surrender and said with a smile, "Calm down, Oliver, there's no need for threats. It's me."

Oliver smiled, though his surprise was evident. "Joseph? What are you doing here?"

Joseph sat on the couch near Oliver and began speaking casually, reflecting his cheerful personality. "Oh, just bringing some urgent news. I had a feeling your day was long, so I thought I might be of help."

Joseph took a deep breath before continuing, "There wasn't enough time to convey everything through messages. The organization is facing serious changes, and there are details you need to know."

Oliver, who was listening intently, urged him to continue. "What happened?"

Joseph continued, maintaining his calm tone, "We had an underground operation in the Abraham Empire. We found a mutilated corpse, and it seems the experiments conducted on it were brutal. There's evidence that slaves were used in inhumane experiments. We found slave purchase documents at the same site."

"That's very concerning," Oliver commented, focusing. "But what about the academy?"

Joseph replied with a gentle smile, "Ah, the academy. As you requested, I secured a position for you as a professor at Phoenix Academy. Unfortunately, regarding the children, I tried to get them in, but they need to pass the tests themselves."

Oliver, who had been planning for this moment, reassured him, "Don't worry, I've prepared them well; they're capable of passing the tests."

Joseph looked at Oliver with curiosity, "Why go to such lengths? Why are you so invested in getting the children into the academy and training them personally? True, they are Ryan's children, but sometimes going this far might expose them to greater risks. Perhaps you could help them in another way or find someone to adopt them to keep them away from the harsh life of mages."

Oliver took a deep breath before answering, "I've considered that too, but do you think in the coming years there won't be another major war like the one that happened five hundred years ago? Tensions between the Phoenix Empire and the Abraham Empire are rising, and who knows if other empires will intervene. The situation is dangerous, and no one can guarantee survival. It may be selfish of me, but I at least want them to have some ability to protect themselves and experience a normal school life as children."

Joseph smiled at his naivety, saying cheerfully, "I was sure you would think of it this way. I expected nothing less from you."

Then, teasing Oliver, he said, "Maybe you should start looking for a beautiful girl to marry, especially since you're now twenty-seven. You might make a good father."

Oliver laughed, saying, "Maybe, but that's not on my agenda right now. Let's focus on what's more important."

As Joseph prepared to leave, Oliver asked curiously, "What about the Emperor? Why is he coming out this year?"

Joseph paused for a moment before saying, "I suppose it's due to the strained relations with the Abraham Empire. He might have plans to address the worsening situation."

Oliver nodded thoughtfully, considering the challenges ahead. When Joseph vanished into the darkness, Oliver remained in his apartment, preparing to face the risks and challenges tied to recent events.